And active activation, increasing the movement speed by 200%, is even more of a heaven-defying existence, who can catch up with this?

As for the 5% chance of physical immunity, it is like a magical skill.

"One SSS-level talent is so awesome, I can have more than one at the same time, in this life, no one can stop him from becoming a god!".

update rules


.In order to ask for all the data, so

.More 1+ reward and beat three people or

, ticket month 01

, more 1 + fare comment 003 day single

, more 1+ flower fresh 0001 day order

, more 5 bottom guarantee..Tired of dying, everyone is after all, and even more limited

Chapter [-]: Kill the Black Rat King!

Lu Cang clicked on the second skill in the skill tree: [Reinforcement]

This is the skill of the knight profession.

Knights generally exist as the T in the front row, and they are all covered in skills that reduce damage, improve double resistance, and increase toughness.

And there is a certain self-recovery ability.

It is a profession that can resist and fight. In the later game, it is also the main T, resisting waves of attacks from players of major civilizations.

[Reinforcement: Increase your own injury-free rate by 20%, but at the same time reduce your own movement speed by 20%, duration: 5 seconds]

Like the ghost step, the solidification was brushed by a golden light the moment it was clicked, and the skill icon changed to a brand new appearance.

[Eternal Firmness (Evolution of Firmness) (LV: 5): Passively increases the self-injury rate by 20%]

[Active activation: increase self-injury rate by 60%, and immune to all controls, duration: 5 seconds, cooldown: 30 seconds]

"Active activation, 80% injury-free rate, this is almost equivalent to invincibility."

"Free from control and invincible."

This skill, even in the previous life, even in the late stage, is a divine skill.

Yet he has it now.

"Is this the power of SSS-level talent?"

After experiencing the horror of SSS-level talent firsthand, Lu Cang couldn't help but think of his previous life. Those guys from the Spiritual Race were really blessed.

No wonder humans have been defeated so badly.

It's just a talent that doesn't have to be played.

After the two skill points came out, Lu Cang already had the three means of outputting, running away, and dying.

Afterwards, Lu Cang walked towards the mission location.

"Five thousand experience points, enough for me to rise to the fourth level."

But next, we must consider how to fight the boss in this world.

【Dilapidated thatched hut】

Lu Cang came to the hut.

This place is very remote, and ordinary players will not walk around here at all.

[Dilapidated thatched hut - hidden copy - do you enter? 】

[Enter the pre-requisite: activate the mission: clear the black rat king]

"Actually there is still a task ahead, it seems that only I took it."

Lu Cang didn't plan to let his teammates do this task together.

Lord-level BOSS, the reward is unique, and the experience of the Lord is also very high.

If you form a team, you must share experience.

What Lu Cang needs most is experience to level up, and he doesn't want others to share it equally.

The team formed before was also to gain experience more efficiently.

If Lu Cang could do it alone, he would do it.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw a huge black mouse with shady fur gnawing with his back to him.

【Black Rat King】

Rating: 5

Tier: Lord

Skills: Bite, scratch, plague attack.

The specific HP value and other detailed attributes will not be seen by the player.

"The Black Rat King? Just in time to try it out with you."

Lu Cang's strength value at this time has reached 161.

This is an attribute that even a tenth-level warrior may not possess.

The power of a giant's bite is too much.


The Black Rat King is huge, but his movements are not slow. He turned around instantly and sprinted towards Lu Cang.

However, in Lu Cang's eyes, the speed that the other party thought was very fast was extremely slow.

For the powerhouse who needs thousands of arrows to shuttle in the future.

Dynamic vision and reaction speed have already reached their peak.

This level of speed is too slow!


A paw shot.

Lu Cang just moved his body slightly, and then slashed out with a sword!


Under the [Blessing of the Ghost Wind], all of Lu Cang's equipment ignored the weight, which also made the giant sword, which had become heavy due to its weight, extremely light in Lu Cang's hands.

After the sword was cut out, it was followed by another sword!


Obviously, Lu Cang's behavior angered the Black Rat King.


From all directions, little black mice sprang out from the cracks in the wall.

"The blood volume of this black rat king is estimated to be five thousand."

From the blood loss of these two swords, Lu Cang roughly guessed the upper limit of the opponent's blood volume.

From all directions, little black mice rushed over.

The corner of Lu Cang's mouth twitched slightly.

Raise your sword!

【Shock Crash】


The wooden floor shattered with cracks!


Under this blow, the BOSS's HP has already dropped by more than half.

And the little mice around were all dead.

This huge [Black Rat King] was directly hit by Lu Cang, and his whole body was stunned.

Before he could react, he saw a series of shocks rushing out of the cracks in the ground!


At this moment, the Black Rat King's blood volume was only half left.

And the second group of mice that rushed over were all dead.

"Comfortable, this hurts."

A fifth-level lord must have a very high attack sum. At the same time, five thousand blood is also a very thick blood volume for players.

Even a level [-] player would probably only cause fifty or sixty damage per attack.

But if he was touched by the black rat king during this period, it would be the end of death.

For a team of five people, the fault tolerance rate is almost 0.

Even if a player receives this quest, after failing once, they will consider taking the challenge again at level [-] or [-], after the equipment is formed.

Lu Cang moved lightly, with the [Blessing of Ghost Wind], he is now extremely flexible.

The physical attack of the Black Rat King could not attack him at all.

Dodging the skills for three seconds, at the same time, he also made up the knife in the gap of dodging.

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