Rating: 20

HP: 8,000,000/8,000,000

Physical Attack Power: 107,914, Magic Attack Power: 51,310

Defense: 8970/10,489

Skills: Blessing LV: 5, Rebirth LV: 5, Endless Fire Trial LV: 5, Fire Carnival LV: 5, Resurrection Blessing, Soul Fire Will LV: 5

"Hahaha! It's been a hundred years! It's finally here!"

"Dragon! Your blood will be my opportunity to break the seal! Thank you for your sacrifice for me to break the seal!"


In an instant, the entire hall was ablaze with raging flames.

At the same time, a burning state appeared on all the undead.

[Endless Fire Trial LV: 5]

This BOSS will also have the skills of the Fire Spirit.

However, he was released from the beginning.

The raging fire burns all the undead.

But every undead did not lose blood.

【Biyin Pendant·Gold】

[Effect: All friendly units you control will recover 5% of their maximum health per second]

In addition, every undead has a LV: 5 regeneration skill.

I only saw the body of the undead, and the blood volume jumped slightly and repeatedly.





How much blood is lost, how much blood is recovered.

The moment the BOSS skill was activated, Lu Cang did not hesitate, and immediately started to act.

God slaying!


This boss was not a pure elemental body, and Lu Cang's physical damage played a role again.

After Zhushen used it, Lu Cang directly switched to the staff.

The dagger returned, and fourteen phantoms suddenly spun.

In an instant, Lu Cang took out his staff.

Instantly activate [Extreme Cloud Storm]

A tornado rose, rising directly from the ground to the ceiling.

Although there is no active weapon skill, the damage of Extreme Cloud Storm itself is still considerable.

The most important thing is that after the release, there is no need for Lu Cang to maintain it.

【Aurora Ring·Gold】

[Effect: All your attacks have a 10% chance to blind the enemy for 1 second. 】

Hundreds of wind slashes were released from the tornado.

The tornado and the BOSS almost overlap, so that the BOSS almost ate all the wind cuts.

Millions of damage beats every second.

At the same time, in the rear, the undead are frantically outputting.

The black ice pick protruded from the ground and pierced the boss's ankle.

【Bone Machine Dragon】In an instant, he went around behind the boss and danced wildly with the sickle in his hand.

On the other hand, the [Death Spirit] of the same level is much more violent.

He raised his hands, and a thick blue-black light like a load-bearing pillar shot out from his hands.

This time, Lu Cang's output was even more violent than when he was firing the elf.

Violent enough, the blood volume of the BOSS seems to be non-existent.

Originally, the eight long blood volumes were closely arranged under the name of the BOSS.

But now I only hear the sound of bang bang bang bang.

The blood volume of the strips was like a string, and the speed of light was lost.


In just ten seconds, the arrogant boss who was still invincible just now fell to the ground with a bang.

"That's it?"

However, Lu Cang did not relax, he just looked at the skill list.

Know that BOSS also has a resurrection blessing.

It means that he will get up again.

Sure enough, the bronze ware fell into pieces and fell into a pool of broken copper and iron, and suddenly shook violently.


A ray of light descended, and these bronzes reconstituted the BOSS's body.

"Human! You can't kill me..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Cang disappeared instantly——

Then, the dagger was cold and glowing.

[Thousand Machine Daggers] Pointed directly on the back of the boss's neck.

【Destroy God】


After the resurrection, the BOSS's blood volume is not healthy.

Only 20% of max HP

Before the boss finished talking nonsense, Lu Cang took him away with this knife.

[Congratulations to the player: Hengluo, completed the fifteenth level dungeon - Bronze Palace (Dragon - Nightmare) first kill! ].

Chapter [-]: Level [-]!New Talent: Origin Susheng!

【Beiluo Caves】

"Old iron, awesome!"

Behind Chi Kuang, the formations emerged one by one, and fireballs spewed out of these formations, smashing towards the central tree.







Zhen Tianyan was shocked to see it.

His full output now is only a few thousand D~PS.

However, this pure-blooded flame dragon can easily hit tens of thousands of DPS.

"Old iron, what do you mean?"

Chikuang asked inexplicably.

"It means brother."

"Haha, bro! I like this name-call!"

Chi Kuang seemed to be very happy, and immediately, a breath spurted out.


With a breath, the tree demon BOSS was directly blown to dust.

[Congratulations to the player: Zhen Tianyan, completed the seventh level dungeon - Beiluo Cave (Human Race - Nightmare) first kill! 】

"Haha, congratulations, boss, for killing the seventh-level nightmare copy for the first time!"

Soon, the [Guild Channel] of the Tianyan Guild sent a message of congratulations.

[Jianyuan]: "The boss is the boss, the power of the world is unparalleled!"

[Zhen Yuanhe]: "Haha, our guild is the first to kill Nightmare, right? Of course, I mean other than Lord Human Sovereign."

[Zhen Tiannan]: "Our Tianyan Guild has finally come out, and Zhentianyan is still the best."

[Zhen Tianyan]: "Haha, laughing and laughing, everyone has won the prize."

Just when Zhen Tianyan was enjoying the popularity of the crowd.

Suddenly, a message pops up

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