The assassin was stunned:"You...what are you talking about?"

Zhang Yi seemed to see through everything:"Are you still pretending?"

After a moment of shock, the young man who looked only about 20 years old looked at Zhang Yi in disbelief and said:"You didn't see my face at the time, and I hid my ID, how did you know?……"

"The magic scroll you just used exposed you." Zhang Yi said:"The Spider King scroll, isn't it dropped by the Spider King BOSS?"

"Oh my god! I was careless……"The assassin young man slapped his forehead. Apparently, Zhang Yi was right. He was the guy who had robbed the Spider King BOSS's spoils before!

"Being able to grab those things is also your ability." Zhang Yi then said to the assassin:"Forget about the other things, I just want that half of the blueprint"

"That won't do!" The assassin said confidently:"That is the most precious thing among all the things that the Spider King exploded!"

Obviously, the purpose of this assassin looking for Zhang Yi was to get close to Zhang Yi, and then slowly get the other half of the equipment blueprint from Zhang Yi.

But he never expected that he would be recognized by the other party so quickly!

This is embarrassing.

In Zhang Yi's hand, the undead wand flashed blue light, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. It was obviously warning the assassin: If he didn't hand over the blueprint, Zhang Yi would kill him immediately!

The assassin took two steps back, without any fear, but grinning:"Forget it this time, next time, I will definitely get the half of the scroll from you!"


As he said that, the assassin suddenly took out a magic scroll from his bag and crushed it. In an instant, it turned into a beam of white light and disappeared in front of Zhang Yi!

[Instant Resume Scroll] that does not require a 10-second reading time!

Zhang Yi was surprised. Why did this guy have so many magic scrolls?

It seems that he has done a lot of robbing.

It's a pity that he didn't get the fragments of the blueprint on him, but Zhang Yi didn't lose anything. [Sword Shadow Storm] returned to its original owner, which meant that Zhang Yi got a four-star equipment, Demon Shield, from the players of [King's Landing] for free! He also wanted to kill Zhang Yi and rob him, but he ended up losing more than he got. It is estimated that King's Landing wants to die now.

After quickly cleaning up the battlefield, Zhang Yi continued to rush to the Demon Suppression Tower.

On the way, he heard the chat message in the main city kept ringing, so he opened the chat interface and found that King's Landing was swiping the screen inside.——

【Jun Lin Tian Xia] (Male, Level 33 Second-Turn Archer):"You just killed my grandson. Wait for me, I will make you pay with blood!"

【Reign】:"You just killed my grandson. Just wait for me, I will make you pay with blood!"


Fortunately, Zhang Yi did not reveal his identity. With his ID hidden, even if the opponent was attacked by Zhang Yi, he could not check his ID in the battle record.

Without an ID, even if he had the Scroll of Revenge, Jun Lin Tian Xia could not find Zhang Yi.

So, Zhang Yi ignored Jun Lin Tian Xia's crazy shouting, turned off the chat, turned on the mute, and continued on his way.

At about 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yi arrived at the Demon Suppression Tower.

Under the cover of darkness, the breath of death in the Demon Suppression Tower located in the ruins of death became stronger.

Use the [Demon Subduing Order] to enter the Demon Suppression Tower.

With a turn of sight, Zhang Yi came to the first floor of the Demon Suppression Tower for the second time, in the familiar woods.

From all directions, the howling of werewolf warriors could be heard faintly.

The purpose of tonight is to find the [Alien Guardian] hiding in a corner of the first floor and complete the challenge mission of the first floor.

So, Zhang Yi quickly summoned the greatly enhanced Dragon Blood Knight, and then followed the Dragon Blood Knight through this dangerous woods.

Awooo~ accompanied by a wolf howl, the werewolf warrior attacked again.


A level 40 werewolf warrior suddenly flew out from the jungle next to him and rushed towards Zhang Yifei.

At this time, the Dragon Blood Knight, who had been prepared, immediately activated [Taunt] and forced the werewolf warrior's hatred to him.

So, the werewolf warrior changed his target and launched [Quick Charge] towards the Dragon Blood Knight. The speed suddenly increased, and in an instant he rushed to the front of the Dragon Blood Knight from seven or eight meters away.


Without activating the Dragon King Body Guard and Dragon Blood Shield, the Dragon Blood Knight blocked the werewolf warrior's attack with the Undead Shield, and immediately jumped above his head with 1781 points of damage!

At the same time, a 1422 point of anti-injury jumped above the werewolf warrior's head.

After equipping the [Spider King Combat Boots], the Dragon Blood Knight's defense was greatly enhanced, but the damage he suffered from the werewolf warrior was still not low.

Because the attack power of the level 40 werewolf warrior is too high, it is far from being resisted by a 3-star armor with a level 25 enhancement.

The next moment, he activated [Dragon Blood Shield] and [Dragon King Bodyguard] at the same time, and then used 20% of his own blood as consumption, swung the Bloodbath Gun, and launched [Blood Kill].


The attack of the Dragon Blood Knight was blocked by the werewolf warrior using the round shield. Despite this, a huge damage of 5824 points still jumped up on his head! The blood bar of the werewolf warrior dropped by half!

The damage converted from 40% of the maximum blood of the Dragon Blood Knight was indeed something that even the level 40 werewolf warrior could not resist!

However, as a price, a damage of 3308 points also jumped up on the head of the Dragon Blood Knight.

Zhang Yi was not idle either. Taking advantage of the fact that the hatred of the werewolf warriors was stabilized on the Dragon Blood Knight, he was in a safe position in the back formation and launched an attack.


The Undead Wand waved lightly, launching three attacks in a row at an extremely fast casting speed, using the Freeze Spell, Fireball Spell, and Aurora Spell to bombard the werewolf warrior.——

-1230 Critical hit!



Zhang Yi's damage remained the same compared to the last time he entered the Demon Suppression Tower, because his strength did not improve after completing the hidden task [Collect Blueprints].

After all, the three skills dealt a cumulative damage of 2700+, and the werewolf warrior's health was reduced to only a quarter!

The werewolf warrior launched a counterattack, and the machete in his hand glowed red, which was the precursor to the release of the three-hit skill with explosive damage!

Zhang Yi quickly controlled the Dragon Blood Knight to retreat, and luckily dodged one of the three-hit combo of the werewolf warrior. The remaining two swords knocked away 3000+ of the Dragon Blood Knight's health!

Holy Light Self-Healing!


Immediately afterwards, the Dragon Blood Knight's normal attack, combined with Zhang Yi's single lightning chain, killed the werewolf warrior!

"Ding~ You killed a level 40 werewolf warrior, experience +4800!"

Due to Zhang Yi's level increase, the experience bonus for killing monsters above level 7 is only 20%.

However, after putting on the two pieces of equipment [Spider King Boots] and [Blood Spear], the pressure on the Dragon Blood Knight from the werewolf warriors was indeed reduced a lot.

In addition to experience, the level 40 werewolf warrior also has a very high gold explosion rate, and it was very generous to directly explode 1 silver coin!

Just after picking up the silver coin, there was a commotion in the nearby bushes.

The next moment, two werewolf warriors flew out of the bushes!

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