After opening the leaderboard, Zhang Yi found that with a level of 17 and 55%, he had already topped the 886th safe zone's Heavenly Ranking, leaving the second place Storm Angel 40 percentage points ahead!

Facts have proved that it is indeed easy for Zhang Yi to top the Heavenly Ranking, as long as he is willing.

Because when other players are still teaming up to share the experience of level 15 or 16 monsters, Zhang Yi has been alone in killing level 18 or 19 monsters and getting all the benefits. The speed of killing monsters is several times faster than that of ordinary players. With this gap, it is easy to open up a huge level gap with ordinary players.

Zhang Yi, who has returned to the top of the list, has once again attracted heated discussions among the players in Zone 886.——

【Light Wind and Snow] (Female, Level 15 Magician):"Everyone, look, Yinuo Qingcheng has once again topped our 886 District Level List! (Lewd) (Lewd)"

【[Shenxianju] (male, level 16 archer):"Big brother is awesome. When I checked this morning, he was still in fifth place, and his level was only a little over level 15. He even leveled up twice in just one morning. This leveling speed is too fast! Can you help me level up~ (poor)"

At the same time, on a certain outdoor map, King of Glory, who was brushing a level 18 mutant black bear with his teammates, looked at the message in the regional chat channel and said angrily:"Yinuo Qingcheng, if you hadn't killed me twice before, would you have been the first on the list?"

Thinking of the brothers in the team last night, the King of Gods was wiped out by Yinuo Qingcheng in the wild, King of Glory became even more angry:"Damn it, Yinuo Qingcheng, I swear, I will make you disappear from this world!"

At this time, a magician brother next to King of Glory said:"Captain, everyone is brushing the Treasure City Undead City now. Should we also move our position to the Undead City? I heard that the explosion rate of skeletons and undead monsters there is very high, and there is a chance to explode set equipment!"

"No need." King of Glory seemed to have already had his plan:"In addition to the high drop rate, don't you know that the monsters in the City of the Dead are much more powerful than the same level monsters in the wild? Why do we have to risk going in to swipe them?"

As King of Glory finished speaking, the younger brother next to him said thoughtfully:"Captain, what do you mean……"

King of Glory chuckled and said,"Wait for them to farm for another two or three days, and when they have almost all the suits, our whole team will charge into the City of the Undead and snatch them directly from them. Those who refuse to obey will be killed!"

"In this way, wouldn't it be much easier to get a suit?"

At the gate of the City of the Dead.

Zhang Yi heard the system prompt that he had obtained a suit of equipment for the Undead, and he couldn't wait to open his backpack and take out a black magic robe.——

【[Undead Robe] (One of the Mage Undead Sets):

Quality: 2 stars

Level: 17

HP: 150

Additional attributes: Intelligence 7

Occupational restrictions: Magician, Beastmaster

Description: Undead equipment infused with the power of the undead is much stronger than ordinary equipment. Mage Undead Set Bonus: 2-piece set/casting speed 5%, 3-piece set/casting speed 10%, 4-piece set 20%, 5-piece set 30%, 6-piece set 40%, 7-piece set 50%.

Wow, from last night to now, I finally got a 2-star mage undead equipment! And it also adds 7 points of intelligence, which is really great for Zhang Yi, who pursues output to the extreme.

Relying on his own god-level enhancement, Zhang Yi took out 25 level 2 enhancement stones from his bag without hesitation, and enhanced the Undead Robe to the top level in the blink of an eye.

25 Undead Robes, HP 525, Intelligence 25. Open the exclusive talent [Undead Bodyguard]: The wearer will gain an Undead Shield with a shield value of 10% of the maximum HP every 10 seconds, and the shield will automatically refresh every 10 seconds. Undead

Bodyguard cannot be said to be similar to the [Angel Guardian] talent of [Guardian Armor], but it is exactly the same, and it is a good defensive talent.

So, Zhang Yi, who just reached level 17, immediately equipped the Undead Robe on his body. At this moment, he remembered that the 20 free attribute points accumulated from level 13 to level 17 had not been moved. Zhang Yi directly added all 20 points to intelligence.

Since you are pursuing output, then pursue the ultimate!

With the 25 points added by the Undead Robe, the accumulated 45 intelligence points bring Zhang Yi a 63-point attack power bonus!

For the 25 Guardian Armor, the 25 Undead Robe has 105 less health.

Because the additional health value of armor equipment is generally more, at the same level, the basic health value of armor can reach twice that of the mage's clothes!

It was a pity that the 25th Guardian Armor could not be traded because it was bound, so I had to take it back and disassemble it, and I could get 12 level 2 reinforcement stones back.

Zhang Yi spent a whole morning in the City of the Dead to get one energy crystal, and with the task reward, he already had two, but he was still far from the target of 10 required for the task.

After submitting the task, Zhang Yi left the City of the Dead. After a half-hour journey, when he returned to Hope Town, it was already 11:30 noon.

There were still 30 minutes left, no rush, let's eat first.

The steak I had last night tasted good, but it was a bit too greasy, so I planned to change the taste today.

So, Zhang Yi changed to something greasy...

In the restaurant, he spent 1 gold coin to order a pot of grilled bullfrog, and a bottle of red wine that had risen to 60 silver coins as the level increased. He sat at a table and ate and drank alone, which made the players around him who were eating a bowl of fried rice and fried noodles with a few silver coins drool.

A soldier who was eating egg fried rice:"Fuck, this guy is so rich, the money he spent on a meal is more than what I earn from doing quests and killing monsters in the wild in a day!"

A magician who was gnawing on a dry white steamed bun:"That roasted bullfrog looks so delicious, I want to eat it too!"……"

After a good meal and a good drink, Zhang Yi arrived at the guard hall of Hope Town at 11:55 based on his memory.

This is where the NPC guards of Hope Town live. There is a level 20 NPC guard wearing armor and holding a spear guarding the door. Zhang Yi's target is this NPC guard - Mog!

At this moment, Mog is just an ordinary NPC, with no question mark above his head, and he cannot trigger the task.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, and waited at the door of the guard hall, staring at the NPC guard Mog from beginning to end, staring at Mog so hard that his scalp numbed.

Until the arrival of twelve o'clock, a notice of the whole server of Apocalypse World suddenly fell from the air!

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