Unconsciously, I had been playing all night, from night to day. In the previous life, Zhang Yi had not been so passionate for a long time.

At first, Zhang Yi was the only one killing these demonized wild wolves in the dark forest, but now looking around, there are already many players hunting demon wolves in the huge forest. The originally lonely forest has become lively.

Seeing that the levels of those players are generally level 7 or 8, Zhang Yi can't help but open the regional level ranking list to take a look -

886 Safety Zone Hope Town Level Ranking:

First place: Storm Angel (male, level 9 72%)

Second place: King of Glory (male, level 9 50%)

Third place: Don't make your name too long, just like me (male, level 9 46%)

Fourth place: King Returns (male, level 9 42%)

Fifth place: King of Supreme (male, level 9 40%)

Sixth place: King in the Sky (male, level 9 37%)

Seeing this level ranking, Zhang Yi was stunned: his level of 9 10% was not on the list!

But it makes sense when you think about it. After all, I have been in the Dark Forest for so long and have only been killing monsters, and I have never received any quest rewards.

Other players have completed at least two or three quests from 0 to 8 o'clock. The rich experience rewards from the quests, plus the gains from killing monsters, must have raised their levels quickly.

Zhang Yi can reach level 9 just by killing monsters. His momentum is already very strong. It is certain that as long as he returns to the safe zone and hands in the task of collecting wolf skins, he will immediately soar to the top of the level list, and will definitely be ahead of the second place by more than a little.

Because Zhang Yi will soon get ten quest rewards in a row!

The players were very close in the early stage, and the levels from the first to the tenth place have all reached level 9.

What surprised Zhang Yi the most was that five of the top ten players on the list were actually [King's World] players! Even King of Glory, who was killed by Zhang Yi once before and dropped one level, can be ranked second!

It is conceivable that if he had not been killed and dropped a level before, it is estimated that King of Glory would have reached level 10 and completed the job transfer!

With a team of a thousand people helping to level up together, the speed is fast. The future is also developing according to the historical process of the previous life. According to this trend, King's World will soon become the overlord of Safe Zone 886.

Of course, this is under the premise that Zhang Yi does not make any changes.

It is worth mentioning that no one has reached level 10 to complete the job change yet. The achievement of the first job change is still there. Zhang Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the first Storm Angel, this name seems to have appeared in the regional chat channel before. It seems that he is the guy who sent a message saying that he would buy Zhang Yi's hidden task for 100,000 RMB. This guy is not simple either, but Zhang Yi has no impression of him. It is estimated that he was a short-lived ghost in the previous life, because King of Glory can't stand outsiders developing better than him.

Close the rankings.

He raised his head and stretched his waist facing the sun. At this moment, a system prompt sound suddenly fell into Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ The system detects that your fatigue level has dropped to 30%, please take a rest!"

Fatigue is a hidden attribute of players in the Apocalypse World. 100% is the best state. Every 10 minutes, 1% of fatigue will be automatically consumed. When fatigue drops to 0%, the player will die.

From the opening of the server at 8 o'clock last night to now, it has been nearly 12 hours of continuous struggle, and Zhang Yi really feels tired, so his plan is to go back to the safe zone to submit the task in a while. After the level is upgraded to level 10 and the job transfer is completed, he will take a rest and recover his fatigue.

So Zhang Yi squatted down and picked up the spoils of the last demon wolf that had just been killed at his feet.

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the forest. For some reason, Zhang Yi suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Looking back, I saw a large number of players pouring into the dark forest, with a fierce momentum!

From the logo above the head, it can be seen that those player teams with an estimated 30 or 40 people, all of whom have reached the level of 8-9, and their IDs are all prefixed with the word"King"...

King of the world!

"It's not directed at me.……"

With a murmur, just as Zhang Yi was thinking about this, the group of Wangzhe Tianxia players, led by a level 9 teenager wearing black armor and holding a silver longbow, glanced at the players who were leveling up in the forest by brushing the magic wolf, and then his eyes stopped at Zhang Yi, and he pointed at Zhang Yi:"That's him, surround Yinuo Qingcheng!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than 30 players behind Wangzhe came from both sides with weapons, and surrounded Zhang Yi in an instant.

Oh my, they really came for me...

At this time, Wangzhe looked at Zhang Yi and snorted coldly:"Still leveling here? Do you know why I came to you?"

He glanced at the equipment on Wangzhe.

Tsk tsk, all seven sets are complete, and they all look like pretty good equipment, especially the black armor on his body and the silver longbow in his hand, which should be top-notch at this stage.

So, Zhang Yi thought about it and speculated:"Are you sending me equipment?"

"Send your sister to hell!" King of Glory said"Pah", stared at Zhang Yi coldly and shouted:"I'm sending you to heaven!"

Zhang Yi looked at the other players of King of Glory around him and said disapprovingly:"Are there only so many people? I'm afraid they are not capable enough."

Zhang Yi saw that, except for King of Glory, the other players of King of Glory did not have complete equipment. Zhang Yi, who had survived in the Apocalypse World for eight years in his previous life, could even analyze the quality and enhancement level of the equipment from its glossiness. The surface of the equipment of level 25 had a faint golden light, and the enhancement level���The lower the level, the dimmer the light.

The equipment of these ordinary members are all one-star items, and the enhancement level does not exceed level 10. At this stage, they are considered to be above average in the eyes of the surrounding 7th and 8th level individual players, but in Zhang Yi's eyes, they can be described in two words, garbage.

Only King of Glory has the best equipment, which should all be above level 20. Obviously, he has concentrated all the resources of King's World on himself.

Seeing that this"Yinuo Qingcheng" was surrounded by so many of his men, he could still say such arrogant words. King of Glory was not angry:"Do you know how many people are in King's World? It's just that to deal with a waste like you, it doesn't take a thousand people. Calling more than 30 brothers is a respect for you."

"Today, you are dead! I will kill you back to level 0!"


The big hammer fell heavily to the ground. Zhang Yi held the handle and looked at King of Glory calmly and said,"Come and kill me, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

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