Zhang Yi did not expect that he would meet these old friends whom he had not met in his previous life.

Guan Yu, Liu Xuande, Qingfeng, Yarou...

No wonder these IDs are so familiar, and these people look so familiar. Maybe it is because after three years, no, it is after eleven years, Zhang Yi's memory has gradually blurred...

But when he saw these people again, Zhang Yi's long-lost excitement and passion instantly surged into his heart.

The people in front of Zhang Yi were his classmates when he was in high school, and they were close friends.

Many memories that were about to be forgotten appeared in Zhang Yi's mind at this moment.

When he was in high school, there was a legend called"The Three Brothers of Taoyuan" in Class 305 of Linhai Middle School in Linhai City.

It is said that the three of them were good brothers who had sworn brotherhood. No matter what they did, they were together, skipping classes together, fighting together, eating together, playing games together, sleeping in the same dormitory, and sharing everything with each other, except for sharing a girlfriend.

Because at that time, only one of the three of them was still single, and they swore during the"Peach Garden Oath": A friend's wife should not be bullied...

And"Zhang Yide", one of the three brothers in the Peach Garden, is Zhang Yi.

The other two are the young players in front of Zhang Yi with the IDs"Guan Yunchang" and"Liu Xuande". Their real names are"Guan Hao" and"Liu Xing".

Thinking back to that time, Guan Hao and Liu Xing were really the best brothers in Zhang Yi's life. Zhang Yi even remembered that once he was beaten by a group of gangsters outside, Guan Hao took two knives from the gangsters to protect himself and lay in the hospital for half a month.

And Liu Xing, in order to defend Zhang Yi and Guan Hao, went to find the gangster who stabbed him with a knife, fought with him and got bloody, and was even sent to the police station...

The two of them are really Zhang Yi's best buddies!

In the previous life, Zhang Yi never met Guan Hao and his friends. Perhaps it was an unintentional action that changed some subtle historical processes in this life, leading to Zhang Yi meeting these good brothers again. When

Guan Hao and Liu Xing saw Zhang Yi, it was as if they had returned to three years ago. They each put their palms together and shouted,"We don't ask to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but we ask to die on the same day of the same month of the same year!"

Seeing that Zhang Yi was unmoved, Guan Hao smiled awkwardly, then patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said casually,"How come you suddenly disappeared on the day of graduation three years ago? It made Liu Xing and I look for you so hard!"

"I……"Zhang Yi was about to say something when his eyes inadvertently turned to the other two people beside him, the archer with the ID"Qingfeng" and the pastor"Yarou".

Zhang Yi knew that they were siblings, Han Feng and Han Yarou.

The pastor's sister, Yarou, had an amazing appearance. When she was in high school, she was the recognized school belle of Linhai Middle School. Until now, she seemed to be getting more and more beautiful... and since Yarou was the first to recognize Zhang Yi and called him, she never spoke again. She just looked at Zhang Yi quietly with clear eyes from beginning to end.

After staring at Yarou for a second, Zhang Yi withdrew his gaze as if to avoid it, and then said to Guan Hao and Liu Xing:"I... still have a task to submit, so I'll leave first."

"Hey Zhang Yi!"

Seeing that Zhang Yi really turned around and left, Guan Hao and Liu Xing hurriedly ran to Zhang Yi and stopped him:"What's going on with you? It's okay that you suddenly disappeared three years ago, but why are you like this now? Don't you consider us brothers?"

While talking, Guan Hao asked:"What happened three years ago? Why did you disappear without saying a word?"

Zhang Yi was silent for a moment:"Let's not mention the past."

"Well, let's not talk about the past." Liu Xing said:"It's not easy for the three of us to meet again, you want to just leave like this?"

Zhang Yi acted very indifferent:"I really have a task that I need to go back and submit immediately."

"Okay, we are from the same district, and we just happen to be going back, let’s go together!"

As soon as Guan Hao finished speaking, Zhang Yi said:"No need, let’s go our separate ways."

After that, Zhang Yi ignored Guan Hao and the others and left alone.

Watching Zhang Yi leave like this, Guan Hao wanted to chase him, but was held back by Liu Xing:"Forget it, Haozi, maybe three years have passed, and things have changed. He no longer regards us as brothers in the past."

Guan Hao couldn't believe it:"Impossible!"

"How is it impossible?"Liu Xing said:"Didn't you see his strength just now? He is Yinuo Qingcheng, the great player in District 886 who makes everyone in the King's World tremble with fear. Just now, you saw him destroy a team of the King's World alone, right? We are not people of the same level as him, and we are destined to never be good friends like before."

At this time, the pastor sister Yarou squatted on the ground and buried her head in tears...

Here, Zhang Yi, who parted with Guan Hao and others and continued to rush to Hope Town, couldn't calm down at all, because he met several of the most important people in his life before the opening of the apocalypse world in the previous life.

In fact, he also wanted to re-form the"Taoyuan Three Brothers" group with Guan Hao and Liu Xing like three years ago, but Zhang Yi in this life was afraid. He was afraid of betrayal, especially betrayal by his best brother.

In the previous life, not only Muchen and Lin Ruo, but also among the friends Zhang Yi knew before, at least three out of ten would betray Zhang Yi for some reason, either for a top-quality equipment, or for money, or for a skill book.���Or for some other things that can make a player stronger.

In the face of interests, friendship is worthless.

For Zhang Yi, the betrayal of Muchen and Lin Ruo was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

So in this life, Zhang Yi dared not be sincere to anyone again, so he did not dare to recognize Guan Hao and the others just now. He was afraid that even Guan Hao and Liu Xing would betray him later.

Of course, in addition to this, another reason why Zhang Yi's attitude was so resolute just now was because of the priest girl, Yarou.

This girl evoked countless memories of Zhang Yi...

Forget it, it has been so long, some things should not be remembered.

So, Zhang Yi tried to calm himself down and returned to Hope Town.

It was already past twelve o'clock in the night, and there were still many players coming and going in Hope Town. Many players were anxiously trying to log out repeatedly.

And Zhang Yi went straight to the blacksmith shop, found NPC Yier who was still forging equipment in the middle of the night, and handed him the first-level energy crystal.

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