Zhang Yi was very clear about one thing: his [God-level Enhancement] talent had the most significant advantage in the early stage, because other players basically would not waste too many enhancement stones on low-level equipment in the early stage.

In the middle and late stages, after the equipment was formed and the elimination speed slowed down, it was still difficult to enhance to level 25. It was relatively easy for ordinary players to enhance a set of level 20 equipment. At that time, the difference between Zhang Yi and other players was the extra few levels of enhancement. At most, he could have a little advantage in talent, but he could no longer be as nearly invincible as he is now.

Therefore, Zhang Yi must take advantage of this advantage to maximize his own strength in the early stage, widen the gap between himself and other players, and expand his advantage infinitely, so that they cannot catch up with him in the later stage.

Looking at the time, I found that it was already 11:50 pm without knowing it, and there were only ten minutes left until the end of the last day of this week.

In other words, in ten minutes, the Apocalypse World will kick off a new prologue and issue new survival tasks for all players. At the same time, players who have not reached the safe zone will be wiped out.

Taking advantage of the ten minutes left, Zhang Yi, who had only a few potions left in his backpack, went to the pharmacy.

While other players were reluctant to use even the level 2 red potion, Zhang Yi, who had obtained 50 silver coins through hidden tasks and two-star treasure chests, spent 10 silver coins to buy 100 bottles of level 3 red potion that could restore 300 health points at a time, and used 2 silver coins to buy 40 bottles of level 2 blue potion that could restore 40 energy points at a time.

After completing the supply, the time was frozen at 0:00 a.m.

"Ding~ Dear players, a new week has begun. This week's survival mission has been released. Players can check it on the mission interface and complete the survival mission within this week as required, otherwise they will be punished with death!"

"In the new week, congratulations to all players for receiving the bonus resurrection opportunity 1! I wish all players a happy game!"

As this server-wide announcement fell, in the wild, countless players who had not completed last week's survival task [Find a safe zone] were suddenly bombarded by purple thunder, and then turned into white light and disappeared.

However, their deaths did not attract the attention of too many players.

Open the task interface and confirm the first survival task of the week- your survival task this week: Extreme Hunting (Normal Level)

Background: The safe zone can temporarily guarantee your safety, but if you want to survive in this world, you must complete the survival task according to the rules.

Task Description: You need to kill 1,000 monsters with a level higher than your own level within this week (progress 0/1000)

Task Remaining Time: 7 Days

Mission Reward: 1 chance of resurrection

Penalty for failure: Death (if there is a chance of resurrection, it can be offset by death)

Because today is the first day of the server opening, although it is already early in the morning, you can see that the streets and alleys of Hope Town are still as lively as during the day, with countless players coming and going. Some of them finally received the mission at 0:00 mission refresh, and then happily teamed up with other players to go out to do the mission, and some just came back from completing the mission in the wild and were ready to submit the mission.

Everything is normal, and no one has noticed the crisis yet.

Zhang Yi looked at the lower right corner of the main interface. Since entering the game, it has turned into a gray"Logout" option.

Zhang Yi, who knows what direction the future will develop in, didn't think much about it.

The next task is to continue to upgrade, reach level 10 as soon as possible to complete the job transfer, and get the achievement.

So, Zhang Yi came to the blacksmith shop in the town based on his memory, and received a task to collect 100 wolf skins from the NPC boss of the blacksmith shop.——

【[Collect Wolf Skins] (Normal Task):

Task Difficulty Coefficient: 50

Description: With the outbreak of the doomsday crisis, countless biochemical behemoths and alien monsters are always coveting the human race's safe zone, looking forward to breaking into the safe zone one day and eating up all the humans inside.

As the owner of the blacksmith shop in Hope Town, Yi'er has a heavy responsibility.

He needs to build a large number of powerful armors and weapons and equipment for the guards every day so that they have the ability to defend their country, but building these equipment requires a lot of materials.

Players are requested to go to the [Dark Forest] according to the map instructions, hunt the demonized wild wolves inside, collect wolf skins from them, and give them to Yi'er.

Task Progress: 0/100 (Wolf Skin)

Task Reward: 2000 Experience Points, 250 Copper Coins, 15 Level 1 Strengthening Stones, 1 Random Equipment, 30 Human Race Reputation

Remaining Time: 1 Day

That's right, Zhang Yi went to the last hidden task [Guardian], and the NPC Yi'er who was rescued was actually the owner of the blacksmith shop!

I heard that Yi Er was the top forging master in Hope Town. Even if he had a broken hand, it would not affect his continued work in the forging industry.

So, Zhang Yi once again received a new task from him.

On the surface, this was just a very ordinary task. At most, the difficulty coefficient was 30 points higher than the [Revenge of Father Killing] that Zhang Yi received last time. Apart from that, there was nothing special.

Because there was no reminder for the task, ordinary players who encountered this task would definitely kill the demon wolf honestly, peel 100 wolf skins and submit the task, but Zhang Yi knew a special thing about this task: it can be submitted repeatedly!

This was also an opportunity that Zhang Yi learned from a player with the same security difference in his previous life. I remember that this task seemed to be able to be submitted 10 times repeatedly. In addition to the normal reward for the first time, the rewards for the next 9 submissions were lower than the first time. However, if the player can submit this task 10 times cumulatively, he can get an ultimate prize!

In his previous life, Zhang Yi didn't hear about this secret until he reached level 10, which caused Zhang Yi to miss this opportunity because he was too high and could no longer receive this task.

The reason for choosing this task is that Zhang Yi was too lazy to run back and forth between maps, handing in tasks and then changing tasks, which was too troublesome. This task would allow Zhang Yi to concentrate on the [Dark Forest] map for a day or so. With the task rewards plus the gains from killing monsters, by the time this task is completely completed, he should be able to reach level 10 and change his job directly.

Moreover, by completing this task, Zhang Yi's survival task [Extreme Hunting] can also be completed at the same time, killing two birds with one stone. So, after receiving the task, Zhang Yi left the crowded Hope Town.

Next to the resurrection fountain in Hope Town, a young man player wearing shorts, who looked quite decent except for being a little miserable, stood there angrily, until several players with the ID prefixed with the word"King" hurried over from a distance.

"Captain, are you okay?" Looking at the King of Glory wearing red shorts, the King tried to stop smiling and asked with concern.

"What the hell!

"King of Glory, who was killed instantly by Yinuo Qingcheng's hammer and whose level dropped from level 3 to level 2 and whose level 15 pants exploded, angrily kicked the gloating King's Return and said,"Take off your pants and give them to me.

Then go and tell the brothers in the team not to use the strengthening stones that exploded from monsters, and keep them for me.

One is 1,000, and I'll deposit the salary when I log off tomorrow morning!

In addition, high-level equipment starts at 10,000!

Keep all the good equipment for me!


The King's Return was stunned for a moment,"Ah?……"

"Ah your sister!" King of Glory couldn't help but kick King's Return again:"Take off your pants, and then pass the order according to my instructions!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng, if you dare to kill me, I will make sure you have no chance to survive in the entire District 8!"

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