After returning to the city, he met the scavenger.

When he saw Zhang Yi, he took out the Demon Subduing Order as if he had seen a wealthy man, and said to Zhang Yi,"Brother, the price hasn't dropped, has it?"

"No, the transaction is at the original price."

With that, Zhang Yi spent 100 gold coins without hesitation and bought the Demon Subduing Order from the scavenger.

The reason why he knew that the [Demon Subduing Order] would be valuable later was that the scavenger in the previous life told Zhang Yi.

After the hidden map Demon Subduing Tower was officially opened, countless players rushed to enter the tower. However, the prerequisite for entering the Demon Subduing Tower was to have the Demon Subduing Order.

The Demon Subduing Order can only be obtained by completing 15 ring running tasks on the city lord Kalu.

Moreover, this ring running task has a limit, and only 10 players can complete it every day.

In other words, the output of the Demon Subduing Order is fixed at ten pieces per day.

This led to the price of a Demon Subduing Order being hyped up to two or three hundred, or even four or five hundred gold coins!

This is a good opportunity to make a fortune!

The current investment is nothing compared to the return in a week.

The scavenger who made 100 gold coins in just three hours was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth:"Brother, do you want it again tomorrow?"

"Yes, every day from now on"

"Okay, I’ll get you one a day!"

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked the scavenger,"Have you found any solution for the thing I asked you to do before?"

"I have been running around since I returned to the city!"

The scavenger said:"But don't worry, brother. Give me some time. I will try my best to help you get the item that can hide your race!"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you then."

As he spoke, the scavenger suddenly looked around and said to Zhang Yi:"Brother, it was you who triggered the server-wide announcement two days ago and received the epic hidden mission, right?"

Zhang Yi was surprised.

The scavenger continued:"It is stated on the Demon Subduing Order that it is something that can be used to enter the hidden map Demon Suppression Tower. Otherwise, why would you collect the Demon Subduing Order?"


""I just can't believe that the epic hidden map that caused a sensation in the whole server a few days ago is actually in our Moonlight City!" The scavenger said excitedly.

Zhang Yi said,"If you tell anyone, this deal will be terminated."

The scavenger hurriedly said,"Don't worry, brother, I promise to keep it a secret. I just want to make a fortune, so I hope you can take me, your little brother, with you!"

"Sure, sure!"

"Then you go ahead and do your work, brother. I’ll go and help you find out about that prop!"


After saying goodbye to the scavenger, Zhang Yi came to the restaurant, ordered a steak and started eating.

The most important task at the moment is to clear the Demon Suppression Tower and solve the epic hidden task [Trial of the Demon Suppression Tower].

Therefore, we have to form a team to go to the dungeon to level up.

After dinner, it was already eleven thirty at night.

Today is Sunday, which means that in half an hour, the system will issue a new survival task.

The fatigue level is not enough to support the whole night, so Zhang Yi postponed the task of finding a team to brush the dungeon to tomorrow.

I just had a full meal, and I probably can't sleep now.

So Zhang Yi went to the blacksmith shop to repair his equipment, replenished the potions needed for tomorrow's wild hunting, and then wandered around the city.

Today is the first day of the opening of Moonlight City. Three days later, according to system statistics, the total number of players in the city has reached 810,000, and it is about to reach a million!

Among these 810,000 players, there are more than 800 demon players and more than 1,300 human players.

So at this moment, the city is very lively.

There are people setting up stalls, recruiting people for the team, and using gold coins or equipment as a bet, and fighting.

Zhang Yi was alone, wandering aimlessly on the busy streets.

At this moment, he heard the conversations of several passers-by.

Player A:"I heard that there is a team in the square over there recruiting people through PK. Whoever can beat their captain in a duel can get a purple skill book, and the loser will join their team!"

Player B:"Is it true? Purple skill book? There is such a thing! Let's go and take a look!"

So, the crowd was agitated, and many idle players ran to the square next to them.

Zhang Yi also came to the square with the mentality of joining in the fun.

In the center of the square, there were indeed two players who were PKing passionately, and the area around the square had already been surrounded by countless onlookers.

Zhang Yi squeezed into the crowd and saw that the two players who were PKing were both female players, and one of the 36-level archers was actually the captain of the Hall of Fame, Hall of Fame, Xue'er! The one who was fighting against her was a level 34 female warrior.

As soon as Zhang Yi arrived, he saw Hall of Fame, Xue'er defeated the female warrior and won the game.

There was a wave of applause all around.

Hall of Fame, Xue'er put down the longbow in her hand, and did not show off anything. She just said to the female warrior she defeated:"I am willing to accept the loss. If you lose, you will join my Hall of Fame!"

Although a little unwilling, the female warrior nodded:"Well, I hope the captain will take care of the newcomer!"

In the Apocalypse World, once a player changes his ID, he will have to wait a month for the next change.

At this stage, the cost of changing an ID is not small, requiring 10 gold coins!

And for the players defeated by the Hall of Fame and Xue'er, Xue'er will give them 10 gold coins for changing their ID.

As the president of the Hall of Fame, Xue'er is not only beautiful, but also very powerful. After defeating ten female players who came up to challenge her and winning ten consecutive victories, the crowd watching around immediately started discussing.

Player A:"This Hall of Fame, Xue'er, is something! Is she so powerful?"

Player B:"What a heroine! It's a pity that their team only accepts females and not males, otherwise I would like to meet her�� and then deliberately lose to her, join the Hall of Fame, and be surrounded by flowers from then on.……"

Player C:"You want to lose to her on purpose? You may not win even if you try your best. You'd better stop dreaming. Haha!" Player D:"She's strong, but she's also so beautiful. I wish she was my wife. Tsk tsk tsk……"

The purple warrior skill book in Xue'er's hand was too tempting, so challengers came one after another.

Countless female players went to challenge, but were easily defeated by Xue'er and then joined the Hall of Fame.

In just half an hour, Xue'er had already received 20 new members for their Hall of Fame!

The Hall of Fame was smart to think of this way to attract popularity and recruit people.

After all, there are too many teams in Moonlight City. If they recruit normally, small teams will definitely not be able to compete with big teams.

Seeing Xue'er take less than ten seconds to solve another level 35 female assassin, Zhang Yi, who was watching in the crowd, couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that the title of the Hall of Fame and Xue'er, the first female player in Moonlight City, is not in vain!

Zhang Yi regretted rejecting Xue'er's friend request before.

Otherwise, he could have teamed up with them tomorrow to go to the dungeon.

The challenge is still going on.

However, at this moment, a large group of players suddenly rushed into the square with great momentum!

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