Facing Zhang Yi, who was covered in golden light, all the players of Junlin and those passersby were stunned.

Passerby A:"Fuck this guy... all over his body 25???"

Passerby B:"Oh my god, no wonder Junlin sent so many people to deal with him, it turns out that he is a hidden top boss!"

Passerby C:"Now there is a good show to watch, let's stand far away, otherwise a big battle will break out and we will be killed in seconds!"

In Zhang Yi's view, since this is an inevitable battle, there is no need to be low-key. It is better to pretend to be tough and scare Junlin's bastards with special effects, so that before this battle begins, Zhang Yi has already deterred everyone!

Sure enough, the group of players of the [Junlin] team were so scared when they saw Zhang Yi covered in golden light that they dared not approach him.

Junlin Tianxia was also stunned.

Before this, Jun Lin Tian Xia thought: This human mage must have a weapon or ring that has been strengthened to the top level, so he can have such high damage. Yesterday, he wiped out more than ten people on his side, including himself, by his own strength.

But he really didn't expect that this guy was actually level 25!

However, this also strengthened Jun Lin Tian Xia's inner thoughts:"Brothers, kill him and take out all his equipment!"

With an order, hundreds of [Jun Lin] players from all directions were ready to attack Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi opened the Warcraft space, hesitated, and turned it off again.

Without fighting Warcraft, Zhang Yi was alone, holding the Undead Wand, facing the Jun Lin players who were attacking from all around, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

The Undead Wand, blue light overflowed.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three archers who had entered the effective range attacked Zhang Yi at the same time. Zhang Yi stood there and deliberately took three arrows, and three four or five hundred points of damage jumped on his head in succession!

As all the players at this stage have reached the second level, their strength has been greatly improved. Obviously, Zhang Yi, who is wearing a 25-level 2-star enhanced undead suit, can't withstand the damage of these 32-33 level second-level archers. Zhang

Yi, whose total health is only 2900, has a large drop in the health bar above his head. As a price, the three archers who attacked Zhang Yi turned gray.

And Zhang Yi was waiting for this moment.

Boom boom boom!

Lightning chain!



Three skills in a row, causing a series of explosion damage on the heads of the three gray archers.——


-2398 critical hits!



-2922 Critical Hit!


Two white lights lit up, and among the three people, two were killed instantly, and one of them had his health bar hit the bottom.

Even Zhang Yi, who was fully enhanced, had less than 500 points of magic resistance. It is conceivable that it is impossible for players like Junlin to withstand the damage caused by Zhang Yi's nearly 1,300 attack points!

In particular, the [Undead Magic Wand] ranked third in the [Equipment Ranking] also brought Zhang Yi an 8% damage deepening effect!

As Zhang Yi started to kill Junlin's two level 32 full-blooded second-turn archers, the super high damage burst out by a beastmaster also instantly stunned the surrounding onlookers.

Junlin Tianxia already knew Zhang Yi's weight. Relying on the fact that the opponent was only one person, he was not afraid of the high damage brought by Zhang Yi, and then ordered:"Don't be scared, kill them all! I don't believe that he can destroy our hundred-man group alone!"

Although he said so, Junlin Tianxia himself stood 50 meters away from Zhang Yi and did not dare to approach him.

On Zhang Yi's side, with the recovery of the red potion, he quickly swung the Undead Wand and launched a crazy attack on the opponent's gray-named players.

Undead Storm!

Splash attack!


Sizzle ~

Boom boom boom!

Under the explosive output, the surrounding King's Landing players who were approaching fell down one after another on the road, accompanied by bursts of screams and white light one after another.

The onlookers around were all stunned.

Passerby A:"Oh my God... Is this a Beastmaster? A second-level mage can't have such high damage!"

Passerby B:"Oh my god, no wonder a human mage dared to come to our alien race alone, this guy is probably a top team leader in their human race!"

Passerby C:"What an amazing little brother, he looks good. This human mage brother is so handsome! I like him so much……"


But no matter how powerful Zhang Yi is, he alone can't defeat Junlin's 100-man team.

Not every time he can be so lucky. This time, Zhang Yi failed to trigger the 0.1% chance of Hell Dragon Flame.

After killing more than a dozen gray-named players, Zhang Yi's health bar finally couldn't keep up with the recovery of potions, and was hit by several assassins from Junlin.

Zhang Yi, tried his best

"With a"thump", Zhang Yi fell to his knees. Before he turned into white light and disappeared, he vaguely heard Jun Lin Tianxia's unconcealed laughter and shouts:"Hahaha! Trash, aren't you very powerful? In the end, you still died in my hands!""

"If you go against me [Jun Lin], there is only one outcome: death!"


Zhang Yi's body turned into a beam of white light and floated away.

The foreign players who were watching around even felt sorry for Zhang Yi, and some even stood up for him.

"So many people bullied one person, and you even had the nerve to show off after killing him. Aren’t you ashamed?"

"It's a pity that such a powerful little brother was brutally killed by them. 555 mushrooms, blue and thin……"

"Damn, why are you crying? Wasn’t it you who just reported the news to Jun Lin?"

"Uh...if you hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten. Jun Lin said a reward of 1,000 gold coins, but I haven't received the money yet!"

As he spoke, a young assassin from a foreign race walked out of the crowd, ran to Jun Lin Tianxia, and said to him with a smile:"Boss Jun, I was the one who sent you a message to tell you the location. You said a reward of 1,000 gold coins.……"

"Well done, buddy!" Jun Lintian looked at the assassin and laughed,"I'll give you a reward right away!"

Hearing what Jun Lintian said, the assassin was so excited that he almost cried when he thought he was about to get 1,000 gold coins,"Thank you, brother Jun! Thank you, brother Jun!"

As soon as the words fell, with an order from Jun Lintian, the level 34 second-turn warrior [Jun Lin Bahuang] beside him suddenly drew his sword, chopped the assassin to the ground with a"whoosh", stepped on his chest, and pierced his throat with a sword.

"You're welcome, you deserve it."

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