Online Games: Disassemble equipment to become stronger

Chapter 401 The Trouble Of Growing Too Fast! Chen Yi’S Thoughts!

Chen Yi nodded.

He was thinking about the words of the phantom man Moosa.

According to what he said, Blue Star's first civilization promotion should not be a big problem.

Success is sure to succeed.

However, it would naturally be better if there were more people with high combat power!

Able to minimize damage to Blue Star.

But...the second civilization promotion.

As long as Chen Yi's real four-dimensional attribute reaches 100 billion, it can be triggered.

Probably, the next time, which is the fifth origin transformation, is completed, which is almost enough.


Mosa said that if you want to pass the challenge and advance to level 2 civilization, you need to face a random challenge content.

These challenges are very difficult.

The simplest monster-killing guard Blue Star requires someone to comprehensively evaluate the combat power to reach 100 billion, plus 5 million people with combat power exceeding 1 million.

The first point is not difficult.

Comprehensive assessment of combat power = four-dimensional attributes × combat power coefficient.

Either improve the four-dimensional attributes or increase the combat power coefficient.

Chen Yi's current combat power coefficient is 40%, which means that if his four-dimensional attributes reach 250 billion, his combat power can be estimated at 100 billion;


Increase the combat power coefficient to 100%.

This requires him to have more and more powerful cross-border equipment, skills, mounts, pets, props, etc.

Chen Yi is not worried at all about the combat power reaching 100 billion.


The second point is to have 5 million people with a combat strength of more than 1 million.

This made Chen Yi feel a little troubled.

Not to mention 5 million, even 50, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

no way.

Blue Star is developing so fast!

According to Mosa, there was a gap of one year between the challenge of promoting them to Level 1 civilization and the challenge of promoting Level 2 civilization!

It sounds like one year is relatively fast in the galaxy they know.

And Blue Star...

It takes less than a week to get in touch with Origin Games!

The conditions for promotion to level 1 civilization have been met!

As for the conditions for promotion to level 2 civilization, Chen Yi could complete it within a day or two if he wanted to.


Because Chen Yi's development is too terrifying!

As a result, there is not much time left for the development of Blue Star people.

"Is it true Moosa said, I should suppress my development a little and let other players slowly catch up?"

Even though he and the five girls are already level 40, their equipment is all epic-artifact equipment, and their attributes are also good.

There are also top players like Wang Xiangcong and Wu Teng, who are also around level 40, and they often use diamond sets and epic sets.


According to his understanding, except for these few top players, the vast majority of Blue Star players, 99.999% of the players, are not above level 35, and their equipment is basically a mix of bronze and gold.

Even after four transformations, not many of these ordinary players can actually have attributes exceeding 10,000.

They even struggled to kill the leader-level BOSS.

Just like what is shown in the long-term ranking list of ascending to the gods.

This is the speed and development level of ordinary players.

"If we have to wait for them to reach 1 million comprehensive combat strength... how long will it take?" Chen Yi sighed.

Although there are now things that accelerate development such as the Long Stage of God Ascension, the Blue Dragon Heart Fragment Protective Stone, and the Transformation Essence, it is still very far away for ordinary players to reach one million combat power. It is estimated that they will not reach it within two or three months.

"This road doesn't seem to work."

What's more!

Chen Yi was unwilling to wait so long to suppress his growth.

Although Chen Yi can accumulate his own copper coins during this period of time, wait for two months for players to catch up, and then decompose and explode all at once, he will also get a huge improvement.


In this case, his level will not be upgraded, and even all players will have to level up without triggering the origin transformation.

If you don’t level up, you won’t be able to unlock many gameplay features.

Just like this long step to ascend to the gods, it is such a powerful way to increase the speed of development.

If the gameplay is not unlocked, the development of mass players will be greatly limited.

After all, they don't have the talent to continuously increase their attributes.

Say it again!

Chen Yi is worried about the most important thing!

That is, whether Mosa's words are true!

Chen Yi believed that most of what he said was true.

However, the most terrifying thing is when 9 percent truth is mixed with 1 percent lie.

If this Mosa is an alien civilization, it is not the prehistoric civilization of Blue Star.

What if this ghost video is a trap and a trap set by alien civilization?

This story was deliberately used to deceive Blue Star, so that the top players of Blue Star would adopt a plan to suppress their own development and wait for the players in the middle to catch up, as Mosa said.

In this way, Blue Star will be useless.

Taking a step back, even if what Mosa said is true.

If Chen Yi suppresses his development, then Blue Star will lack top players and top combat power. If an alien civilization really invades at this time, Blue Star will also be in great danger!



Chen Yi does not intend to easily choose to suppress his own development and wait for other players.

"Let's take a step and see."

Origin has only arrived for about a week, and Chen Yi knows very little about the entire universe and the Origin game.

Making decisions easily can lead to mistakes.

"Anyway...Blue Star hasn't even received the notification of promotion to level 1 civilization."

"Tomorrow is just a simulation battle for civilization promotion."

Let’s take a look at the situation for tomorrow’s simulated battle.

This Mosa, to put it bluntly, is a person from the level 1 civilization. Most of his knowledge was obtained from the level 3 Tianyuan civilization.

Maybe, what he said is not entirely correct.

"As long as you become stronger! It doesn't matter!"

Even if the level 2 civilization promotion challenge is triggered, there are still a few days to prepare.

In a few days, there is a lot of room for improvement for Chen Yi.

Chen Yi regained his concentration and relaxed his frown.

He finally knew why the origin game came to Blue Star.

It seems that every civilization will usher in this origin game when the civilization reaches around level 0.7.


Why did he travel through time to Blue Star?

There is still no answer to this point.

Chen Yi believes that in the near future, as he becomes stronger and stronger, he will eventually know this!

As for those Suppressing Dragon Army and scientific researchers, they don't have such a good attitude as Chen Yi.

They all froze in place, extremely shocked, and feeling very confused and helpless.

"Is what he said true? If the civilization fails to advance... will the entire civilization be destroyed?"

"Who knows."

"However, listening to his experience and the stories he told are very similar to what is happening in our Blue Star now. It's terrifying to think about it!"

"Oh, I'd rather believe it. Fortunately, we now know the importance of this civilization promotion and how to deal with it!"

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