After replying to Han Yarou, Zhang Yi closed the dialog box, left the Resurrection Fountain, and came to the warehouse of Hope Town.

In the world of Apocalypse, in addition to the backpack with limited space, each player will have a warehouse that can store unlimited items.

The difference is that the latter cannot be carried with you.

After finding the warehouse in the safe zone, Zhang Yi opened his own warehouse, took out the three pieces of equipment exploded by the Greedy Dragon King from his bag, put two of them and a purple skill book in it, and then thought about it, and put the 2-star [Undead Set] rewarded by the Energy City dungeon in it.

Then, Zhang Yi returned to the Resurrection Fountain, and then replied to King of Glory and Storm Angel with the same message:"I'm back, I'm here at the Resurrection Fountain."

At this moment, King of Glory and Storm Angel were almost guarding the dialog box. When they saw the message Zhang Yi replied, King of Glory was surprised and said:"Brother Cheng... is he dead?"

The Storm Angel on the side sighed:"It seems that he is dead. If you use the scroll to return to the city, you will not come out of the Resurrection Fountain."

"Damn it! Brother Cheng is not upset, I will go see him!"

As he said that, King of Glory immediately flew towards the resurrection fountain. The Storm Dragon King was still a little puzzled:"Why does King of Glory suddenly care about Yinuo Qingcheng so much?"

The Storm Angel was also stunned for a moment, and suddenly reacted:"Damn it! He went for the Undead Suit!"

After saying that, Storm Angels and the others hurriedly followed, fearing that King of Glory would get the promised Undead Set from Yinuo Qingcheng first!

After all, Yinuo Qingcheng said before: Whoever contributes more in their two teams will get the Undead Set, and he didn't say that they must help him to clear the dungeon.

And this time, in order to help Yinuo Qingcheng fight this dungeon, both King of Glory and Storm Angels suffered huge losses!

At the Resurrection Fountain, Zhang Yi sat leisurely on a stone beside the spring and looked through the things that Greedy Dragon Emperor dropped.

In addition to the two pieces of equipment that he had casually stuffed into the warehouse, there was another piece of equipment -

Level 30 3-star Assassin Weapon: Greedy Blade!

Double agility added, top-grade dagger!

Zhang Yi, a mage, couldn't help but drool.

Before he had time to check other things, King of Glory and Storm Angels each brought a group of people from their team and rushed over.

"Brother Cheng!" King of Glory came in a hurry, with a concerned look on his face:"Brother Cheng, did those bastards from the Ao Shi family kill you back?"

Storm Angel followed closely and asked with concern:"Brother Qingcheng, are you okay with your losses?"

Just now, his first reaction in the chat was to the BOSS, but now, he began to care about Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi had seen through these two guys who were two-faced:"It's no big deal to die once, but I took down the BOSS."

Hearing this, King of Glory and Storm Angel were pleasantly surprised:"Really? That's great!"

"Well, this time it's all thanks to the help of you two."Zhang Yi said.

King of Glory laughed:"No, no, no~"

After a pause, Zhang Yi sighed again and said:"It's a pity that I didn't get much of the things dropped by the BOSS. Most of them were taken away by the Ao Shi family because I didn't have time to pick them up."

"Huh?" King of Glory and Storm Angel revealed their true colors:"Where is the Undead Suit?"

"The Undead Suit...was also revealed"

"The whole set was leaked???" King of Glory is unbelievable:"Is there such a thing?""

"Well, if it comes to suits, they'll all be one set." Zhang Yi said regretfully,"I originally agreed to give it to you guys, sorry.……"

"The Ao Shi family is a bunch of bastards!" Wang Zhe gritted his teeth.

"But don't worry."Zhang Yi said,"I won't let you play the dungeon for nothing."

As he said that, Zhang Yi took out 280 gold coins from his bag without hesitation, along with the [Blade of Greed] and the [3-star Treasure Box], and said to the King of Glory Storm Angel,"The individual who enters the dungeon will receive 10 gold coins as compensation. In addition, I only got these two things from the BOSS explosion, and the World of Warcraft contract."

As he spoke, Zhang Yi deliberately opened his backpack. When the King of Glory and the Storm Angel saw that there was indeed nothing else in Zhang Yi's bag that was similar to what he had just said, and there was no other Undead Set, they believed what Zhang Yi said.

Zhang Yi continued,"As I said before, I only want the contract, and you can divide the other two things among yourselves."

Zhang Yi's"gift" made the King of Glory and the Storm Angel very happy.

"3-star equipment, given as soon as you say it, you are worthy of being the big boss of our 886 district!" King of Glory, who was given a 3-star treasure chest with the same value as the 3-star equipment, said with a smile.

He even forgot that his losses were far more than those teammates who entered the dungeon. There were also dozens of brothers guarding outside the Dragon Emperor's Tomb, all of whom were killed by the people of the Ao Shi family.

At this time, Storm Angel was a little puzzled and asked:"Don't you think it's strange? Why did the people of the Ao Shi family enter the dungeon at that time?"

Taking over the words of Storm Angel, King of Glory also said in disbelief:"Is there a traitor among us?"

"Who is it!" King of Glory shouted to the players of King's World and Storm Family around him:"Who told Ao Shi Qun Xiong about our dungeon today? Although I admit that I am not a good person, I hate traitors the most!" As soon as the words fell, everyone shook their heads.

At this time, Zhang Yi waved his hand:"Forget it, maybe it's really a coincidence"

"Thank you for today's help, both of you."

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, King of Glory and Storm Angel said in unison:"It's okay, it's okay. If you need me in the future, Brother Cheng (Brother Qingcheng) just ask. As long as it's within our ability, we'll do it!"

So, Zhang Yi sent away the people from King of Glory and Storm Family with just a 3-star equipment, a 3-star treasure chest, and 280 gold coins.

In their opinion, not only did they not notice anything, but they felt that they owed Zhang Yi.

Because they at least got the 3-star equipment and treasure chest, as well as the compensation of gold coins.

And Zhang Yi, except for the Warcraft contract book that was useless to them as archers, didn't get anything else, and he also lost a lot of money.

As soon as the people from King of Glory and Storm Family left, Han Yarou, who had been watching from a distance and didn't come over, walked towards Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, did you really give them all the things dropped by the BOSS?"

"I'm not stupid." Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou and said,"I'll take you somewhere."

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