"" Everyone, hurry up! The skeleton generals have dropped so many good things, we can't let that useless beastmaster take them all by himself, hurry up and grab the things!"

Someone shouted, and players from all directions rushed over like crazy.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but laugh:"Useless? A useless person can kill a level 17 elite skeleton general alone, but you can only watch from the side. Doesn't that mean you are not even as good as useless people?

You want to snatch things from Zhang Yi, that's impossible.

" While squatting, Zhang Yi opened the settings and turned on the"ID display" function. As the ID with the four words"Yinuo Qingcheng" appeared above his head, a large group of players who were approaching quickly from all directions stopped one after another, looking at the ID above Zhang Yi's head, dumbfounded.

"A promise that conquers the world!"

"He is actually Yinuo Qingcheng! Damn, no wonder he can kill elite monsters by himself at level 4……"

The current situation is that Zhang Yi has become popular since he was the first to enter the safe zone and triggered the regional announcement. Then he killed the captain of the Wangzhe Tianxia team twice in a row and was seen by many players. He was also named by the Wangzhe Tianxia in the regional channel. He became famous in one battle. The name Yinuo Qingcheng is already known to everyone in the 886 safe zone.

However, it is only this ID that is popular. Everyone only knows Yinuo Qingcheng, but not Zhang Yi. Therefore, as long as Zhang Yi hides his ID, more than 99% of the players in the 886 zone will not recognize Zhang Yi as Yinuo Qingcheng when they pass by him.

As the ID"Yinuo Qingcheng" appeared in everyone's eyes, the surrounding players thought of the rumor that this person once killed more than 30 professional players of Wangzhe Tianxia by himself. Who dared to rob Yinuo Qingcheng again?

So Zhang Yi took all the things.

A total of 12 silver coins, 8 level 2 reinforcement stones, two pieces of equipment and an archer skill book.

Zhang Yi was a little disappointed because none of these things could be used by him except the general money and reinforcement stones.

Both pieces of equipment were level 17. Although one of them was a 2-star top-grade item, it was a pity that Zhang Yi could not equip it because it was a knight's helmet. The other was also a 1-star assassin's outfit.

Zhang Yi threw all the things he couldn't use into his bag, waiting to go back to the safe zone to auction them. His eyes stayed on the only remaining treasure chest, which was Zhang Yi's last hope.

It was a 2-star treasure chest. Fortunately, Zhang Yi had prepared for it. He was afraid of finding a treasure chest in the wild, so before he came out, he had already bought several 2-star keys and 3-star keys in the store.

So, Zhang Yi took out a 2-star key, opened the treasure chest with a hint of anticipation, and said,"I'm afraid I'll find a treasure chest in the wild."

"With a"clang", the treasure chest opened, and what came into view was a silver-gray ring. Zhang Yi was immediately delighted when he picked it up.——

【[Silver Bone Ring]:

Quality: 2 stars

Attack power: 35

Additional attributes: Stamina 5

Occupational restrictions: Magician, Beastmaster, Priest

Level requirement: 14

Description: This is a ring made of the bones of a skeleton general. It is said that the person who wears this ring can obtain the true teachings of the skeleton general and become as powerful as it... A

2-star mage ring that increases attack power is quite powerful!

In the Apocalypse World, only equipment that is directly exploded by monsters needs to be identified before it can be worn, while the equipment that is opened by treasure chests or obtained by tasks does not need to be identified, and the level of the equipment obtained by the former is determined by the level of the monster that exploded it. The equipment obtained by the latter is determined by the level of the first player to get it, and the level will have a maximum deviation of 1-2 levels.

It can be seen that the basic attributes of this ring before it is strengthened have already exceeded the 32-point attack power bonus brought by the enhanced 25-level [Lucky Ring] on Zhang Yi's current equipment. Once it is strengthened to the top level, the increase in attack power is simply terrible! The additional 5 points of stamina can reach 18 points after strengthening, which can also greatly improve Zhang Yi's survivability.

It was indeed a pleasant surprise. What Zhang Yi lacked now was such a top-quality ring!

Unfortunately, like the [Magician Pants], they were both level 14 equipment, and Zhang Yi, who was currently at level 13, could not use them yet.

Putting the [Silver Bone Ring] together with the [Magician Pants], Zhang Yi opened the status bar and found that after just getting 5,000 experience points contributed by the skeleton general, his current experience was fixed at 23,230/33,000, and he only needed 10,000 experience points to reach level 14.

So, with the two 2-star equipment, the ring and pants, as his target, Zhang Yi stepped over the corpse of the skeleton general, holding the flame staff, and walked towards the place where the 17-18 level skeleton warriors and skeleton archers gathered in front.

Even the level 17 elite skeleton general was killed by Zhang Yi alone, so dealing with these ordinary skeleton warriors and skeleton archers would definitely be no problem for Zhang Yi.

However, these skeleton monsters all have a more difficult talent.

The Skeleton Warrior has a [Natural Physical] talent that can reduce damage by up to 30%, while the Skeleton Archer has a [Natural Violence] talent that can increase damage by 20% and attack speed by 20%!

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi's current level is 4 levels lower than the Skeleton Warrior, which is beyond the effective detection range of the primary detection technique. Apart from his talent, Zhang Yi can't see any data. Forget it

, just keep fighting!

Holding the flame staff, Zhang Yi quickly locked onto the target and fired a fireball at a nearby level 17 Skeleton Archer.



The health bar above the Skeleton Archer's head was reduced by one third.

The Skeleton Archer immediately launched a counterattack, pulling the bow in his hand, and a sharp arrow flew over.

Because [Born Furious] gave the Skeleton Archer a 20% attack bonus, Zhang Yi's movement was very weak in front of the opponent's super fast attack speed. He failed to dodge and was hit in the shoulder by the Skeleton Archer's arrow.——


Excluding the 50 points of shield damage reduction from the Angel Shield, Zhang Yi still received 189 points of damage!

With the bonus of natural rage, the damage of the Skeleton Archer was almost catching up with the Elite Skeleton General!

Zhang Yi then threw a lightning chain over, and with a normal attack that triggered a lucky hit, he killed the Skeleton Archer in three hits.

During this process, Zhang Yi was also hit twice, losing more than 300 points of health. If he was hit by the Skeleton Archer again, he would be dead!

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