Seeing the hammer in Zhang Yi's hand, the King of Glory players who were standing at a safe distance looked at each other in bewilderment.

"What is this guy doing? Isn't he a beastmaster? What does that hammer in his hand mean?"

"Who would have known? It was said that he was wearing level 10 novice armor as a beastmaster before, and ended up defeating more than a dozen of our King of Glory players. That happened last night!"

"Every piece of equipment on him that looks like trash is actually top-grade. Everyone, be careful. The hammer in his hand is most likely a divine weapon below level 10, and its attributes are definitely stronger than those of level 30 weapons!"

Before the fight even started, the people on the side of King's World were so amazing that they had an inexplicable fear of Zhang Yi holding the big hammer.

Before the battle even started, the players of King's World had already lost a lot in momentum, and this was what Zhang Yi wanted to see.

At the same time, there were also many individual players who came from the first and second areas of the City of the Undead with the mood of watching the excitement. There were even players who came from outside to watch the excitement!

The surroundings were soon surrounded by countless passers-by players. Facing this upcoming battle of the number one player in the 886th district against the thousand-man team King's World, many players were full of expectations.

Discussions broke out in the crowd.

A knight uncle with his hands folded on his chest:"King's World has made such a big scene this time, it seems that Yinuo Qingcheng is sure to win! If the whole team can't deal with Yinuo Qingcheng, I'm afraid that Wangzhe Tianxia will have no face to stay in District 886 in the future!"

A priest sister eating a lollipop:"Really~ So many people bully Brother Qingcheng, it's too much, don't the people of Wangzhe Tianxia feel ashamed!"

A magician brother wearing glasses:"Shame? You don't know how Yinuo Qingcheng relied on his own strength to wipe out dozens of teams in Wangzhe Tianxia twice in a row. Yinuo Qingcheng is a bug in our District 886. How can Wangzhe Tianxia deal with this bug without so many people?"

A warrior man stroking his long beard:"This time it's hanging, Yinuo Qingcheng is going to die."

A hot archer sister:"I don't think so.

I still have high hopes for this little brother Yinuo Qingcheng.

Although he is young, he is strong.

The hammer in his hand should be a novice artifact, otherwise he would not be level 17 and still using a hammer of several levels.

In the early stage of this game, all you need to compete is attributes.

As long as Yinuo Qingcheng suppresses Wangzhe Tianxia in attributes, even if a thousand people from Wangzhe Tianxia come, they can't do anything to Yinuo Qingcheng!


Hearing the discussions of the surrounding onlookers, King of Glory was determined to win:"If I can't kill you today, I will take your surname!"

As soon as the words fell, the level 17 silver-armored knight King Returned beside him whispered in King of Glory's ear:"Captain, you said last time that you didn't believe Yinuo Qingcheng could deal 40 or 50 points of damage, otherwise you would eat shit on the live broadcast, and you haven't eaten it yet!"

"I'll eat your uncle!" King of Glory gave the King's Return a fierce kick, and then issued an order:"Brothers, kill him, kill Yinuo Qingcheng and you will be rewarded with 100 gold coins!"


The crowd around burst into laughter.

"100 gold coins, this is too much!"

""Damn, I want to join the battle too. If I'm lucky enough to kill Yinuo Qingcheng, 100 gold coins will be enough for me to buy a set of top-grade 20 or higher equipment!"

Even Zhang Yi himself was a little shocked when he heard the bounty amount of King of Glory.

Is he so valuable now? One head is worth 100 gold coins! Zhang Yi even had the urge to commit suicide...

In front, with the order of King of Glory, countless players of King's World rushed towards Zhang Yi.

For 100 gold coins, for glory, kill!

Standing in place, Zhang Yi held a big hammer and waited quietly for the arrival of the enemy. At the same time, a strong murderous aura gradually bloomed in his eyes.

"Want to kill me? But it's not that easy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a level 16 warrior [King of War] approaching him quickly with a charge slash. After he approached quickly and stabbed him with a sword, triggering the gray name, Zhang Yi raised his hammer and"hit" the King of War from bottom to top, knocking the King of War away.

The next moment, a damaging wave floated above their heads at the same time.——



The warrior player who was hammered away was stunned when he saw the 1 point of mandatory damage jumping up above Zhang Yi's head. Although he was not a violent output type warrior who added all his points, he was very confident with his own high attack power of more than 180 points. He didn't expect that he couldn't even break the opponent's defense. This guy's defense is too high!

Just when the king was feeling incredible, Zhang Yi had already approached with a hammer, and hit the king again with a"clang" hammer, bringing a super high critical damage of 884 points, directly clearing the remaining one-third of the blood on the king's head.

Instant kill!


As the body of the king turned into a beam of white light and flew away, the surrounding players cast astonished eyes.

However, this had no effect on the people of the king's world. For the bounty of 100 gold coins, they still rushed to approach.

As melee players of professions such as warriors, knights and assassins approached, the mages and archers of the King's World, who were in the back, also entered the effective attack range and attacked Zhang Yi!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh - countless sharp arrows and magic balls swept in from the front low in the air. Because the coverage was too wide, it was almost impossible to dodge.

Most of the attacks fell on Zhang Yi, causing a series of 30-50 damage on Zhang Yi's head. Zhang Yi, who had a total of 1200 HP, could not withstand the opponent's concentrated fire attack, and soon lost one-third of his HP!

This was still under the protection of the [Undead Body Protection] talent of the [Undead Robe].

At the same time, Zhang Yi swung the hammer again and hammered away a King's Assassin who was approaching from the side with the acceleration skill.

This big hammer was indeed a"magic weapon". Almost all the melee players of the King's World who tried to approach could not withstand the damage of the hammer.

Bang bang bang!



-798 Critical Hit!

The assassin has two hammers, the warrior has three hammers, and even the toughest knight can't withstand the attack of Zhang Yi's four hammers!

With a 25-level 1 big hammer, Zhang Yi's output is simply crazy!

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