
Jun Lin Jiuzhou asked in surprise:"Isn't that little bitch an assassin? So there must be someone else here!"

"With a"whoosh", Jun Lin Jiuzhou drew his sword, looked around, and shouted angrily:"Don't hide, I've seen you, come out and die!" However,

Jun Lin Jiuzhou was only responded by endless darkness and silence.

After a while,"boom boom" two red and blue magic balls shot out from the darkness and hit the 35th level magician [Jun Lin Zhutian] beside Jun Lin Jiuzhou, and instantly exploded two super high blood-red damage balls on his head.——

-3524 critical hit!



A white light flashed, and Jun Lin Zhu Tian was instantly killed.

Everyone else around was stunned.

3500 damage!

Jun Lin Jiu Zhou was shocked:"Fuck! What can have such high damage!"

As he spoke, he saw a beastmaster in a black robe in the darkness ahead, holding a staff and walking slowly towards this side.

Jun Lin Jiu Zhou's eyes stopped on the beastmaster, until he saw the"Human" logo on his head, and then he suddenly realized what was going on.

"This is the human mage who killed the captain before!"

"He has an orange skill book Sword Shadow Storm on him!" Jun Lin Jiuzhou said excitedly:"Brothers, go and kill him! Get that orange skill book!"

With Jun Lin Jiuzhou's order, several Jun Lin players around him didn't dare to go up.

"Boss, he...his damage is too high! We can't handle it!……"

"So what if the damage is high, he is just a fragile beastmaster!" Jun Lin Jiuzhou looked like he was sure of Zhang Yi's defeat:"Don't be afraid of me, just reveal the orange skill book. Then we will be rich!""

""Everyone, come at me!"

It was not until Jun Lin Jiuzhou gave the order for the second time that several Jun Lin warriors and assassins around him rushed towards Zhang Yi.

At the same time, several other teams of Jun Lin players who had just dispersed nearby also rushed over after hearing the movement here, and they all picked up their weapons and launched a siege on Zhang Yi.

At this moment, Zhang Yi was like a demon in hell.

He was worried that he would not have a chance to avenge Jun Lin for killing him before, and it happened that they came to the door at this time, so Zhang Yi was not polite.

Before the opponent's mage shooter launched an attack, relying on the 40% casting speed bonus brought by the five-piece Undead Set, Zhang Yi took the lead with a [Lightning Chain] combined with [Undead Storm], and went straight Then, the five players in the back row of the King's Landing who were gathered together were released!

Boom boom boom!


Under the attack of the two group skills, two people were killed instantly, and the remaining three were all at low health!

Zhang Yi, who had a 25-level 3-star weapon and a 3-star ring, could not withstand the damage of these 35-level King's Landing players on the field!

Just when the melee player of King's Landing was about to approach Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi suddenly cast a spell and flashed, disappearing into the darkness.

The next moment, there was a roar of"Roar, roar", and the intrusion of the King's Landing players attracted the hatred of the demon skeleton monsters in the war ruins. More than a dozen skeleton monsters surrounded the King's Landing players from all directions!

"Damn! Who is causing the hatred?"

As they spoke, everyone's eyes were cast on the only knight on the field, [The King's Minister]:"Fuck you, are you a bitch? You hit someone and you mocked him like a chicken!"

The King's Minister was also stunned:"It's a habit.……"

Forced, the players of Junlin started fighting with these level 40 monsters in the war ruins.

However, the level 40 wild monsters in the ruins are not so easy to deal with. Under the fierce attack of more than a dozen skeleton monsters, the players of Junlin, who are only level 35, can't stand their attacks at all.

Accompanied by a few screams, several players of Junlin have died in the hands of these monsters one after another.

At the same time, Zhang Yi, who was in the dark, was not idle. He took advantage of the opportunity of those monsters besieging the players of Junlin, waving his staff, and constantly looking for opportunities to harvest the players with residual blood among them!

So, the players of Junlin died one after another in the hands of these high-level skeleton monsters or Zhang Yi.

Some people also found a very strange thing:"Why don't these monsters attack him, but only target us?"

This group of people certainly didn't think that Zhang Yi was protected by the map because of the hidden task, and would not be actively attacked by those skeleton monsters in the war ruins.

So even if he was in the monster group, Zhang Yi would not be hurt.

On the other hand, Junlin.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people were almost wiped out.

Jun Lin Jiuzhou felt something was wrong and tried to escape. He turned around and was shocked to see the human mage Zhang Yi, who appeared in front of him at some point!

Jun Lin Jiuzhou was frightened and took two steps back:"You bastard, you dare to fight with us [Jun Lin Team], you are looking for death!"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly:"You will pay for what you have done."

After saying that, he waved his undead wand lightly.

The fireball spell combined with the freezing spell accurately hit Jun Lin Jiuzhou who was rushing towards him with a sword, and two extremely high damage bursts exploded above his head.——



The little remaining energy and blood in Jun Lin Jiuzhou's head were immediately drained away.

He stared at Zhang Yi and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Junlin... I'm not done with you!"

After saying that, Junlin Jiuzhou turned into white light and flew away.

The few remaining Junlin players with low health on the field also died one after another under the siege of those monsters. In a blink of an eye, the field returned to silence, and the monsters scattered, leaving only various trophies scattered on the ground!

And because they had been chasing someone before, causing all of them to be grayed out, Zhang Yi did not gain any sin value after killing them.

Zhang Yi slowly picked up all the things that Junlin players exploded on the field.

It is worthy of being Junlin, one of the three top teams in Moonlight City in the future. The things that their people exploded are not top-notch, but they are all good things that are above average at this stage!

As far as the things that more than a dozen people exploded are added together, the total market value can be worth at least two hundred gold coins!

After cleaning up the battlefield, Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to leave here, but shouted softly to the endless darkness around him:"Aren't you coming out yet?"

Just after the words fell, a few seconds later, I actually saw an assassin girl in black clothes walking out from the nearby darkness!

Under the moonlight, I could see that the assassin girl had a very slender figure, but her specific appearance could not be seen clearly because of the night.

The ID on the top of her head was hidden, and only a white logo that could not be hidden and was forcibly added by the system was displayed -

Demon Clan!

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