Zhang Yi stared at several players of Tianxia Wushuang with a sharp gaze, and told Han Yarou and the others beside him:"Turn off the ID display."

Han Yarou did not ask why, and immediately followed Zhang Yi's instructions and turned off the ID display above her head. Rouqingsishui and the others seemed to have considered something, and before the players of Tianxia Wushuang focused their attention, they also turned off their IDs.

At this time, Yingxiong stepped forward and said hurriedly:"Brothers, are you mistaken? Do I look like someone with a 3-star weapon?"

"You think too much, I'm not talking about you." The unparalleled god of war pointed his sword at Zhang Yi and said,"I'm talking about him."

"I'll give you a chance. Hand over the 3-star weapons on you. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you. I'll explode myself!"

Facing the threat of the unparalleled god of war, Zhang Yi took out the undead magic wand and held it in his hand, saying,"Okay, don't say I didn't give you a chance. Come on, explode yourself!""

"Are you so fearless? It seems that you have a top-level 3-star weapon in your hand.��A slightly greedy smile appeared on the resolute face of the Wushuang War God.

At this time, Rouqingsishui and the others were stunned.

This guy has 25 3-star weapons?


To be safe, the Wushuang War God did not attack Zhang Yi immediately, because he knew that even if he killed him, the weapon might not be dropped.

In order to get the top-grade weapon 100%, the Wushuang War God threatened Zhang Yi:"Do you want to get your friends involved? If you don't do as I say, all five of you will die!"

"Don't be so confident." Zhang Yi smiled and said,"When you have the capital, you can say that."

"Wow, you are quite arrogant!" The Wushuang God of War snorted and said to Zhang Yi:"You are just a useless beastmaster. Even if you have a 25-level 3-star weapon in your hand, do you think you are my opponent?"

"The villain dies because of talking too much."

The people from Wushuang War God's side hadn't started yet, but they saw Zhang Yi was already charging up his staff!

This guy!

Wushuang War God and Hatano Yui were all surprised: Is this guy so arrogant just because he has a top-grade weapon?

At this time, Hatano Yui tried to outsmart Zhang Yi:"Rubbish thing, is it a big deal to have a top-grade weapon? Don't forget your identity, you are just a useless beastmaster with the lowest attribute growth among the seven professions of Apocalypse, the lowest skill damage!"

"Do you know who this person next to me is?" Hatano Yui pointed at the Wushuang War God next to her and said,"War God Boss, you are the second-ranked God in our District 3 Heavenly Ranking! Do you believe that for our War God Boss, killing you is as easy as stepping on a few ants?"

"He only needs one sword to kill a rubbish beastmaster like you in one second!"

Hatano Yui's words did not scare Zhang Yi, but scared Yingxiong and the others.

"Sister, they do look unusual. I feel like the situation is a bit bad."

"Don't talk."

Taking two steps forward, Rouqingsishui stabilized her momentum and said to Wushuang War God in a calm tone:"He is my teammate. If there is any offense before, please forgive me. I apologize to you on his behalf. I'm sorry!"

Rouqingsishui bowed.

Unexpectedly, she is such a loyal girl. It is not easy for her to do this for Zhang Yi, whom she just met.

Hatano Yui, however, looked down on Rouqingsishui:"What kind of trash are you? Is it your turn to speak here? If you don't want to die, get out of the way. What we want is the weapon in his hand!" Rouqingsishui was angry

, but she didn't dare to show it, because she knew that she had no power and could not afford to provoke this group of people with status and position at the boss level. If she provokes them for someone she just met, she will not even have a foothold in Jibing City in the future, which will be a big loss.

Zhang Yi also said to Rouqingsishui and the others:"It really has nothing to do with you, you should step back."

Rou Qingsishui was a little disappointed, turned around, and passed by Zhang Yi, and said softly:"I'm sorry, I can't protect you.……"

"It's okay, I don't need you to protect me."

As she said that, Rouqingsishui and the others immediately retreated to a safe distance. Only Han Yarou stayed with Zhang Yi, holding the 2-star Undead Staff tightly, ready to assist Zhang Yi in battle at any time.

The next moment, Zhang Yi actually took the initiative to provoke, holding the Undead Staff in his hand and facing the Wushuang God of War:"You only have one chance"

"Damn it!" The unparalleled god of war was angry:"I have never seen a beastmaster as arrogant as you!"

"Deputy Captain, calm down. We will help you kill him and take out all his equipment!"

""Everyone, get out of here!" The Wushuang God of War shouted,"Do you need so many people to deal with such a waste? Don't you think it will bring shame to our Wushuang world if you tell others about it?"

"I can kill him in one second!"

The Wushuang God of War held the long sword in his hand and said to Zhang Yi:"Boy, you are dead, and you have only 3 seconds to live."

As soon as the voice fell, the Wushuang God of War shouted softly and rushed towards Zhang Yi with the long sword in hand!

Seeing this, the heroes and Rouqingsishui behind him were already mourning and praying for Zhang Yi.

"Brother, it's not that I don't want to save you, I'm just a rubbish beastmaster, there's really nothing I can do to help you……"

Just when they all thought that their beastmaster teammate Yinuo Qingcheng was about to be killed instantly by the Wushuang War God, the Wushuang War God rushed over.


A heavy slash hit Zhang Yi's body, causing more than 400 points of damage to Zhang Yi's head!

And Zhang Yi's health bar only dropped by one-sixth.

Wushuang War God was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect that the beastmaster in front of him, whose endurance growth was only 7 stars, actually had such a high defense!

At the same time, a battle prompt sounded in Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ You were attacked by the player [Unparalleled God of War], and lost 432 health points. The opponent has been removed from the list!"

And Zhang Yi was waiting for this prompt.


He used Flash to distance himself from the Unparalleled God of War. The next moment, he swung his staff and hit the Unparalleled God of War with a Freeze spell, triggering a 55% chance of freezing him, while causing a high amount of damage above his head -


Following closely, relying on the 55% attack speed bonus brought by the [Undead Suit], Zhang Yi used super-fast speed to use [Fireball Spell] and single [Lightning Chain] to successively land on the Unparalleled God of War.

Boom boom——

-2324 critical hit!


The three attacks accumulated 4000 damage, instantly clearing the full health bar above the Wushuang God of War, killing him. Before the Wushuang God of War could react, he fell to his knees and turned into a white light and flew away, leaving only a black undead armor on the ground.

Suddenly, except for Han Yarou, everyone on the field was stunned.

Several players of Wushuang Tianxia were stunned for a moment.

"Kill him, avenge the vice-captain, and take out the weapon in his hand!"

One of them shouted, and the four unparalleled players rushed towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi stood there calmly, with the undead wand in his hand emitting purple light.

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