As soon as this regional announcement came out, the chat channel of Safety Zone 886 immediately exploded.——

【Chicken, you are so beautiful] (Male, Level 2 player):"Which great god found the hidden task so quickly, it's so awesome!"

【I Want to Become the Heaven】 (Male, Level 2 Player):"Didn't Tianqi announce that the chance of triggering a hidden mission is only one thousandth of that of a normal mission? And there is no reminder.

Even if the NPC that can trigger the hidden mission is right next to you, it is difficult to find it.

However, the rewards for hidden missions are so generous that ten normal missions cannot match one hidden mission.

What kind of luck is this? I found a hidden mission just a few hours after the server was launched.

What the hell?"

【Mouse Loves Rice] (Female, Level 2 Player):"Wow, this achievement reward is too generous, a direct reward of 1 gold coin, my god!"

【Storm Angel] (Male, Level 3 Player):"If the brother who received the hidden task sees this message, please send me a private message and give me the location. Give up your hidden task and sell it to me. I will pay you 100,000 for this hidden task. If you don't believe me, I can find you offline to pay first, and then conduct the task transaction!"

【Storm Angel】:"Brother who received the hidden task, please PM me……"

【Storm Angel】:"Brother who received the hidden task, please PM me……"

Next, the chat channel was almost dominated by this player named [Storm Angel]. He was willing to spend 100,000 yuan to buy a low-level hidden task in the early stage. This guy is also a super rich man in reality!

Because the official Apocalypse had previously issued a notice to promote the super generous reward mechanism of hidden tasks, encouraging players to discover hidden tasks with their hearts, and all hidden tasks in the Apocalypse world are unique and cannot be claimed by multiple people. Therefore, it is well known that the value of the hidden task at the beginning is no less than that of a magic weapon!

However, what made the player [Storm Angel] who was full of confidence and thought he had bought this hidden task feel incredible was that he kept brushing in the regional channel for several minutes until he was banned by the system, and the person who received the hidden task did not send him a private message!

100,000 yuan can't buy a task. Could it be that the guy who received the task is also a rich man who is not short of money? ?

If it were in the previous life, Zhang Yi, who had no idea about the future development, might really be willing to sell this task to the Storm Angel for 100,000 yuan, but now Zhang Yi is very clear that strength cannot be bought with money.

Open the task interface——

【[Guardian] (Hidden Mission):

Mission Difficulty Coefficient: 100

Description: A few days ago, in order to find materials for forging weapons, the survivor from Hope Town, Ir, was trapped in a doomsday factory full of monsters. Please escort Ir to Hope Town safely. Before that, you need to escort Ir back to his hometown to help him get something.

Mission Progress: 0/1 (If Ir dies during the mission, the mission fails, and no more than five people can perform the mission together) Mission Reward

: Unknown

Remaining Time: 6 hours

The 100-difficulty mission is five times higher than Zhang Yi's previous 20-difficulty mission!

In Zhang Yi's impression, after this hidden mission was discovered by players in the previous life, more than a dozen players challenged this mission one after another, and all ended in failure. In the end, even a team of players went to perform the mission, but they were all wiped out.

Because the ultimate goal of this mission is to hunt down a high-level elite monster hiding in Ir's home.

Because the mission was too difficult and it was a hidden mission, it caused quite a stir in the 886 safety zone at the time, and Zhang Yi had a deeper impression of it.

I remember that this mission was completed about two or three days after the server was launched. The players' levels and equipment were upgraded, and then several players joined forces to barely kill the elite monster.

As for the double generous rewards obtained from this hidden mission and the elite monster, it also directly raised the strength of the player team in the 886 safety zone to a higher level.

Now, Zhang Yi's plan is to challenge this hidden mission alone.

He must get the generous rewards of this hidden mission to greatly improve his own strength, because according to the historical progress of the previous life, he will soon usher in a nightmare that will bring him eight years of psychological shadow in his future life...

To be precise, all the players in the entire 886 safety zone will usher in a nightmare. In this nightmare, players with insufficient strength will be endlessly ravaged and slaughtered!

As Zhang Yi accepted the task, Yi Er said,"Young man, before I go back, I want to go back to my hometown to get something. Can you go back with me first?"

Zhang Yi knew that this was a game plot that the player could not change, so he nodded and said,"Okay, I will ensure your safety."

"Thank you"

"Ding~ The system reminds you that before escorting Il to Hope Town safely, you must always protect Il's safety and not let him suffer fatal injuries, otherwise the mission will fail!"

According to the system's prompt, Zhang Yi followed Yi'er and left the factory from the back door of the Doomsday Factory.

It was as if this thing was particularly hateful. As soon as Yi'er walked out of the factory, with a roar and a roar, countless monsters around him launched attacks on Yi'er one after another, and the range of attracting monster hatred was directly increased to twice that of the player!

Zhang Yi carried a big hammer and walked in front of Yi'er. When he saw a biochemical behemoth approaching, he hammered it hard.

Fortunately, the monsters encountered along the way were all low-level monsters of level three or four. With Zhang Yi's 47 points of attack power and [Serious Injury], he could basically solve one with two or three hammers, leaving those biochemical behemoths no chance to even touch Yi'er.

As a result, when it took ten minutes to reach Yi'er's hometown, Yi'er's blood bar was still full!

When he arrived at the bottom of an old residential building with a damage rate of more than 60%, Yi'er stopped and said,"Young man, my home is on the third floor. Wait for me here. I'll come down as soon as I get the things upstairs."

Zhang Yi knew that if he was allowed to go upstairs alone at this moment, all his efforts would be wasted, so he would never listen to Yi'er's order:"I'll take you upstairs."

After that, Zhang Yi walked in front with a big hammer and came to the door of Room 302 with Yi'er.

To ensure Yi'er's safety, Zhang Yi said to Yi'er:"Wait for me outside."

As soon as the voice fell, he kicked the door open with a"bang" and broke into the room.

As if he knew what would happen next, the moment he kicked the door open, Zhang Yi swung the big hammer and hammered a huge biochemical spider that was flying out of the room!

Then, he calmly entered the room and closed the door. When he was about to attack the big spider that he had hammered down on the sofa in the living room, he suddenly roared, and another biochemical spider flew out from the kitchen on the right, knocking Zhang Yi to the ground!

Zhang Yi looked at the big spider that was grabbing him with a look of astonishment:"Damn, why didn't anyone tell me in my last life that there were two elite monsters here!"

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