"Ding~ Your team killed a level 30 [Mist Wolf Spider], and you gained 160 experience points!"

"Ding~ Your team killed a level 30 [Mist Wolf Spider], and you gained 160 experience points!"


As the system prompts rang in my ears, the progress of the task list, [Dispel the Fog], instantly reached 12/500!

Behind me, there was a sound of a few heroes gasping for air.

Not daring to talk to Zhang Yi, the heroes whispered to Han Yarou:"Your boyfriend is too scary! As a beastmaster, it's ok that he has high damage, but even the monsters are so strong!"

"Is this still playable? They are both beastmasters, why is there such a big difference!"

Han Yarou smiled, said nothing, and continued to cast spells to heal the Dragonblood Knight in front. Han Yarou

, who was wearing a top-level enhanced 2-star priest undead suit, now has a very good healing ability, but in front of the Dragonblood Knight with a total health of 12,000, it may not look so good.

After dealing with the first batch of mist wolf spiders and cleaning up the spoils, when they were about to continue hunting new targets, a server-wide announcement suddenly came down in the air - server-wide announcement:"Ding~ Congratulations to the eighth district player [Diewu] for becoming the first player in [Apocalypse·Star Country District] to enter the third-level main city, completing the [First Person in the Main City] achievement, and receiving a reward of 100 gold coins and 2,000 reputation!


"Ding~ The identity display function of the cross-region chat channel has been turned on. You can set it to display/hide your identity information!"

The sudden announcement of the whole server caused the cross-region chat channel of the eighth region where [Diewu] was located to become lively instantly.——

【Man Thirty] (Male, Level 30 Magician):"It's Die Wu again! I remember the first person who reached level 30 and triggered the server-wide announcement and opened the main city teleportation array was her!"

【Infinite Mana] (Male, Hidden):"Sister Diewu, can you tell us how you got through the Fog City? Please give me some tips!"

【Shura Martial God] (male, hidden):"By the way, have any of you received a quest called [Dispel the Mist] in the Fog City?"

As the player with the ID"Shura Martial God" took the lead in mentioning the quest in the Fog City map, countless players who were almost unable to hold back rushed to discuss this topic.——

【[Sweetheart] (Female, Level 30 Beast Tamer):"We also found that mission in the Fog City today, but the mission is too difficult! It's impossible to complete it~"

【Angel's Tears] (Hide, Hide):"Yeah, I've tried twice, but I still haven't completed the quest. It seems that only the first person who completes the quest can then other players pass through the Fog City and reach the main city, right?"

【Flowers planted in cow dung】(Male, Level 30 Knight):"Fuck you guys! Why didn't you tell me earlier if you knew about the mission? I didn't know there was such a thing! Every time I entered the Fog City, I ran around and was brushed back!"

These people were afraid that if they told others, the mission would be completed by others first, so many players who found the mission but were unable to complete it kept silent.

After all, the rarity of the map mission is comparable to that of the hidden mission, and everyone wants to get the rich rewards of this map mission!

No matter how the players in various areas of the eighth district bombed, the"Diewu" never showed up in the chat interface.

Perhaps this is the charm of the great god who is not worldly.

Here, Zhang Yi and his team are clearing the wolf spiders in the fog at the fastest speed.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, there was still half an hour left, and the mission was completed!

The mission of hunting 500 fog wolf spiders with a difficulty coefficient of 780 was completed in two and a half hours! This made Rouqingsishui and the others feel incredible.

Then, Zhang Yi and his companions followed the blind path on the sidewalk and groped their way back to the government.

Zhang Yi and Han Yarou walked in front. Just as they entered the government courtyard and were about to find NPC Mu Sen to submit the task, Zhang Yi suddenly felt a chill coming from the surroundings.

His brows tightened, and Zhang Yi seemed to have noticed something.

""Be careful!"

With a light shout, Zhang Yi quickly pushed Han Yarou away from his side, and at the same time, he moved forward at lightning speed.

The next moment, a rain of arrows fell from the sky, landing right where Zhang Yi and Han Yarou had just been!

Surprised, they saw a large group of players with the"Wushuang" ID flying out from the government hall and outside the door, and surrounded Zhang Yi and his team in an instant.

Unparalleled in the world!

Zhang Yi was stunned. He didn't expect that they would actually send people to guard here!

However, this is indeed the style of Wushuang in the world to avenge his grudges.

And this time, it was not the Wushuang God of War who was guarding here, because the Wushuang God of War, who was killed back to level 29 by Zhang Yi, was no longer qualified to enter the Misty City.

Surrounding Zhang There are at least fifteen or sixteen Wushuang players around Yi, and their leader is a level 30 assassin: Wushuang Luanwu.

Wushuang's captain!

This man is no simple man. Zhang Yi vaguely remembers that in his previous life, he was ranked in the top ten of Jibing City's Heavenly Ranking. He was a master of operation and possessed an epic talent!

Zhang Yi felt a little flattered that Wushuang's captain could personally take action.

Rouqingsishui and the others were terrified, but Zhang Yi was calm and composed. He even had the urge to kill all of them.

Because in his previous life, Zhang Yi suffered too many injuries at their hands.

At this time, Wushuang Luanwu looked up and down at Zhang Yi, who looked very ordinary, and asked suspiciously:"It was you who killed five brothers in my team two hours ago?"

Zhang Yi had a blank expression:"They were courting death."

"very���, you are the first person who has offended me, Wushuang, and you can remain calm."Wushuang Luanwu smiled, and murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes:"Go, kill them!" As soon as the voice fell, dozens of Wushuang players in the surrounding area quickly surrounded and killed them with weapons.

Perhaps they learned about Zhang Yi's strength from Wushuang God of War, so they did not target Zhang Yi first, but attacked Rouqingsishui and others.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Several archers and mages from the other side launched a round of concentrated fire, and the level 30 archer Rouqingsishui was killed instantly before he could pull the bowstring!


The beastmaster's younger brother, Hero, exclaimed, gritting his teeth:"Assholes, I'll fight you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Warcraft [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] was killed in the second it was summoned. In the blink of an eye, Hero was also rushed over by two unparalleled warrior players and killed instantly.


Immediately after the gentle sound, the second white light lit up on the field.

At this time, a system prompt came to Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ Please note that 2 of your teammates have been killed. When the total number of team members is less than 3, the entire team will be eliminated!"

"You bunch of rubbish, how did you kill the God of War and my four brothers who are unrivaled in the world?"

Wushuang Luanwu, who had not yet taken action, cast his eyes on Zhang Yi:"Just stay until the end, and watch carefully how your teammates are killed by me one by one."

As he spoke, he drew a sharp dark dagger from his waist. As an assassin, Wushuang Luanwu rushed towards the warrior uncle at an extremely fast speed!

When Rouqingsishui and Yingxiong were killed, Zhang Yi did not react much, but when he saw Wushuang Luanwu approaching the warrior uncle, Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly showed a strong murderous intent!

Boom boom boom!

Three consecutive attacks predicted Wushuang Luanwu's movement, but he did not expect that he still dodged two attacks with his swift movement. Only one fireball hit Wushuang Luanwu, with 1300 damage, which directly knocked off half of Wushuang Luanwu's blood!

Wushuang Luanwu was horrified to see Zhang Yi actually flashed in front of the warrior uncle. As an assassin, he was frightened by the beastmaster Zhang Yi and took several steps back!

Zhang Yi, holding the undead wand in his hand, guarded in front of the warrior uncle, and said word by word:

"You protected me in the last life, and I will protect you in this life."

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