The City of the Dead.

While the players in the two safe zones of the Energy City were killing each other, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou were leisurely killing monsters.

In the huge City of the Dead, there were only the two of them, not a single player.

Oh, and there was also the Undead Merchant at the door.

Han Yarou's assistance was like divine help to Zhang Yi. The speed of killing these skeleton guards and Undead guardians on the third floor of the City of the Dead was doubled compared to the previous solo!

Because now in the standing state, Zhang Yi can save a lot of time to dodge attacks and increase his output.

Relying on a set of 25 armor bonuses, this is a beastmaster who has turned a mage into a tank.

There are no challenges on the third floor, so Zhang Yi and Han Yarou are just leveling up, and by the way, they are doing the level 7 difficulty [Undead Transmigration] task.

Level 7 [Dead Soul Resurrection] requires killing the strongest level 29-30 Skeleton Guards and Undead Guardians in the City of the Dead. Before this, Zhang Yi did not dare to provoke anyone.

In addition, for Zhang Yi, it was also to complete the hidden task that had been going on for almost a week, [Obtain Rare Materials], and collect 2-star Undead Sets.

The difficulty of the hidden task was beyond Zhang Yi's imagination. From Tuesday to now, it has been five days, and the task progress has just reached 90%!

You know, this task only takes 7 days in total. After receiving the task, Zhang Yi almost soaked in the City of the Dead every day to achieve this progress. It is conceivable that if it were an ordinary person, this would be an impossible task.

However, it can be seen from this that the reward for this task must be good and worth looking forward to.

So, the two of them brushed here for a whole day.

At six o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yi, whose fatigue level had dropped to more than 30, and Han Yarou were ready to go out to hand in the task, and then go back to the city to eat and rest.

On the way out of the third floor, Zhang Yi counted the spoils.

After nearly 10 hours of hard work from morning till now, Han Yarou and he have accumulated more than 20 pieces of equipment! Among them, there are eight 2-star quality pieces and thirteen 1-star quality pieces. The

2-star quality includes 4 undead suits, with various professions. Among them, the mage suit has only one level 30 necklace. The one that was finally collected was the same as the undead necklace Zhang Yi already had.

It seems that collecting a complete set of 2-star mage undead suits is extremely difficult.

When passing the second and first floors of the City of the Dead, it was usually crowded at this time, but now, there is still no player. It is as lonely as a dead city.

Went straight to the outside of the city and submitted the task to the undead merchant Ailo, who was always stationed in the City of the Dead regardless of wind or rain.

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the mission [Reincarnation of the Dead] (level 7 difficulty), and you have received 253,000 experience points (10% bonus to level 2 intimacy), 385 silver coins (10% bonus to intimacy), 5 level 3 reinforcement stones, 220 human reputation (10% bonus to intimacy), and 1 piece of equipment [Dead Pants]! Your intimacy with [Wild Traveler] is now 12!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on raising your intimacy level with [Wild Traveler] to level 3. You will get a special privilege: when you complete tasks issued by [Wild Traveler], your experience, money and reputation rewards will increase by 15%! The next upgrade requires a cumulative intimacy of 300!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade. Your current level is 28. The next upgrade requires 620,000 experience points.……"

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the survival mission [Extreme Upgrade] (Nightmare Level). All survival missions for this week have been completed. Please wait for the system to re-assign survival missions next Monday! Since your resurrection chances have accumulated to the maximum of 5 times, you cannot receive the resurrection chance reward. Congratulations on receiving the survival mission equivalent reward: 1 chance to draw the big wheel!"

A series of prompt sounds came from the air, and in front of Zhang Yi, a large golden turntable appeared!

This is a special reward for completing the survival task after the resurrection chance reaches the maximum limit.

Zhang Yi was a little excited, because in his previous life, he had touched this large turntable only a few times. He was almost always wandering between death and resurrection, and the resurrection chance had never reached the peak of 5 times.

In addition, Zhang Yi also knew that the large turntable was divided into levels. The one in front of him was only a level 1 turntable. Players could get 1 turntable experience point by turning the turntable every time to improve the turntable level. The higher the turntable level, the more excellent the things that could be turned!

Although this was only a level 1 turntable in front of Zhang Yi, the things on it were priceless at the moment: 2-star undead suit equipment, blue skill book, 50 gold coins, 2-star treasure chest...

Each item was a very rare treasure at this stage!

After all, this was an equal reward in exchange for 1 resurrection chance!

So, Zhang Yi immediately turned the turntable.

After a few seconds

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting the skill book [Advanced Lightning Chain] (Blue) 1! Big wheel experience 1, a total of 3 experience points are required to upgrade the wheel to level 2!"

It turned to blue lightning chain! Not bad.

I looked at the green lightning chain in the skill list: it can attack up to three targets at the same time, with a damage coefficient of 80%. The blue lightning chain increases the damage coefficient by 15%, and the single-target damage reaches 95%!

Zhang Yi now has three extra skill slots. Although it is possible to cover the green ones with blue lightning chain, Zhang Yi's plan is to upgrade to level 30 to open 4 skill slots and equip the purple [Undead Storm].

If I learn blue lightning chain now, when I reach level 30, Zhang Yi's skill slots will not be enough to load the undead storm.

It seems that I can only put it aside for the time being, and wait until I go to the main city and upgrade to level 33.

The task also rewards a 28-level 2-star mage [Undead Pants], so Zhang Yi, who happened to be level 28, immediately replaced his 14-level 2-star [Magician Pants] with the undead pants.】

"Ding~ Congratulations on activating the Mage [Undead Set] three-piece set, and gaining set attribute bonus: Casting Speed 10%!"

Without hesitation, he took out 25 level 2 strengthening stones from his bag and strengthened the [Undead Pants] to the top level. In addition to opening the [Advanced Damage Reduction] talent (the wearer will receive 50 points of damage each time attacked), Zhang Yi's basic defense has also been greatly improved!

Han Yarou, who was standing by, saw that Zhang Yi only used 25 strengthening stones to strengthen a piece of equipment to level 25, and couldn't help but wonder:"Why don't you fail to strengthen your equipment?"

Zhang Yi whispered in Han Yarou's ear:"I'll tell you the secret. Next time you strengthen your equipment, silently pray to God to bless you, and open sesame."

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