After hearing the server-wide announcement from the system, I don't know if the players in the Apocalypse World are shocked at this moment, but the Feng Juanyun scavengers in the Dark Town are shocked.

Feng Juanyun:"My God, I haven't seen any other BOSS except the Skeleton King until now, and someone has killed a 3-star BOSS, is it a devil!"

Feng Qingyun:"Too perverted!"

Feng Xue:"This achievement reward is so rich, there is also a 5-star treasure chest……"

Scavenger:"It's this [Butterfly Dance] again. How many server-wide announcements has she triggered since the server was launched? She must be Apocalypse's biological son, bah! A biological daughter!"

In the Apocalypse world, almost all the players in the Star Country area are discussing"Butterfly Dance", this god-level player with extraordinary strength!

Even Zhang Yi was shocked.

What shocked Zhang Yi was that the one killed by Butterfly Dance was actually a dragon BOSS - Nightmare Dragon King! Who is this Butterfly Dance? She is even more awesome than Zhang Yi, a reborn person who started with god-level talent and dragon bloodline!

It seems that up to now, Zhang Yi has not triggered as many server-wide announcements as Butterfly Dance.

"Who cares? No matter how powerful the master is, it has nothing to do with us rookies!"

Feng Juanyun's words brought the thoughts back to the people.

The first task was to deal with the Lion King.

So, each of them picked up their weapons and continued to approach the Dark Lion King.

At the same time, the data of the Lion King was presented in front of them.——

【Dark Lion King] (Physical Department·Lord Monster):

Level: 35

Talent: Furious (Excellent Talent/Increases Dark Lion King's output by 30%, reduces defense by 20%)

Physical Attack Power: 1850

Physical Defense Power: 650

Magical Defense Power: 580

HP: 158000

Skills: Lion's Roar, Dark Roar, Dark Charge...

Description: The leader of the Demon Griffin Legion, once led a powerful griffin army to invade the alien Moonlight City, but was repelled by the alien garrison army. He lived in this dark town, ready to go... It is indeed a guy with high attack and fragile skin, and its poor attack and defense are too extreme!

The attack power is almost three times the defense power!

Without saying a word, Feng Juanyun and the three people who had been wiped out by the Dark Lion King before began to prepare for battle.

The 33rd level knight Feng Qingyun took the brunt of it, followed by the warrior Feng Juanyun, and the priest Fengxue cast a spell to heal, and the three launched an attack at the same time.

At the same time, the assassin scavenger started to accelerate and bypassed from the side.

Only Zhang Yi stood at the back, motionless.

"Scavenger, you are the one who is responsible for the damage. Juanyun and I will help you to gain aggro!"


Feng Qingyun and Feng Juanyun approached quickly and attacked the Lion King at the same time. Their attacks only caused two tiny damages on the top of the Lion King's head.——



The Lion King's health bar barely moved.

However, the two's attack instantly attracted the hatred of the Lion King who was eating.

The next moment.


With a deafening roar, the Lion King activated the [Lion's Roar] skill, which pushed Feng Qingyun and Feng Juanyun back and created a high damage explosion above their heads.——



At this stage, a level 30 or so second-turn knight with average equipment can have about 7,000 to 8,000 HP, while a warrior can have 5,000 to 6,000 HP.

The roar of the Lion King directly knocked off half of the HP of the warrior Feng Juanyun.

Under the protection of various defensive skills, Feng Qingyun's HP also dropped by a quarter!

The two of them could not withstand the damage of the Lion King at all!

At the same time, Feng Xue cast a healing spell, and brought up a series of more than 1,000 points of recovery value above the heads of the two people in the front.

Such recovery is simply insignificant for the Lion King with explosive high damage.

Fortunately, the attacks of Feng Qingyun and Feng Juanyun won an opportunity for the scavenger.

The scavenger who went around behind the Lion King, relying on the assassin's super fast attack speed advantage, stabbed the Lion King's anus several times in a row.

Puff puff puff!


-1974 Critical Hit!


As a 33rd level second-turn assassin, the scavenger's output is still very powerful.

But it still cannot pose a big threat to the Lion King.

At this time, the Lion King roared again and activated the skill [Dark Roar], instantly knocking the three people around him away!

Even the priest girl Fengxue, who was casting a spell dozens of meters away, was not spared and was knocked to the ground.

The health bars above the four people's heads dropped sharply.

One skill of the Lion King almost wiped them out!


The scavenger, whose health bar was reduced by more than half, was stunned and said:"How come this lord is almost as good as the BOSS!"

"I've said long ago that this monster lord is difficult to deal with!"

Feng Qingyun on the other side gritted his teeth and couldn't help cursing:"In the end, you found me such a useless human beastmaster. What is he here for? Is he here to watch the show?"

As he spoke, he looked around and saw that the human beastmaster who had been motionless before suddenly approached the Lion King with a staff.

Zhang Yi was finally going to take action.

But Feng Qingyun and the others were not relieved.

"Coming up here is courting death, you might as well just stand there and don't hold us back!"

Zhang Yi didn't bother with them.

As he approached, he said to Feng Qingyun and Feng Juanyun who were seriously injured,"If you get the chance to assist, retreat to a safe distance to avoid being killed instantly."

So, what this guy meant was that he didn't make a move just now, just to give Feng Qingyun and the others a chance to get the chance to assist?

"It's funny, as if you, a beastmaster, can fight the Lion King alone!"

As soon as the knight uncle Feng Qingyun finished speaking, Zhang Yi, who had just stepped into the effective range of 50 meters, waved the Undead Wand.




With the super fast attack speed brought by the Undead Suit���Zhang Yi started by throwing three skills at the Lion King, instantly creating three blood-red damage lines on the Lion King's head.——


-3326 critical hit!


Three skills directly dealt 6000 damage, causing the blood bar above the Lion King's head to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The three people around Feng Juanyun, who had just mocked Zhang Yi, were stunned.

Under the influence of [Rage], the Lion King, whose defense was not high to begin with, had even lower magic resistance, and was completely unable to withstand the damage of Zhang Yi's 1280 attack power.

Zhang Yi's explosive damage immediately attracted the hatred of the Lion King.


With a roar, the Lion King rushed towards Zhang Yi.

At this time, white light fell, and under Zhang Yi's summons, the Dragon Blood Knight appeared in front of the Lion King.


Dragon King protects the body!

Dragon Blood Shield!

All skills are activated!

Swinging the Bloodbath Spear, a shot of [Blood Kill] pierced the Lion King's open bloody mouth——

-12698 critical hits!

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