At that moment, Chi Kuang felt that there was a heat of life rushing towards him quickly.

Moreover, it is rushing along the shadow.

At the same time, the emergency avoidance was triggered, and Chi Kuang immediately turned around without thinking.

And this maneuver, while rushing forward, also left the shadow of the mountain, and at the same time, it also swept out the Demon King who wanted to hide in the shadow of his abdomen.

"Demon King?"

Chi Kuang stood in mid-air, its expression solemn.

The other is the king of a race.

Although the Demon Race is not as powerful as the Dragon Race, its king's fighting power is not bad.

It would be fine to fight in the wild, but now, Chi Kuang is also fighting to protect Zhen Tianyan, and the situation is very bad.

And at that moment, he had already entered a state of battle, and he could no longer use the city return scroll to return to the city.

[Zhen Tianyan]: "Boss! Help! I was stopped by the Demon King!"

Zhen Tianyan suddenly sent a message to Lu Cang.

Back then, in Monsoon Town, Lu Cang also added Zhen Tianyan's friend for the sake of convenience.

However, the two have not had any contact since then.

[Heng Luo]: "Coordinates."

Zhen Tianyan immediately sent the coordinates.

[Zhen Tianyan]: "Boss, can I still be saved?"

[Heng Luo]: "If you have time, you will be saved, if you can't have time, you will die. Also, when will I become your boss?"

[Zhen Tianyan]: "Boss, this is not the time to say this, please! Help me!"

[Heng Luo]: "On the way."

Afterwards, Lu Cang closed the conversation.

The Demon King would definitely kill him, but Lu Cang was very puzzled.

What does this demon king mean by blocking Tiantianyan?

Is there any reason for the opponent to act?

I don't want to think too much, anyway, I just killed the Demon King in the past.

As for the Tianyan Guild, it just happened to be able to take this opportunity to extort a sum of money.

However, Lu Cang didn't have anything he wanted at the moment.

Lu Cang looked in the direction of the coordinates, his perception was open, and there was no creature within the perception range for the time being.

Afterwards, Lu Cang closed his eyes, activated the skill [Dawn in the Sky], and obtained the vision of the sky, which was an extremely broad vision.

Soon, Lu Cang saw a person in the sky, a pure-blooded flame dragon, and a demon king.

Zhen Tianyan shivered between the two bosses.

He is just an ordinary S-rank talent owner of the human race, why should he suffer this kind of pain that should not be endured.

Seeing this scene, Lu Cang didn't think to hurry immediately.

Instead, he muttered: "Or, don't worry?"

Although it seemed that if he didn't save him, Zhen Tianyan would surely die, but it was a coincidence that Zhen Tianyan died.

Just in time to use him to try out a new talent.

"Well, let's wait for someone to die before saving them."

Zhen Tianyan never imagined that the savior Emperor he was waiting for would actually sit down in mid-air and watch from the wall icyly.


"Since it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it."

The Demon King grinned.

He was so unscrupulous because he could see that Tian Tianyan was really weak.

Seventh level, ordinary human race.

There are no special bloodlines.

And there is only a faint silver light on his body.

Explain that there are only a few pieces of silver-level equipment.

Although facing the pure blood flame dragon, it is still easy to kill this human being.

"Hee hee hee, it seems that the head of the human emperor is mine."

In an instant, the Demon King disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared behind Zhen Tianyan.


Yanlong's body suddenly shook.

A circle of flames spread.

[Flame resistance halo: spreads a flame shock wave centered on self, causing 2X intelligence damage, and forcibly pushing all targets [-] meters away]

The halo spread, and the Demon King who had just approached Zhentianyan was bounced away.

In the process of being pushed away, a burst of dragon flames charged towards the Demon King!





The Demon King is not as good as the Dragon Clan, with only [-] blood.

It can't even compare to the blood volume of the pure blood flame dragon.

Yanlong's breath this time caused him to lose a third of his blood.




The Demon King disappeared again, and this time, he escaped into the shadow of Chi Kuang's body.

The battle field is in the air, so there are very few fields that the Demon King can use.

Reappeared from the shadows, but the Demon King used [Tianzhu] to reappear behind Zhen Tianyan.

Double-edged cut back, cut off with one knife.

"Don't hurt my brother!"


Yanlong's body glowed brightly.

In an instant, it turned into a pillar of fire that shot up into the sky!

The Demon King was burned by the fire pillar, and his blood volume fell to the bottom in an instant!

"Blow yourself up, you're crazy!"

"To shelter a human?"

In an instant, the Demon King turned into a black shadow and quickly escaped.

[Shadow Assimilation: Turn the shadow into your body, you can control this shadow to escape, nullify physical attacks, and reduce magic damage by 50%. During this period, you cannot deal damage. 】

After staying away from the Yanzhu and confirming safety, the Demon King showed his true shape, swirling the blade in his hand, and took Zhentianyan's head.

However, at the same time he threw the blade.

Lu Cang bowed towards the sky.

"The Sky - Breaking Dawn!".

Chapter [-]: The Emperor is nothing but this?

The war blade spun, dividing Zhen Tianyan's body in half.

However, Zhen Tianyan actually has the ability to resurrect, which the Demon King did not expect.

Only seeing the condensed rays of light, Zhen Tianyan came back to life again.

This is the [resurrection protection] provided by Lu Cangren's crown for all human races

And this time, what was used was Zhen Tianyan's once-a-day resurrection opportunity.

When making a judgment, if the opponent has a passive resurrection ability.

Resurrection will be consumed first.

If the other party has confirmed that there is no resurrection, it will completely kill the vitality of the other party.

However, after Zhen Tianyan was resurrected, the Demon King threw the warblade in a whirl.

"It's really embarrassing, it's actually like this, this Yanlong is willing to die for this human being."

This battle blade directly divided Zhen Tianyan's head.

After waiting for so long, I finally waited until Zhen Tianyan died.

If Zhen Tianyan knew, Lu Cang could have taken action long ago, but he had to wait until he was really dead before taking action.

It is estimated that the dead have to be revived.

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