Under the successive blasts, this blow killed hundreds of players.

"President! Let's withdraw!"

Seeing this scene, Qiu Rang's face turned pale.

In order to kill the BOSS, as the president, he directly assembled [-] members to attack the BOSS regardless of the opposition of the staff.

But now it has come to such an end.

In front of a powerful BOSS, no player can resist twice.

Qiu Rang gritted his teeth: "No, since you're here, you can't come in vain, at least you have to figure out the boss's skills."

[Qiulang] ordered: "All players, try to delay as much as possible, and the recorder will record the BOSS action! Let the analyst handle it! Be sure to analyze each skill's hand-raising action, damage range, cooldown time, and damage amount clearly!"

Ten minutes passed-

Even if they changed from offense to defense and delayed their efforts with all their might, Feisha Guild would still be completely wiped out.

The paper couldn't contain the fire, and soon, the Feisha Guild discovered the boss and conducted a challenge, and it was spread out.

"The Feisha Guild is completely destroyed! 》

"Attributes of the Novice Village BOSS"

"The strongest BOSS, the live reproduction of the copy of ten thousand people. 》

"Little Li sees the world!Raiders BOSS most ideal analysis! 》

For a time, all kinds of news flew out and instantly became the biggest hot topic in the community.

This is the last BOSS players have to face, and no one does not pay attention.

Especially the major guilds, it has almost become their responsibility to defeat this boss.

Counting on the Raiders of the scattered players, what year and month will it be?

Among them, several reports were written by players who experienced that battle.

At the same time, the video of Feisha Guild's strategy on BOSS was also circulated on the Internet.

That's a horrible sight.

With one punch, there are hundreds of casualties, and the player group collapses.

In the end, 200 people only dealt [-] million damage to the boss. On average, one person only hit [-] points of output.

[Qiulang] Return to the guild base.

"Analyst, is the analysis complete?"

A man with glasses looked at the data in his hand and replied, "The analysis is complete."

"In your opinion, in an ideal state, what level of team is needed to complete the strategy?"

"In my opinion, only 110 people have reached level [-], and they have a certain level of equipment, and the main attribute value per capita must be at least [-]. Under skilled command, it is possible to win."

[Qiulang] Obviously a little dissatisfied with the analysis results, so he frowned: "Can't the requirements be lower?"

The analyst bit his lip: "With 100 attribute points, 20% of the people are level 0.1, and the rest are level [-]. This is the limit. No matter how low it is... the probability of strategy is less than [-]%."

[Qiulang] sighed.

"Okay, then hurry up and level up, wait until all the members are level [-], and then try again, this time, you must get the first boss kill before Monsoon Town!"

"That Hengluo can single out the Nightmare dungeon, but in the face of such thousands of dungeons, one's strength is also very small, we can beat him, only this chance.".

Chapter [-]: I can see the boss!

All [-] players joined Lu Cang's team.

Suddenly, Xingchun's message box kept shaking wildly.

"Achun, have you looked at the community?"

The one who sent him the news was his competitor [Shen Yan Si]

"Community? Why are you looking at that? It's not all the navy who are pouring water, nothing serious."

Zhenyan Division: "No, you click in to see, the Feisha Guild has conducted a BOSS strategy."

Xingchun heard that, and hurriedly clicked on the [Community] interface to view it.

"Flying Sand Guild Raiders BOSS Live"

Click to enter the video.

In the video, there is a mountain giant as huge as a hill.

Players don't even have it as big as a fingernail.

Xingchun was deeply shocked by this scene: "This... is too strong."

Then, it was a one-sided situation.

The mountain giant punched the ground, a shock wave spread, and hundreds of corpses flew into the air.

Wherever you go, push it straight.

And the damage of the players fell on it, like a tickling.

Under huge pressure, players can't find a comfortable output point at all.

Even if the opponent is huge, his defense is extremely high, and the damage to him is actually only a dozen points.

Punch, punch, punch—

one foot-

The Feisha Guild was gradually destroyed under the shock wave of the opponent's repeated movements.

In the end, Feisha players had lost the idea of ​​outputting, and the only thing they wanted was to avoid attacks and survive.

However, the scope of the shock wave is too large, and there is no way to avoid it.

Xingchun swallowed with a saliva: "This is the BOSS we are going to face?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible to beat such a thing."

In the picture, the BOSS is too powerful.

The blood of the BOSS, in the whole battle, only lost a layer of blood skin.

Not even one-twentieth of the blood lost.

The uneasy Xingchun looked at Hengluo who was leading the way in front of him, and felt uneasy in his heart.

Wouldn't this be pulling their two guilds to death?

Zhenyan Division: "The analyst's analysis results are also out."

"The minimum team configuration must be 110 people, all at level [-], and the main attribute needs to be above [-], and there must be a strict occupation ratio. After familiarizing with the boss skills many times, it is possible to kill the boss."

Seeing Zhenyansi's private chat, Xingchun's brows became tighter and tighter.

There are [-] of them now, and the level is only five.

It is similar to the Feisha Guild that was destroyed by the group in the video.

The only difference is that Heng Luo leads the team.

But no matter how strong Hengluo is, he is only one person after all. Can he still compete with a BOSS as big as a mountain?

These [-] people are nothing more than enough. If they really have to face that huge BOSS, they have no chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Xing Chun sighed.

Heng Luo guessed that he just discovered the boss by chance, and he was full of confidence and wanted to challenge.

If Heng Luo is persuaded here, they don't need to take this group of elites to die.

Death reduces experience.

Moreover, the early upgrade time is precious, and a lot of progress will be left behind every time I go.

During this period, the top ten guilds were all racing against time to seize the opportunity.

Taking the next step may be a natural difference in the future.

"Mr. Hengluo, look at the community, it seems that there is news of a boss strategy in Huangsha Town."

Xingchun intends to remind Heng Luo in a polite and euphemistic way.

"Oh, I know."

Lu Cang showed no sign of opening the community at all, and continued to lead the team to the east.

"Mr. Heng Luo, the boss seems to be very powerful."

Xingchun continued to remind.

However, Lu Cang completely ignored it.

"Cough, Mr. Heng Luo, this strategy is very likely to fail. Our Qunxing Guild is willing to send the best analysts and strategists to analyze the BOSS in an all-round way, and come back to the strategy after making sufficient preparations."

When Xingchun said this, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

His own strength is one aspect, but his own strength has nothing to do with the ability to lead the team.

In his opinion, Lu Cang seemed to be a little too arrogant.

Lu Cang still ignored it, and continued to march towards the canyon ahead with his team.

[Monsoon Grand Canyon-Explored]

"Mr. Heng Luo..."

Lu Cang was a little impatient: "Come on, shut up and follow."

Xinghe is also a little unhappy: "The boss is so powerful, there is always a way, Xiaochun, don't mind your own business."

Xingchun sighed in her heart, unable to express her bitterness.

It's not that he doesn't want to believe Heng Luo, but this BOSS is too strong!

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