In the Holy Light Ruins, a fierce group battle between hundreds of players was in full swing. Shouts and screams were heard one after another. The flashes of swords and swords were accompanied by the glow of magic. The white light covered the entire ruins.

Before long, the battle ended with the Ao Shi family defeating the King's World.

The two hundred players who came to participate in the battle were completely wiped out!

Until the Holy Light Ruins fell into silence, the news of Ao Shi Qun Xiong appeared again in the cross-region channel.

【Stand out from the crowd】:"A bunch of rubbish from District 886, is this all you have? You are so useless!"

【Stand out from the crowd】:"It's really embarrassing for your district. Your district should be full of trash like the ones in King of Glory, right?"

【Stand out from the crowd】:"Weak chicken! (disdain) (disdain)"


Hundreds of white lights fell one after another at the resurrection spring in Hope Town. More than 200 players from King of Glory and King of Glory were resurrected and refreshed one after another.

"Damn it!" King of Glory, who dropped from level 27 to level 26, was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot:"Call���All the brothers in the team who are doing quests in the wild, assemble and attack the Holy Light Ruins!"

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of white lights fell, and the Storm Angels came out of the Resurrection Fountain.

"You guys died too? ?"Zhang Wangsong asked

"Well, they are all dead, not one is left."

Hearing this, King of Glory couldn't help but laugh:"I suddenly feel psychologically balanced!"

Storm Angel frowned:"Psycho……"

After a pause, the Storm Angel continued,"We are no match for the Ao Shi Family. Their overall strength is much stronger than ours. If Yinuo Qingcheng doesn't take action, we can't do anything to that Ao Shi Qun Xiong!"

"Brother Cheng!" Reminded by the Storm Angel, King of Glory was startled:"By the way, find Brother Cheng! Let him deal with that waste!"

Speaking of the devil, he appeared. As soon as they mentioned Zhang Yi, they saw Zhang Yi walking out of a hotel on the street in front! Just as they were about to go over, they saw a beautiful girl following them out of the hotel. The girl was Han Yarou, who had been inseparable from Zhang Yi in the past few days.

This"fairy couple" that made countless players in Hope Town envious came out of the hotel again!

But this time, it seemed that something went wrong between the two of them.

"Zhang Yi!"

Han Yarou ran out of the hotel crying and hugged Zhang Yi from behind:"It really wasn't me, Zhang Yi, I really didn't!"

Zhang Yi pushed Han Yarou away fiercely and shouted:"Stop talking, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person, I misjudged you!"

Han Yarou cried and wanted to continue to get closer to Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi pointed at her nose and shouted:"Get out!"

After that, Zhang Yi left mercilessly, leaving Han Yarou squatting on the ground crying, which made passers-by feel distressed. The passers-by players and King of Glory who were watching around were all surprised. No one knew what happened between Yinuo Qingcheng and Yarou.

King of Glory and Storm Angels hurried over and caught up with Zhang Yi who was leaving along the street.

"Brother Cheng!"

Finally catching up with Zhang Yi's King of Glory, he asked incredulously:"Brother Cheng, what's going on? What did my sister-in-law... do to offend you?""

"A husband and wife are bound by love for a hundred days." Storm Angel also said:"Brother Qingcheng, to be honest, I think what you did just now was a bit too much, in front of so many people."

Zhang Yi said expressionlessly:"If you knew what happened, you wouldn't think she deserves sympathy."

King of Glory and Storm Angel looked at each other.

"Could it be that your sister-in-law is cheating on you... with another man? ?"

Zhang Yi was speechless:"It was she who reported the news yesterday, asking Ao Shi Qun Xiong to bring people to the Dragon King's Tomb"


Upon hearing this, King of Glory and Storm Angel were shocked.

Zhang Yi sighed and said,"Are you two free, brothers?"

King of Glory was stunned for a moment:"Yes! What's the matter, Brother Cheng? Do you need anything in that regard?"

King of Glory smiled and said,"I know you want to take revenge on your sister-in-law. If you really need it, I can help you get it. I guarantee that the one you find will be no worse than your sister-in-law!"

Zhang Yi glanced at King of Glory:"Is your head full of shit?"

"All I have in my mind is your brother Cheng……"

"Get out!"

At this time, the Storm Angel asked:"Brother Qingcheng, what do you want us to do?"

"Nothing." Zhang Yi said:"I'm in a bad mood, accompany me to play in the wild, do you want to go?"

"Jungler, leveling up? ?"Glory of the King and Storm Angel were stunned.

"Brother Cheng, do you know what’s happening outside now?"

Zhang Yi asked,"What’s happening?""

"The bastards from the Ao Shi family occupied all the neutral maps and killed anyone from our zone 886! He even cursed you in the cross-zone channel!"

"Brother Cheng, you actually still have the mind to play in the wild to level up...Aren’t we going to seek revenge on the grandchildren of the Ao Shi family?"

"I'm not in the mood." Zhang Yi said:"Stop talking nonsense, whether you go or not, just one sentence"

""Go!" King of Glory and Storm Angel said in unison.

So, after leaving the safe zone, King of Glory and Storm Angel accompanied Zhang Yi to a wild area without any signs on the map.

"What is this place?"King of Glory, who followed Zhang Yi to a mass grave in the suburbs, shuddered when he saw the piles of graves around him.

Zhang Yi said,"Don't move, wait for me."

As he spoke, Zhang Yi ran behind a pile of graves and fiddled with them for a while. After a while, he came out with a scroll.

The Storm Angel asked in confusion,"What is this?"

"Enhancement magic scroll."

Because all magic scrolls in the world of Apocalypse look the same, King of Glory was also skeptical:"When did you put the magic scroll behind that tomb and what for?"

"Why do you have so many questions?"

As he spoke, Zhang Yi crushed the scroll, and a system prompt that only he could hear fell into his ears.——

"Ding~ You used [Revenge Scroll】,【[Road to Revenge] The mission has begun!"

Then, Zhang Yi took out the Undead Wand and stepped into the mass grave.

Although King of Glory and Storm Angel were confused, they could only follow Zhang Yi.

As the three of them just stepped into the cemetery,"Puff, Puff", two dry arms broke out from the moist ground in front of their sight, and then two corpses covered with minced meat and emitting a foul smell crawled out from the ground!

Data display -

Level 30 Dark Corpse (Physical Ordinary Monster)!

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