Seeing everyone's discussion in the chat channel, King of Glory, who had just come out of the resurrection fountain in Hope Town, was furious.

【Honor of Kings] (Male, Level 8 player):"A promise to the city, I***"

【Honor of Kings】:"**"

【Honor of Kings】:"***"

【A promise to the city】:"Sorry, I don't quite understand, can you translate it into human language?"

Beside the resurrection fountain, King of Glory had just finished editing a message, but before sending it out, he suddenly received a system prompt——

"Ding~ The system has detected that you are maliciously spamming the screen and have used obvious obscene language. You have been banned by the system for 1 hour!"


When King of Glory was furious, it happened that King of Glory and his team all came out of the resurrection fountain.

Seeing his teammates being wiped out, King of Glory became even angrier:"Damn it, so many people can't beat one person, with your level, you dare to call yourself a professional player? I offered a monthly salary of 100,000 and hired you trash? ?"

At this time, King of Glory hurriedly said:"Captain, calm down,���If that guy's attributes are too high! In addition to his attack power, his defense and health are also super high. Didn't you notice? I'm sure he's definitely 25 all over!"

"You're talking nonsense!" King of Glory was full of anger:"I have a team of a thousand people who worked all night to get me a set of level 25. What does he have? He can get tens of thousands of strengthening stones to strengthen his whole body?"

"What should we do now?"The King Returned lowered his head:"He has killed you twice in a row and destroyed two of your equipment. Moreover, this matter has become known to everyone.……"

King of Glory gritted his teeth and said,"You can still level up if you drop. Two-star equipment is hard to get in the early stages, especially weapons. No matter what, the Silver Moon Bow must be brought back to me. Damn it, why don't you give away the best equipment I have? It's so unlucky!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng, you better remember this, if I don’t kill you within three days, you will delete your account and quit the server, or I will eat shit on the live broadcast!"

"team leader……"At this time, the Supreme King whispered:"When you first met Yinuo Qingcheng, you seemed to have said that you didn't believe that he could deal 40 or 50 damage with one hammer. If he could, you would eat shit live.……"

"Fuck you!" King of Glory kicked the Supreme King and said,"Get out of here, get out of here, I'm firing you!"

Supreme King:"……"

Dark Forest, Zhang Yi, who had killed the captain of King of Glory twice in a row and had become famous in the 886th safe zone, ignored the discussions of others. He was just a little curious about how the people in King of Glory knew that he was in the Dark Forest.

In the end, Zhang Yi found the answer in the chat record of the regional chat channel more than 20 minutes ago: it turned out that the individual players in the Dark Forest could not resist the temptation of the 100,000 yuan bounty of King of Glory and exposed their position.

King of Glory is really rich!

Zhang Yi did not care about these things. He spent several minutes picking up all the things that were dropped by the more than 30 people who died in King of Glory and counted them.

Because they were all gray names, gray names had a 100% chance of dropping an equipment on their bodies when they died, so a total of 35 pieces of equipment were harvested, all of which were between levels 1-8, and 1-star goods with enhancements below level 10.

Zhang Yi now really doesn't care about these 1-star equipment, because in the previous all-night in the Dark Forest, a thousand magic wolves had already given Zhang Yi seven or eight 6-8 level 1-star equipment, all of which were in the unidentified state, and were the same as the equipment dropped by the players in the King's World.

Zhang Yi planned to set up a stall to sell them all when he returned to the safe zone, because although these equipment were useless to him at this stage, there were many other players who needed them.

As for equipment, the Silver Moon Bow was Zhang Yi's biggest gain, and this piece of equipment was enough to prove that the more than 30 people just killed were not in vain.

In addition, Zhang Yi was more interested in the coins and strengthening stones they dropped.

A total of 2,000 copper coins were harvested, which was equivalent to 20 silver coins!

More than 60 strengthening stones were dropped.

After checking the time, it was exactly eight o'clock. Zhang Yi yawned and set off to return to Hope Town, leaving behind a group of players in the dark forest who were still frightened by the thought of how he had just slaughtered more than 30 people in the King's World.

After returning to the safe zone, Zhang Yi immediately found the NPC boss of the blacksmith shop - Yil.

Triggering the dialogue

""Young warrior, I didn't expect you to help me hunt so many wolf skins. Thank you so much!" Yi Er said excitedly after taking the 100 wolf skins Zhang Yi had traded.

At the same time, a pleasant reminder sounded in Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the task [Collecting Wolf Skins], and you have received 2000 experience points, 250 copper coins, 15 level 1 strengthening stones, 36 human reputation, and equipment [Wolf Skin Coat] 1! Intimacy with [Blacksmith Shop Owner] 6!"

At this moment, another reminder sounded in my ears.——

"Ding~ Player Yinuo Qingcheng, congratulations on your intimacy with the [Blacksmith Shop Owner] exceeding 10 points, and the intimacy level has been raised to level 1, and you have obtained a privilege: you can enjoy a 5% discount when forging equipment at the Blacksmith Shop in the future! You need to increase the intimacy to 50 points for the next upgrade!"

The intimacy level is set by the game Apocalypse to enrich the gameplay. Players can gain intimacy with the NPC by completing tasks. When the intimacy reaches a certain level, the intimacy level can be raised, allowing players to obtain various benefits.

NPCs can be roughly divided into several categories according to their occupations: civilians, blacksmith shop owners, innkeepers, store owners, appraisal institute owners, guards, and city lords (mayors), and the intimacy level is universal throughout the [Apocalypse] world.

For example, a player reaches level 2 intimacy with a store owner by completing tasks in the safe zone. After reaching level 30 and going to the main city, the intimacy between the player and the store owner is also level 2, and a 10% discount can be obtained when buying potions and equipment in the store.

The higher the intimacy level, the greater the discount. In addition, players have a chance to receive hidden tasks from NPCs through a very high intimacy level!

Back to the topic.

Even if you get Zhang Yi was unable to upgrade the 2,000 experience points rewarded by the task, because the 8,000 experience points required to upgrade from level 9 to level 10 were too high.

As for the [Wolfskin Coat], it was a level 9, 1-star item sold on the street, and Zhang Yi, who had a 2-star [Guardian Armor], didn't even look at it.

After submitting the task, Yi Er stopped talking to Zhang Yi. Ordinary players would definitely turn around and leave at this time to find the next NPC who could receive the task.

Zhang Yi suddenly thought of a non-mainstream signature that he had posted on QQ when he was young: As long as you take the initiative, we will have a story.

So Zhang Yi took the initiative to talk to Yi Er:"I still have extra wolf skins here, do you need more?"

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, Yi Er was immediately surprised:"Really, warrior, how many wolf skins do you have left, do you have 100?"

"Yes." So Zhang Yi took out another 100 wolf skins and gave them to Yi Er.

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the task [Collect Wolf Skins] for the second time, and get 2000 experience points and 50 copper coins as rewards! Intimacy with [Blacksmith Shop Owner] 2!"

Submit the task again, and the reward will be greatly reduced.

Zhang Yi took out another 100 wolf skins and continued to submit them, repeating this process until all the 1000 wolf skins collected in the bag were handed in ten times. Yil smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth:"Young warrior, you really surprised me. I didn't expect you to collect so many wolf skins for me. I don't know how to thank you!"

Zhang Yi was not polite:"Then make me a piece of equipment!"

Because in the previous life, the player who completed this task ten times received the ultimate reward, which was to have the owner of this blacksmith shop tailor-made a top-quality equipment for him.

Moreover, it seems that only the first player to complete this ten-ring task is eligible to make this request, and the rest can only silently accept Yi'er's reward of a rare equipment.

Sure enough, Yi'er did not refuse Zhang Yi's request:"No problem, warrior, what kind of equipment do you want me to make for you?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said,"Make me a magic wand."

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