The attribute growth of the beastmaster is indeed very low. I am afraid that even the growth of the priest is higher than that of the beastmaster. Compared with the first-level magician, the gap is obvious. The intelligence growth of the first-level magician reaches 12 stars, and the endurance, physical strength and agility growth are also 2 stars higher than the beastmaster, and the overall growth is 9 stars higher than the beastmaster!

But that is for other first-level beastmasters. Zhang Yi, who has the bonus of [Dragon Bloodline], needs to add an additional 5 stars to the growth of four attributes, which means that Zhang Yi's intelligence growth has reached 14 stars, which is 2 stars higher than the intelligence growth of the first-level magician!

Not only the beastmaster, but also the seven major professions will basically reduce their attribute growth after the job transfer. However, as compensation, the system will give each player who transfers 30 free attribute points!

Including the reset attribute, Zhang Yi now has 80 free attribute points!

Zhang Yi made a decision that other players dare not think of after the first-level reset: he added all 80 attribute points to intelligence!

In order to ensure their survivability, most players, even magicians, would increase their physical strength a little. However, Zhang Yi did not consider increasing his physical strength because of the vitality bonus from the Level 5, 2-star [Guardian Armor].

After adding points, Zhang Yi opened the status bar.——

【[Yinuo Qingcheng]:

Level: 11

Occupation: First-level Beastmaster

Race: Human

Number of resurrections: 3

Talent: God-level enhancement (God-level talent)

Intelligence: 89

Endurance: 7

Agility: 17

Stamina: 7

Magic Attack Power: 157

Physical Defense: 67

Magic Defense: 60

Health: 504

Energy: 222

Experience Value: 1230/22000

Money: 2 gold coins, 62 silver coins, 25 copper coins

Life Skills: Primary Detection

Reputation: 2706

Special Status: Dragon Bloodline Lv1

Description: A Beastmaster who has completed the first level, and his strength is just starting...

The difference in attributes with before the job change is not very big, especially, without equipping a weapon, Zhang Yi's attack has reached 157 points. If he is equipped with a weapon like the [Silver Moon Bow], it will be incredible!

Before Yier made the staff, he couldn't find any decent weapons for a while. Zhang Yi had no choice but to open his backpack and find a level 7 rubbish staff with 14 points of magic attack from the 40 or 50 pieces of 1-8 level 1 equipment in the bag. Then he spent 25 level 1 strengthening stones to instantly turn the rubbish into a top-quality one.——

【Flame Staff】【 25]:

Quality: 1 star

Level: 7

Magic attack power: 49 (35)

Exclusive talent: Burning (the wearer's attack can ignite the enemy, causing the enemy to receive burning damage of 25% of the wearer's attack power per second for 3 seconds)

Occupational restrictions: Magician, Priest, Beastmaster

Description: This is not an ordinary staff, it is a second-class...

After equipping the flame staff, Zhang Yi's magic attack reached 206 points, which was only 10 points lower than before removing the Silver Moon Bow! After finishing the professional matters, Zhang Yi went to the appraisal office in the town and appraised all the equipment that had exploded in the Dark Forest.

The appraisal fee for 1-star equipment within level 10 is not expensive, with an average of 20 copper coins for each piece of equipment.

Then, Zhang Yi just resisted the sleepiness and came to the busiest street in Hope Town with a backpack of equipment. It was already past eight in the morning. Finally, at this time, a player who had stayed up all night and was ready to log off and go directly to work discovered the abnormality of this game.

"What's going on? Why can't I log off?"

With a shout from the crowd, other players nearby also opened the game interface. Sure enough, everyone found that the"Log Out" button in the lower right corner did not respond!

"how so?"

"Is there a bug in the game? ? I have to go to work at 9 o'clock. I am stuck in the game. How can I explain it to my boss?"

"Can the authorities please explain what is going on? ?"

The crowd was immediately thrown into chaos.

This was all within Zhang Yi's expectations, because in the previous life, they also discovered the problem of being unable to log out until this moment.

"This is a real death game world!"

Someone shouted, and then someone in the crowd said,"Don't scare people!"

"This is true, a friend of mine died several times before and used up all his chances of resurrection, and then he died outside just now, and he has not been resurrected again! He... is really dead!"

Then, someone else said:"And have you noticed that the NPCs in this world... look a little familiar?"

"They are all real people in reality! I saw my mother when I received the task this morning, and I thought I was hallucinating... What on earth is going on!"

Just when everyone was panicking, Zhang Yi was not in a hurry. He picked a good place on the street and spent 10 copper coins to apply for a 10-minute stall from the system. When the players were most anxious, he set up a stall...

The more panicked they were, the easier it was for Zhang Yi's equipment to sell, because after realizing that this was a real death game, the players would do anything to get good equipment to strengthen themselves and have the ability to survive in this world.

This fact is indeed difficult to accept. Most players would rather believe that this is a game bug. Once Tianyun Group fixes the bug, they can go offline and return to the real world.

Therefore, those players who believed the latter gradually calmed down, and were even a little excited:"Great, now we have an excuse not to go to work. Our boss also plays this game, and he must be trapped in it, hahaha!"

After a while, many players gathered in front of Zhang Yi's stall. Of course, most of them came for the owner of the stall, because Zhang Yi deliberately displayed the ID above his head. The big Lv11 first-level beastmaster Yinuo Qingcheng was particularly eye-catching.

The players surrounding Zhang Yi started to talk to Zhang Yi.

An uncle with a scruffy beard and a big sword in his hand:"Isn't this the famous man in our 886 district, Yinuo Qingcheng who killed the captain of King of Glory twice?""

A hot girl:"Yes, this is the first time I see him in person. It turns out that Yinuo Qingcheng is such a young brother! He is really young and promising!"

A young man wearing glasses and looking very gentle:"If this is really the end of the world, equipment is the most important thing to save lives. His stall has some equipment above level 5, which will be of great use to us in the early stage."

As soon as the glasses guy finished speaking, players rushed to buy equipment.

Because Zhang Yi had clearly marked the prices of all the equipment on the stall, there was no need for Zhang Yi to do anything. He just sat behind the stall, watched the players in front of him pay for the equipment, and then collected the money.

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