In the world of Apocalypse, every player will be randomly given a talent skill by the system when entering the game, which will have a huge impact on the player's future. The gap between a player who starts with a god-level talent and a player who starts with an ordinary talent is like a top student and a poor student.

Although the gap in talent can be made up by the player's attributes and operations in the later stage, the advantage of players who start with god-level talents in the early stage is unimaginable for ordinary talent players.

In Apocalypse, the quality of talent skills is divided into ordinary, high-quality, rare, epic, legendary, and god-level.

It is reported that there are no more than 20 players in the world who have obtained god-level talents at the beginning of the previous life, including six players who obtained god-level talent cards before the start of the game.

In order to promote this game, [Tianyun Group] randomly distributes ten [God-level Talent Cards] around the world that will allow players to obtain god-level talents at the beginning. These cards were distributed one month in advance and are hidden in people's daily lives, often in some inconspicuous places, waiting for players to discover them by luck.

【In the month before the public beta of [Apocalypse], five god-level talent cards have been found one after another. Because they can be traded freely before the game starts, it is reported that the value of a god-level talent card has exceeded 1 billion RMB!

There are local tyrants everywhere. For a dream start, those local tyrants don’t care about this little money at all. This also shows how popular this game has been before the public beta.

Until the start of [Apocalypse], when the end of the world came, those players who spent a lot of money to buy god-level talent cards were secretly happy, and those who sold the talent cards with a one in a billion chance regretted it so much that they even wanted to commit suicide.

Because in the world of Apocalypse, money is worthless.

As the person who discovered the sixth god-level talent card, the fat otaku bought instant noodles at Lao Li’s store and got a god card, and finally sold it for 1.5 billion RMB. I remember that when the location of the god card was announced on the entire network, Zhang Yi, who lived a few hundred meters away from Lao Li’s store, also regretted it: Why didn’t I go to buy instant noodles?

In this life, Zhang Yi can change all of this and make himself the person who gets the sixth God-level talent card!

What Zhang Yi didn't expect was that when he ran to Lao Li's store, he saw a fat man in shorts and slippers, holding a bucket of Master Kong and iced black tea, walking out of the store.

Damn! It was this fat man, and in his hand was... Master Kong, instant noodles worth 1.5 billion RMB!!!

Zhang Yi's heart was so excited that he almost jumped out, and he quickly ran to the fat man.

"Brother, sell me the instant noodles, I'll buy it for 100 yuan!"

The fat man was confused:"What?"

Zhang Yi was anxious and raised the price tenfold:"I want to buy the instant noodles in your hand for 1,000 yuan! I'll transfer it to you via WeChat!"

As he spoke, Zhang Yi had already taken out his mobile phone and opened the scan interface.

The fat man took out his mobile phone with a confused look on his face and opened the WeChat payment interface

"1,000 yuan received via WeChat!"

"Is this kid out of his mind?" The fat man thought so in his heart, and handed the bucket to Zhang Yi with a confused look on his face.

Zhang Yi excitedly opened the instant noodles in front of the fat man, but... there was nothing!

How could this be? Where is the god-level talent card? Could it be that it was not this fat man?

But Zhang Yi remembered that the fat man won the prize at a little after six o'clock, it must be him!

When Zhang Yi was stunned, he saw a delivery boy from Lao Li's grocery store carrying two whole boxes of buckets. He said to the fat man:"I'll deliver it to you on my electric bike, and I'll leave it at your doorstep according to the location you said."

The fat man made an OK gesture to the delivery boy.

This time it was Zhang Yi's turn to be confused. In his impatient mood, he couldn't help but say to the fat man:"Are you sick! Why did you buy so many instant noodles? ?"

"Isn't Tianqi about to open the server? Is there... a problem with the food for the next week?"The fat man was still confused, and then asked Zhang Yi:"Do you still want to buy? I'll make it cheaper, 800 a bucket? ?"

I'll buy your sister! Zhang Yi wanted to kick the fat man to death. If he had known that he would buy so much, how could he have been so impulsive to spend 1,000 yuan to buy a bucket of instant noodles?

However, the God-level talent card must be among these instant noodles...

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and opened his phone.

Two boxes of instant noodles, 24 buckets

"WeChat has received the money, 24,000 yuan!"

The fat man was completely stunned, thinking that this guy must be crazy, or his family is too rich!

Even the delivery boy was stunned.

The fat man, who suddenly became"rich", shook the half-drunk iced black tea in his hand at Zhang Yi:"There is still half a bottle... 500 do you want it?"


Zhang Yi held the two boxes of instant noodles in the delivery boy's hand and ran back to the house quickly.

For these two boxes of instant noodles, Zhang Yi almost spent all his savings from working in the past few years, but Zhang Yi understood that compared with the god-level talent card, even 1.5 billion was nothing.

With an extremely nervous mood, he began to open the instant noodles quickly. After opening more than ten buckets in a row, he finally found a gold card in a bucket of old-style pickled cabbage noodles!

I don’t know how the fat man opened this bucket of instant noodles just two hours before the server was opened. Zhang Yi only knew that his hands were shaking.

With the sixth god card being found, [Tianyun Group], which had implanted a tracking system on the god card, immediately announced the news to the entire network, and the [Apocalypse] forum exploded instantly... and the fat man who was still on the way home, was proud of himself for"picking up" more than 20,000 yuan for nothing, while looking at his mobile phone. When he happened to see this news, the iced black tea in his hand fell to the ground, and he was stunned....

Zhang Yi didn't care about these, and immediately took the gold card he had just received, went to the room, and inserted the gold card into the card slot on the back of the Apocalypse game helmet that had been prepared long ago.

Next, he only had to wait for an hour and a half for Apocalypse to be launched!

The outside world was still very lively, and all the major Internet cafes were full. Countless people went home from work one after another, browsing the Apocalypse official website while waiting for Apocalypse to be launched.

Zhang Yi looked at the sky outside the window and sighed.

He survived in the game for eight years in his previous life, and he didn't understand how [Apocalypse] dominated the world. He only knew that if he wanted to survive in the Apocalypse world, he had to make himself strong!

Zhang Yi, who grew up in an orphanage since he was a child, had no worries even after his rebirth. He only had to think about one question, that is, how to make himself strong.

Night fell.

Eight o'clock finally arrived.

Zhang Yi sat in front of the computer desk, opened the Apocalypse game interface, put on the game helmet, and logged into the game...

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