
A dragon flame came down, instantly covering all the remaining players of King's World and Storm Family on the field, including Zhang Yi.

The next moment, seven or eight white lights lit up in all directions. Among the remaining dozen people, more than half were directly killed. Even King of Glory could not withstand the bombardment of this dragon flame and died directly!

Zhang Yi's health bar dropped a lot. Han Yarou, who survived with the bonus of a 25-level enhanced 1-star undead suit and was not killed by the gula, didn't even care about herself at the first time, and quickly cast a spell to restore Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

Although he didn't know who entered the dungeon and caused the difficulty of the dungeon to suddenly increase, the remaining health of the gula with a star upgrade was still only 5 percentage points. The most urgent task was to take down the BOSS as soon as possible!

So, Zhang Yi quickly waved the undead wand to attack.

Boom boom boom boom!

The quality of the gula upgraded to 2 stars has a much stronger defense. The damage Zhang Yi can now deal is directly reduced by half compared to before!

At this time, Shigula launched another counterattack, and another ranged [Dragon Roar] skill came down, killing everyone in the field!

Wow! Wow!

Four more white lights lit up. No one could withstand the damage of the 2-star BOSS Shigula. Zhang Yi's blood, which had just been restored by Han Yarou, was knocked down by half in an instant. Han Yarou herself was killed by the BOSS after applying [Undead Healing] to Zhang Yi. In front of Zhang Yi, she turned into white light and disappeared.

In an instant, only three people were left on the field.

Zhang Yi, the King's Return, and a knight of the Storm Family.

The King's Return has a 3-star [Skeleton King Armor] to protect his body, and he has always been the most tanky knight in the field.

At this time, there was a faint commotion in the back, as if a large number of players were rushing here.

It didn't look like a player from the King's World or the Storm Family. Could it be from the Ao Shi Family?

Regardless of that, Zhang Yi continued to focus on the BOSS.

In any case, take down the BOSS first!

So, Zhang Yi continued to wave his staff to greet Shigula, who only had a little blood left!

However, because Shigula's defense was enhanced, Zhang Yi's damage was greatly reduced, and Shigula's health bar was almost gone.

When the BOSS's health was only 3% left, the group of players behind had already rushed over.

Looking back, there were at least 70 or 80 players, and above their heads, there was a unified red ID prefix: Ao Shi! They were actually players from the Ao Shi family! And all of them were red names. Obviously, before entering the Dragon King's Tomb, they had experienced a group battle and killed a lot of people. It should be the players of the King's World who were guarding outside the Dragon King's Tomb and were wiped out.

Zhang Yi was surprised.

The King returned and looked back to see the people from the Ao Shi family coming, and he was also extremely shocked:"Damn! Why are the people from the Ao Shi family here?"

After that, the only remaining knight from the Storm Family [Storm Iron Cavalry] hurriedly said:"What should I do, the BOSS only has so little blood!"

"The two of us can't touch the BOSS at all, so it's useless to stay here." The King returned and gritted his teeth, looking at the Ao Shi Family players approaching quickly from behind, and said to the Storm Iron Cavalry:"Leave the BOSS to Yinuo Qingcheng, we will hold them back!"

The Storm Iron Cavalry was confused:"Two people hold back so many of them? Are you kidding me?"……"

"There is no other way. We have to delay even if we can't! We must not let the bastards of the Ao Shi family snatch the BOSS away. Even if we die, we must take down the BOSS!"The Returned King said to Zhang Yi:"The BOSS is in your hands. You must take it down!"

After that, the Returned King held the shield and the hammer and fearlessly rushed towards the players of the Ao Shi family behind him!

This scene actually moved Zhang Yi a little. He didn't expect that the people of the King's World would sacrifice themselves for others. Why didn't he discover it in his previous life?

Seeing that the Returned King had rushed over, the Storm Iron Cavalry hesitated, and then he followed the Returned King with a ruthless heart.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi used his movement to dodge the attacks of the Gula, while relying on his super fast attack speed, he kept attacking the Gula.

Because Zhang Yi was the only one left, without the priest's endurance and the front-line protection, once he was hit by the BOSS twice, Zhang Yi would be killed instantly.

After a while, two screams came from behind, and then two beams of white light lit up, and the King's Return and the Storm Riders both died.

Here, the 29th-level archer who shot and killed the King's Return with one arrow, passed by the place where the King's Return died and disappeared, and picked up a piece of black armor that the King's Return exploded from the ground. When he saw the attributes of the armor, he was stunned——

【3* Skeleton King Armor】( 25)!

"Hahaha, a 25-level 3-star armor actually dropped!" Ao Shi Qun Xiong couldn't stop his ecstasy:"Awesome!"

At this time, Ao Shi Shen Jian, a level 29 warrior next to Ao Shi Qun Xiong, pointed at the BOSS Shigula in front and hurriedly said to Ao Shi Qun Xiong:"Xiongda, the BOSS only has a little blood left!"

""Go! Seize the BOSS!"

Following Ao Shi Qun Xiong's order, sixty or seventy high-level players from the surrounding Ao Shi family picked up their weapons and rushed towards the BOSS!

Although Zhang Yi had tried his best to speed up his output, the health bar above Shigula's head dropped very slowly. When the Ao Shi Qun Xiong player entered the range, Shigula still had 2% of his health left!

"Kill Yinuo Qingcheng first, then take down the BOSS, don't let him steal the last blow from the BOSS!"Ao Shi Qun Xiong then gave the order.

The next moment,"boom boom boom boom" countless magic balls mixed with sharp arrows bombarded Zhang Yi. At the critical moment, Zhang Yi quickly activated the flash to avoid all attacks and continued to release the fireball spell against Shigula.


When the fireball spell hit Shigula, a violent dragon roar suddenly came from the air.

Hell Dragon Flame!

Wow - the burst of luck triggered the Hell Dragon Flame, and the hot flame rushed down from the air, instantly sweeping around Zhang Yi, and all the Ao Shi Qun Xiong players within a radius of 100 were engulfed in the flames!

Those who were touched by the Hell Dragon Flame had a real damage of up to 1868 points jumping on their heads, accompanied by the subsequent burning damage of 534 points per second. In an instant, dozens of white lights lit up in the crowd of the Ao Shi family, and more than half of the people were killed instantly!

"Damn it!" Ao Shi Qun Xiong gnashed his teeth and said,"Yinuo Qingcheng, you are dead!"

"Brothers, kill people, grab the BOSS!"

The rest of the people used potions to recover their blood and qi, and then continued to attack Zhang Yi.

Because all the players of the Ao Shi family were red names, Zhang Yi, who killed more than 30 players of the Ao Shi family in one second with a hell dragon flame, still had a white ID above his head.

At the same time, with a fierce dragon roar, the blood bar of the Gula was emptied when it was attacked by the hell dragon flame, and its huge body fell from the air.

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