"We are willing to surrender! We are willing to be the dogs of the human race!"

"We have no ill will towards the human race! We will definitely do our best for the human race!"

"No! Why! I just came to this world!"

There were cries around Lu Cang's ears, as if countless evil ghosts from hell were shouting.

This is also a small phenomenon after the ruling.

However, after a while, these sounds dissipated.

The ruling is executed immediately, and the process does not take long from the ruling to the completion of the ruling.

"Master, why do you judge the demon race?"

Feng Long was puzzled, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart, for fear that the dragon clan would also end up with such a fate.

So he dared to ask Lu Cang.

Of course, this question was communicated through consciousness, and only Lu Cang and Feng Long could hear it.

"The demons are fickle and good at betrayal. It's better to get rid of it than to keep such a risk."

Demons, simply as a race, it is not impossible to make them surrender.

However, each race has unique characteristics.

Just like the manifestation of human growth ability in the game.

Demons also have their unique abilities.

That is breaking the covenant and betrayal.

[Break the contract: When you betray the contract, the price you need to pay will be reduced by half. 】

[Abandoned: Give up all racial abilities, and lose half of skills and half of attributes, automatically leave one's own race, become non-race, and can find a new race king, join its race, this ability can be used multiple times. 】

Two abilities make them the most shameless race in the multiverse.

If you don't know their race, you will even be pitted by their characteristics.

At a critical moment, he was stabbed in the back.

The future generations can be called a perfect racial contract, and in front of this race, it is also a decoration, because they can break the contract.

Although there is a price to be paid, it will not be as irreversible as in the contract.

Instead of worrying about whether the other party will betray or not, it is better to execute them all directly.

In front of them, Yan Long and Zhen Tianyan didn't know what happened.

Only vaguely heard Lu Cang implement the ruling.

"Judgment, the demon race is gone?"

"This...is it too sudden?"

Zhen Tianyan was a little stunned.

It's just a sentence, it really can't make people think that the entire demon race has perished.

After all, Lu Cang was right in front of him.

He didn't go anywhere.

Just imagine, if there is a person, in front of you, said something lightly, ruling the ants.

You will think that there are no ants in this world anymore?

"Boss, Lord Human Sovereign, devil... Is the devil really gone?"

Lu Cang nodded lightly.

However, Feng Long, who was on the side, trembled slightly.

There has long been no disobedience and resistance in my heart.

I saw with my own eyes the strength of Lu Cang, as well as the indifference with which he decides the life and death of his race at will.

Only obeying the human race is the best choice.

The race and its emperor, one is prosperous, and one is lost.

It is a great luck for the human race to have such a powerful emperor.


[Rewards have been settled - all races, get 150 free attribute points, experience value multiplier +100%, duration: 1 day, unlock extra skill slot: 1]

[The Demon Race has been adjudicated - Compensate for adjudication]

[All races get additional rewards-curse resistance, demonization]

0 · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

[Curse resistance: the effect of the curse received is reduced by 50%]

[Evilization: You can make yourself demonized and get a period of attribute improvement. The increase is related to the degree of demonization. After the attribute improvement time has passed, the demonization will be eliminated over time. During this period, you will become weak. 】

The reward is issued, and all ethnic groups get 150 free attribute points.

At the same time, because Lu Cang implemented the ruling, the Terran also received two additional skill compensations.

At this point, the attributes of the human race, even players who have just entered the game, have 350 free attribute points.

It is equivalent to nearly eight pieces of silver-level equipment that have not been strengthened.

Once again, the attributes of the whole race have been improved, and everyone feels that their body is full of power.

"It is the luck of our human race to have such a human emperor."


"I don't know how the Demon King was killed."

"Alas, as a human being, I feel that I have never been better than the Emperor Human Emperor in my whole life."

"There is still one last race, the elves."


【Cold Moon City - Luxury Meeting Room】

This is a conference room rented for [-] gold coins.

It has strong sound insulation and anti-snooping array.

At this time, the major guilds finally completed the strategy of the Novice Village, and the human race has been completely liberated.

All human beings have come to the cold moon world and began to upgrade.

In this conference room, the ten major forces finally met in the game and continued the meeting.

Yin Zhengtian: "Everyone has seen the situation now. Because of everyone's identities, let's call them by their in-game IDs."

Xingchun: "Indeed, due to our identity, some of us cannot disclose our real names in reality. I hope you forgive me."

Anxiety Tianyan: "Haha, after so long, I still don't know what some people's real names are."

The president of [Changfeng - Drunken Moon Broken Flower] [Drunken Moon Feihua] smiled and interrupted the scolding between several people.

[Drunk Moon Feihua]: "In short, the situation is that this Heng Luo, who appeared from nowhere, has become the emperor of our human race."

[Qiulang] "With the current emperor, there is no need to worry about the safety of the race, but have you ever thought about what if the emperor is not on our side?"

As soon as this question came out, the whole scene was silent.Several.

Chapter [-]: Mind Control, Lu Cang's Layout

[Zhuang Tianyan]: "Qiulang, you must know that if there were no Human Sovereign, human beings may have been destroyed by now, and it's not like you haven't seen the strength of the dragon, even if it is a hybrid dragon, now we are not opponents. "

[Qiulang]: "Hehe, you can't be too absolute. After all, don't you have any doubts about how he killed the Dragon Emperor as a human?"

Qiu Rang paused for a moment and continued: "We are all human beings, why is he so much stronger than us? Can you guarantee that he did not collude with foreigners?"

The scene was extremely silent.

Indeed, they know very little about Heng Luo.

It's like this guy just popped out of nowhere.

However, when this game appeared, people's information in the world was kept extremely secret, and it was very difficult to find a person.

Yan Sen: "If he colluded with foreigners, how could he help humans kill the dragons? Kill the demons?"

[Qiulang]: "Hehe, who can guarantee it? Did you forget the Floating World Guild? They also want to continue the existence of the race until they can finally meet with the advanced race, and then betray the human race and join the other race."

[Jian Tianyan]: "Then what do you think, according to your opinion? Do you want us to confront the emperor?"

[Qiulang]: "Hehe, I don't feel comfortable putting my life in the hands of others. If you want me to say, we should force the emperor to hand over the emperor's seal."

[Jian Tianyan]: "Why? With your mouth? If the Emperor's Seal is acquired by any force, it will cause the balance to tilt. Does the human race still have a future to speak of?"

If the Emperor's Seal falls into the hands of other forces, the first thing that force will do is likely to use the power of the ruling to directly clear the other forces.

When people are discussing intensely.

The door was knocked softly.



"Come in, why are you only here now?"

"I was attacked by the Demon King on the way back, and the Emperor saved me."

"Human Emperor?"

Hearing this name, everyone in the meeting suddenly became nervous.

After all, they were discussing Human Sovereign just now.

"Where is the emperor now?"

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