There are still 5 of the 30 reinforcement stones from the last one-star treasure chest. With the 10 in this treasure chest and the more than 10 that were dropped by monsters, Zhang Yi has more than enough reinforcement stones to strengthen a piece of flat equipment to level 25.

Of course, [God-level Reinforcement] is still awesome. Otherwise, who would dare to strengthen a piece of 1-star garbage equipment of a few levels in the early stage? For transitional equipment in the early stage, it is amazing for ordinary players to be strong to 10. If they want to be strong to 25, it is impossible without three or four hundred level 1 reinforcement stones, unless they are lucky.

Looking at the 25-level [Man-eating Worm Combat Boots] in his hand, Zhang Yi is a little excited. The boots have a 250% attribute improvement, and the basic attribute directly increases from 8 points of defense to 28 points!

In addition, the talent [Infinite Dodge] opened by strengthening to the highest level increases the wearer's dodge rate by 20%, which is very powerful.

After [Rough Hammer], Zhang Yi's second artifact was born!

If he wears this pair of boots, even level 5 monsters can't cause Zhang Yi to cause defense damage!

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi, who is only level 3 at the moment, can't use the level 4 [Man-eating Worm Combat Boots], so he has to put it in his bag.

He opened the status bar and saw that the specific experience value was fixed at 456/800. After killing the remaining 45 man-eating worms in the mission, he should be able to reach level 4. The man-eating worm combat boots gave Zhang Yi unlimited motivation, so, holding a big hammer, Zhang Yi continued to slaughter the man-eating worms.

At this time, Zhang Yi hoped to have another Hell Dragon Flame, and then instantly upgrade to level 4 and complete the mission directly...

Unfortunately, the ideal is very perfect, and the reality is very skinny. The Hell Dragon Flame with a one-thousandth probability is not so easy to trigger again.

So the next step is a real fight.

With a 25-pound big hammer, Zhang Yi is almost invincible in this doomsday factory. In less than half an hour, he killed the remaining 45 man-eating worms and completed the mission.

Looking at the experience bar, I was actually still 3 points short of upgrading.

So, I raised my hammer and killed another level 3 man-eating worm. A golden light appeared above my head.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on reaching level 4 and gaining 5 free attribute points. The next upgrade requires 2000 experience points!"

Zhang Yi, who finally reached level 4, couldn't wait to take out the [Man-eating Bug Combat Boots] from his backpack, put on the equipment, opened the status bar and saw that his defense had increased sharply from 7 points to 33 points!

Suddenly he remembered that he forgot to add the 5 points he got when he reached level 3. At this moment, Zhang Yi has accumulated 10 free attribute points.

After putting on the [Man-eating Bug Combat Boots], Zhang Yi's defense has reached saturation. For now, there is no need to stack defense anymore, so Zhang Yi added all 10 attribute points to strength!

Don't say that speed can affect positioning operations, so you have to add some agility. In the face of absolute offense and defense, Zhang Yi doesn't need to move.

15-star strength growth directly increases Zhang Yi's attack power by 15 points, and the total attack power attribute reaches 41 points!

Coupled with the [Serious Injury] talent, it is actually equivalent to Zhang Yi's attack power reaching 71 points!

Looking at his powerful attribute interface, Zhang Yi nodded with satisfaction:"Well, it seems that I can go and deal with that big guy now."

As he spoke, Zhang Yi raised his head and looked deep into the factory with a meaningful look.

"However, I have to go back and hand in the task first."

After saying that, Zhang Yi turned around and left without any attachment to the Doomsday Factory.

On the way back to Hope Town, Zhang Yi was bored. He used his right hand to hit the monsters rushing towards him with a hammer, while using his left hand to open the regional chat interface to see the interaction of the players.

You don't know until you see it. This is amazing. Zhang Yi found that he had become a little famous person in Hope Town!

【Ruoshui Sanqian] (Male, Level 2 Player):"Did you guys meet a guy named Yinuo Qingcheng? That guy's damage is so high that he could deal more than 40 points of damage to a level 5 giant spider with one hammer!"

【Fallen Angel] (Male, Level 1 Player):"Yinuo Qingcheng? Such a familiar ID, isn't that the first person to enter the safe zone and trigger the zone announcement?"

【Dongfang Bubai] (male, level 2 player):"I believed your lies. It's almost like cheating. Who can deal such high damage in the early stage?"

【Peppa Pig] (Female, Level 1 player):"What he said was true, because he killed the Level 5 spider just to save me, I saw it with my own eyes!"

【Green Tea] (Female, Level 2 player):"Come on, little sister upstairs, don't be so conceited. I was there at the time. How could he save you? He was just passing by and was just killing monsters normally. Didn't you see that after he killed the spider, he left without even looking at you?"

【[Frivolous Scholar] (male, level 2 player):"Does Yinuo Qingcheng have a big hammer in his hand? I also saw him killing monsters, and he can indeed deal 40 to 50 points of damage. Do you think that as a hidden reward for being the first to enter the safe zone, the system gave him a primary artifact?"


Zhang Yi couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the chat records that ended more than 20 minutes ago.

This group of people can really chat, or is it that he is too showy?

Yes, when everyone was still using the novice sword to stab the level 1 wild monster, Zhang Yi had already used the hammer to casually hit 40 to 50 damage on the level 5 monster. Who can remain calm when seeing this? After closing the chat interface, Zhang Yi continued on his way.

When he returned to Hope Town, he found that compared to when Zhang Yi just came in an hour ago, the town was already crowded with people, and the crowds were surging, like a market, and it was very lively.

A safe zone is not big, but it is not small either, but at least there are more than 10,000 players gathered here.

All the players are at level 1-2, and there are only a handful of players who have reached level 3. Zhang Yi, who is at level 4, has become a standout in the safe zone.

However, many players are looking for NPCs with question marks on their heads, scrambling to grab tasks, and no one noticed Zhang Yi. Because of the setting of Apocalypse, each NPC that can trigger a task has a limited number of tasks that can be issued every day, until it is refreshed at midnight the next day.

Zhang Yi remembers that each task NPC can issue tasks up to 100 times a day, and there are about fifty task NPCs in a safe zone.

In other words, at least half of the players cannot receive tasks!

I remember that when Zhang Yi in the previous life rushed to the safe zone on the first day, not to mention the tasks, even the low-level monsters near the safe zone were robbed, resulting in Zhang Yi grabbing a few mutant pheasants and boars in one night, almost 0 development.

These players are like bandits, snatching monsters faster than the speed at which other people's monsters refresh!

While these players were still desperately grabbing tasks, Zhang Yi, who had already completed a task and came back, naturally had no interest in joining them to continue grabbing tasks, because he had more important things to do.

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