【Lucky Ring】【 25]:

Quality: 1 star

Physical attack power: 32 (23)

Exclusive talent: Lucky Strike (every third attack of the wearer will cause 150% attack damage to the enemy)

Occupational restrictions: None

Level requirement: 4

Description: This is a ring that can bring you luck...

Strengthening the lucky ring to level 25 directly increases the attack power by 23 points, making Zhang Yi's attack power increase from 47 points to 70 points. Adding the hammer's [Severe Injury] talent, it is equivalent to Zhang Yi's current attack power, which has exceeded three digits!


This attack power is really invincible. Looking at the entire safe zone, absolutely no player can withstand Zhang Yi's two damages. If the third attack triggers the [Lucky Strike] talent, a single attack can kill a new player in seconds!

After all, in the early stage, in order to pursue damage, few players will add the points obtained from the upgrade to physical strength and endurance, resulting in the players' Qi and defense being generally low. Even Zhang Yi, who previously added 5 points to physical strength, now has a total Qi and health of only 175 points.

At this time, Yi Er also took his things and walked out of the house. Next, Zhang Yi continued to escort Yi Er back to the safe zone. After all, before entering the Hope Town, the hidden task of [Guardian] was not completed.

On the way back to the safe zone, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhang Yi set to hide the ID and level logo on his head.

Along the way, all kinds of monsters can be seen everywhere. Some players can be seen everywhere, either alone or in a team, brushing those low-level monsters to level up. Zhang Yi does not provoke those monsters, unless they try to attack Yi Er, Zhang Yi will smash them with a big hammer without hesitation.

Zhang Yi, who led a blue-named NPC walking on the main road, also had a very high rate of turning back. The passing players all looked at him in disbelief, and then whispered. No one knew why this NPC with a broken arm followed a player.

In this way, after walking along a road for more than ten minutes, when he was about to arrive at the Hope Town, Zhang Yi suddenly stopped.

In front of him, he saw a few players who made Zhang Yi feel very familiar.

The team of five, all of them are young male players. Besides that, they have one thing in common, that is, the ID above their heads all start with the word"King".

Seeing the leader, who looked only 21 or 22 years old, with a face like a rich young man, and with the four-character ID"King of Glory" on his head, Zhang Yi couldn't help but clench his fists, his eyes instantly filled with bloodshot, and his eyes were full of hatred.

This scene scared the NPC Yi'er next to him:"Young man, what's wrong with you?"

Yi'er's concern calmed Zhang Yi down:"Nothing, I seem to have seen an old friend."

"Old friend!" Yi Er sighed:"Shouldn't you be happy? Why do you look so angry?"

Zhang Yi sorted out his thoughts and said lightly:"We will soon reach Hope Town. I will take you home first."

As he said that, Zhang Yi deliberately lowered his head and took Yi Er to pass by several players of"Honor of Kings". The blue-named NPC walking next to Zhang Yi immediately attracted the other party's attention.

Only to hear that one of the level 3 yellow-haired young men with the ID"The Return of the King" looked at Yi Er and said in surprise:"Is there a bug in this NPC? Why did he run out and stroll alone?"

Just as the Return of the King was surprised at this time, another King player next to him,"The Supreme King", stared at Zhang Yi who lowered his head and tried to pass by them. Suddenly, as if he had discovered a new continent, he pointed at Zhang Yi and shouted excitedly:"Brother Hammer! Captain, Brother Hammer!"

As soon as the Supreme King finished speaking, the King of Kings and the Return of the King turned their eyes to Zhang Yi.


King of Glory walked up to Zhang Yi quickly and stopped him. He looked at Zhang Yi thoughtfully and asked,"You are Hammer Brother... Ah bah! Yinuo Qingcheng?"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to speak, the level 3 player named"King Supreme" said quickly,"That's right, Captain, it's him, because I have seen him before, he hid his ID, and I recognized him!"

Damn it, Zhang Yi secretly sighed in his heart: I didn't expect to be recognized like this!

Seeing that Zhang Yi acquiesced, King of Glory laughed and said,"What a coincidence, I was just looking for you, and I ran into you!"

Zhang Yi raised his head, pretending that he didn't know King of Glory, and asked blankly,"Why are you looking for me?"

In fact, in this life, Zhang Yi really didn't know him. Before this, they had never met.

King of Glory's eyes swept over Zhang Yi, looked at Zhang Yi with interest and said,"I heard that you have a magic hammer that can kill a level 5 monster in a few strokes?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi did not deny it:"What's wrong?"

"So, is there really one?" King of Glory was immediately delighted:"Let's not beat around the bush, I like your hammer, come on and make an offer, I have plenty of money, I'll buy your hammer!"

Zhang Yi said expressionlessly:"Sorry, I won't sell it."

King of Glory didn't care:"You haven't even offered a price yet, how do you know if I'm willing to buy it, and if you're willing to sell it?"

As King of Glory's words fell, Zhang Yi said lightly:"Even if you give me one million, I won't sell it."

The smile on King of Glory's face froze instantly:"You little bastard, do you know who I am?"

"Honor of Kings." Zhang Yi looked up at the ID above Honor of Kings and said calmly,"I was lucky enough to play Honor of Kings for three years, and I reached the Star Glory level."

After he finished speaking, the laughter of the King's Return and the Supreme King came from the surrounding area.

"Laugh at your sister!" While scolding several teammates, King of Glory stared at Zhang Yi and said,"Don't be shameless, believe it or not, I will kill you and make that hammer explode?"

After that, with a"clang", the big hammer that appeared in Zhang Yi's hand at some point fell heavily to the ground. Zhang Yi held the handle of the hammer, looked at King of Glory calmly, and said,"Don't say I didn't give you a chance, come on, explode."

King of Glory, who had never been provoked like this, was furious and pulled out a silver sword from his waist.

At this time, the King of Glory in the back hurriedly reminded:"Captain, his hammer has super high damage, it can deal forty or fifty damage at a time, don't fight him, you can't beat him!"

King of Glory, who relied on a level 3 armor on his body, didn't take it seriously:"If he can deal forty or fifty damage to me, I will eat shit on the live broadcast!"

After saying that, King of Glory swung his sword and slashed across Zhang Yi's chest, causing a shocking damage number to appear above Zhang Yi's head.——


"Ding~ You have been maliciously attacked by the player [Honor of Kings]. The opponent has been grayed out. Attacking the opponent will not trigger the red name!"

Seeing the ID above the head of Honor of Kings change from white to gray, Zhang Yi swung the big hammer and"bang" the hammer from bottom to top, hammering Honor of Kings away.——

-176 critical hits!

When King of Glory landed, his body turned into a beam of white light and flew back to the safe zone to revive.

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