To be honest, when Zhang Yi saw this skill book, his heart was moved.

The group attack skill of the mage is quite rare. From the sad expression of Storm Angel, it can be seen that he has spent a lot of money.

The value of this green mage group attack skill book is actually not lower than that of Silver Moon Bow, because equipment will be eliminated as the level increases, but skills will not. A good skill can even be used for a lifetime!

However, as an old bird, Zhang Yi did not show his love for this skill book on his face. He pretended to be hesitant and said:"Then... 30 gold coins, plus 100 level 1 reinforcement stones, and this skill book, how about it?"

Zhang Yi had already made up his mind that if the other party disagreed, he would directly exchange the Silver Moon Bow for Lightning Chain. Unexpectedly, Storm Angel only hesitated for a while and nodded:"No problem, I will immediately ask the brothers in the team to collect money. Give me ten minutes!"

"Don't be so anxious, I can give you three hours."

Seeing Zhang Yi put away the Silver Moon Bow, the Storm Angel was confused:"You...what do you mean by this?"

"Three hours later, at 11 o'clock, I will still be waiting for you here. At that time, we can make another deal with the same conditions."

The Storm Angel didn't understand:"Why?"

"Because I'm going to sleep."

After saying that, Zhang Yi stood up, packed up his stall, patted his butt and left the crowd, leaving only a few people from the Storm Family who were confused.

"This... Captain, why does he have to wait three hours to trade?"

Storm Angel frowned:"I don't know, but for this equipment, let's wait, we will go out to level up first, and come back on time at 11 o'clock to trade with him."

The fatigue level has dropped to 28%. Although he can still hold on for another four hours without rest, because there is an important thing to do in the afternoon, Zhang Yi plans to store up his physical strength before that.

As for why he had to wait until he finished sleeping to trade with the Storm Angel? Of course, it was because Zhang Yi didn't want others to grow too fast while he was sleeping. If he gave this 25 silver moon bow with explosive attack power to the Storm Angel now, who knows, when Zhang Yi woke up after sleeping for a few hours, that guy might have reached level 15!

Regarding the recovery of fatigue, players can choose to rest in a one-star to five-star room in the hotel to recover. The lower the star level of the room, the slower the recovery of fatigue. A one-star room recovers 5% fatigue per hour of rest. By analogy, a five-star room recovers 25% fatigue per hour. In addition, the higher the star level of the room, the greater the consumption, depending on the level of the player staying.

Billing by the hour, at Zhang Yi's current level, staying in a one-star room only needs to pay 5 copper coins per hour, while staying in a two-star room costs 30 copper coins per hour... A five-star room costs up to 20 silver coins per hour.! This is not something that ordinary players can afford.

However, for Zhang, who now has nearly 3 gold coins and will receive a huge sum of 30 gold coins in a few hours, this amount of consumption is nothing.

So, Zhang Yi checked in to a five-star room with the NPC proprietress, and fell asleep when he entered the room.

When he woke up at eleven o'clock, Zhang Yi found that his fatigue level had recovered to 100%!

So, after paying 60 silver coins for the room, Zhang Yi, who had recovered his strength, left the hotel.

Open it casually After looking at the leaderboard, he found that during the few hours he rested, other players were desperately climbing up. Zhang Yi, who was originally ranked first in the rank list of safe zone 886, fell dozens of places away in the blink of an eye. The first place was already level 12 - the first-level archer Storm Angel!

Fortunately, before going to bed, Zhang Yi's foundation was already solid enough, and now he is not far behind. After three hours of no movement, he can still rank 42nd on the rank list.

Looking at the players who are catching up very closely on the rank list, Zhang Yi frowned slightly:"Don't you guys sleep?"

"Wait for sudden death! He, tui,"

Maybe he hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet. Zhang Yi feels that after twelve o'clock, a large number of players will suddenly die, and they won't know how they died...

Looking at the time, he found that it was already 11:06, and 6 minutes had passed since the time agreed with Storm Angel. So Zhang Yi quickly came to the place where he had agreed to trade with Storm Angel. However

, when he came to the street where he had set up a stall in the morning, he didn't see Storm Angel.

"Can't you wait even for a few minutes?" Zhang Yi frowned:"Leaving so soon?"

"Forget it, I’ll talk about it when I come back tonight……"

Because he had important things to do, Zhang Yi didn't waste any time. He went to the town's store, made up his mind, and spent a huge sum of 1 gold coin to buy a magic scroll.——

【[Exploration Scroll]:

Quality: Ordinary

Description: After use, you can ignore the level difference and view the specific data of the target.

Magic scrolls are very rare props in the world of Apocalypse. They are generally used once and are gone after use. Ordinary scrolls such as exploration scrolls, return scrolls, and gain scrolls (increase player attributes for a duration) can be bought in stores. Rare scrolls of higher quality can only be obtained from treasure chests or tasks, as well as high-level elite monster lords and monster bosses.

The quality of scrolls is classified in the same way as player talents: ordinary, high-quality, rare, epic, legendary, and god-level.

It is heartbreaking to have a scroll for 1 gold coin, but you can't catch a wolf without risking your life. This scroll is a must-have prop for Zhang Yi's next big thing. If this big thing is done, the benefits Zhang Yi can get in the end will be worth a hundred times or even a thousand times more than this scroll!

When thinking of this"event", Zhang Yi couldn't help but get a little excited. In the last life, other players completed it first and got the super reward that made countless players jealous. This super reward in this life must be Zhang Yi's!

And this super reward includes a top-grade magic beast!

So, Zhang Yi took this [Exploration Scroll], opened the small map, locked a location on the map south of Hope Town with his memory, marked it, and then rushed to the marked location.

Just as Zhang Yi was about to leave Hope Town, he suddenly saw a large group of players swarming out of the town.

Zhang Yi grabbed one of them and asked,"Brother, what's going on?"

The level 10 magician brother who was grabbed by Zhang Yi hurriedly said to Zhang Yi,"Check the regional chat channel! I heard that [King's World] and [Storm Family] are fighting in the forest in front! Many people died and many things exploded. Go pick up the equipment!"

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