Select race: Alien.

Select main city: Alien third-level main city, Moonlight City.

System prompt:"Ding~ Crossing races to select the main city requires 10,000 human reputation points, or 5,000 gold coins. The cost of this transmission is 1 gold coin. Do you want to transmit to the location of [Apocalypse·Star Country District·Eighth District·Alien Moonlight City]?"

"Ding~ The system reminds you: Cross-race may have an impact on your development and survival, the system recommends that you go to the human main city!"

"Teleport." Zhang Yi spent 1 gold coin without hesitation and consumed 10,000 reputation points.

A flash of white light, a moment later, Zhang Yi appeared outside the Misty City.

But this time, it was the Misty City outside the Moonlight City.

It can be seen that there are constantly alien players being teleported outside the Misty City, each forming a team of three or five and marching into the Misty City.

In the Apocalypse World, the players of the three major camps have no difference in their own image, but the special effects of the equipment will be a little different.

The equipment of the human players will exude a primitive and barbaric atmosphere, of course, it does not affect Beauty is a different kind of beauty.

The equipment of the alien race is full of technology. Some advanced equipment, weapons and armor will even flash, which looks very cool!

In addition, the race of players who are not in their own main city will be forced to be displayed on their heads.

For example, Zhang Yi now has a white"Human" logo on his head in addition to the hidden ID.

Almost all the players of the alien race are around. With the intrusion of Zhang Yi, a human player, there are immediately discussions from the surrounding people.

Player A:"How come there is a human player who sneaks into our alien main city?"

Player B:"What's the big deal? He is either rich or a big name. At most, he has 10,000 reputation and 5,000 gold coins!"

Player C:"I don't understand. What are the human race doing in our alien main city?"

Player D:"It must be for reputation! Didn't you see the announcement released by the Apocalypse official website before? When a player obtains more than 10,000 points of reputation for the human race, the demon race, and the alien race at the same time, he can activate the reputation mall system, and as a reward for the activator, it seems that he will get a magic weapon or something.……"

Zhang Yi didn't care about other people's comments and was only thinking about entering the main city as soon as possible, so he shouted,"I'm looking for a team in the Fog City. I'm strong enough. If you need me, join me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, as expected, no one paid attention to Zhang Yi.

As a human, and a beastmaster, which alien player would approach Zhang Yi?

However, until Zhang Yi put forward the conditions……

"Whoever takes me through the foggy city will receive 20 gold coins per person!"

"Damn! This guy is a big money sponsor!"

From all directions, countless high-level alien players rushed to surround Zhang Yi.

"My little brother, I am the third great god on the Heavenly Ranking of Area 438 of our alien race. I will lead you and guarantee that I can pass the Misty City in one go!"

"I have healing, meat, and output, high awareness, and strong equipment. I can take you down!"

"Come to my place, come to my place. We are short of one person. No need to pay 20 gold coins. Just pay 15 gold coins per person. Pay the money and start the car!"

There was an endless stream of players around who wanted to recruit Zhang Yi to join the team.

It really fits the saying"money makes the world go round".

Of course, with Zhang Yi's strength, he actually didn't need them to lead him. It was just because of the setting that only 5 people can enter the foggy city.

So, Zhang Yi joined a team at random and gave 15 gold coins to each of the four people in their team.

For a player with 2900 For Zhang Yi, who only has gold coins, such a small amount of money is really nothing.

After following the four alien"bosses", two men and two women, into the Misty City, Zhang Yi deliberately took out a flat staff from his bag and replaced it, which greatly reduced his own attack power. He pretended to be a rookie and followed the four bosses.

What surprised Zhang Yi was that after entering the Misty City, the visibility was as high as 20 meters!

The map task of this city has been completed!

So, under the leadership of the four bosses, it took more than three hours for Zhang Yi to pass through the Misty City almost lying down the whole time.

Arrived at Moonlight City.

It was exactly nine o'clock in the evening, and the bright moonlight fell on the magnificent city, making Moonlight City really become a Moonlight City!

After saying goodbye to those bosses, Zhang Yi entered alone. to the main city.

However, those big guys were not in a hurry to enter the city, but returned to the Misty City!

It seems that they are a professional team that specializes in this business.

Just like the 60 gold coins brought by Zhang Yi just now, this is 3 times higher than the income from doing tasks and killing monsters in the wild!

There are also many players who have just passed the Misty City and are entering the main city.

Entering the main city, I saw that in the huge city, NPCs and players are bustling, and the streets and alleys are crowded with people, and it is very lively.

I didn’t expect that so many people would enter the main city in just one day!

Zhang Yi was also not vague. He avoided the bustling crowd and followed the guidance of the small map of the main city. He came to the mentor hall and followed many players who came to change jobs to find his corresponding beastmaster mentor and trigger a dialogue.

"Brave adventurer, I didn't expect you to reach the second level of strength so quickly?"

The beastmaster looked at Zhang Yi and sighed.

"Come and receive the baptism of holy light, which will make you stronger!"

As the instructor finished speaking, a golden light fell from the top of his head, and several pleasant reminder sounds rang in Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing your job transfer and becoming a second-level beastmaster! Gained growth: 3 stars for intelligence growth, 2 stars for endurance growth, 2 stars for agility growth, and 3 stars for physical strength growth! Gained second-level reward: 50 free attribute points! 5 skill slots!"

"Ding~ Congratulations, your level cap has reached level 50!"

"Ding~ Congratulations, your World of Warcraft level cap has been broken through to level 50, and the World of Warcraft star upgrade function has been enabled!"

"Ding~ You have new skills to learn, please learn skills from the instructor!"

It has to be said that the growth of the beastmaster is really low. The intelligence growth of the second-turn magician is 15 stars, while the beastmaster is still at 11 stars!!

Fortunately, Zhang Yi has the Lv1 [Dragon Bloodline] bonus, a total of 16 stars of intelligence growth, 1 star higher than the second-turn magician.

He opened the status bar and found that with the improvement of the four attributes, his data has also increased a lot.

Now with the protection of the epic tank Dragon Blood Knight, Zhang Yi can pursue the ultimate output.

So, Zhang Yi added all the 50 free attribute points rewarded by the second turn to intelligence, which increased the magic attack from 1112 points to 1280 points!

Just after completing the second turn, a notice suddenly came down from the sky above Moonlight City -

Moonlight City City Announcement:"Ding~ All Moonlight City players, please note that since the total number of Moonlight City players has reached 100,000, the main city 1-star national challenge mission has been opened!"

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