
Liu Xing looked at Han Yarou, a hint of reluctance emerged in his eyes, and said to Han Yarou:"I told Brother Yao that if I helped him deal with Yinuo Qingcheng, he agreed to make an exception and let you join the King's World in addition to me!" As he said that

, Liu Xing stretched out his hand to Han Yarou:"Yaro, come with me, from now on in the King's World, no one can bully us!"

Han Yarou couldn't imagine how the person who had just killed her brother and good friend with his own hands could still say such words to her:"Don't you feel disgusted?"

"He is right." At this time, Zhang Yi continued Liu Xing's words and said to Han Yarou:"You join the King's World, at least you can save your life now, and you don't have to be killed by them with me."

Han Yarou turned around, looked at Zhang Yi with deep eyes, and said:"Three years ago we said that we would never betray each other, have you forgotten?"

Zhang Yi was silent:"You will regret it."

"I won't." Han Yarou said,"I will never regret it."

Seeing that Han Yarou still stayed with Zhang Yi even in this situation, Liu Xing couldn't help but get angry and said,"Captain, can you kill Yinuo Qingcheng?"

Because long before Zhang Yi and Han Yarou were together, Liu Xing was already one of Han Yarou's admirers. In his opinion, it was because he did not dare to pursue her that Zhang Yi took the lead and got Han Yarou.

And because of his relationship with Zhang Yi and Guan Hao, Liu Xing had to suppress his dissatisfaction with Zhang Yi in his heart. It was not until three years ago that Zhang Yi suddenly left without saying goodbye, which made Liu Xing think that he had a chance and began to pursue Han Yarou frantically. Unexpectedly, he was rejected by Han Yarou many times. The reason was: Han Yarou said that there would only be one person in her heart forever, and that was Zhang Yi.

This made Liu Xing think more and more that Han Yarou rejected him because she still had thoughts about Zhang Yi. Only when Zhang Yi died completely, he would have a chance to get Han Yarou!

As soon as Liu Xing finished speaking, King of Glory smiled faintly:"Of course, do you want to kill him with your own hands?"

Liu Xing looked at Zhang Yi, obviously timid. He knew that it would be like hitting a rock with an egg to deal with Zhang Yi with his own strength.

At this time, King of Glory said:"You are not his opponent. Your mission has been completed. Leave the next thing to me.""

"I will do what I promised you. I will keep that woman for you. I will die for you!"

Liu Xing nodded and said gratefully,"Thank you, Captain!"

King of Glory stared at Zhang Yi as if he were a dead man, and gave an order,"Kill him!"

Wow, wow, wow!

The players of King of Glory around him picked up their weapons and continued to attack Zhang Yi.

Even though he was alone, Zhang Yi was not panicked at all. He carried a big hammer and took away a warrior of King of Glory with two hammers and a critical hit. Then he made a breakthrough behind him. Then, Zhang Yi actually... left Han Yarou behind and ran away alone!

Liu Xing and King of Glory were all stunned:"This guy... he didn't even want his own woman and ran away for his life?"

Looking at Han Yarou with a look of disappointment on her face, Liu Xing seized the opportunity and laughed,"Yarou, did you see that? This is the person you have been thinking about for three years. At the critical moment, he left you behind and ran away for his life. Is such a person still worth your attention?"

Looking at Zhang Yi's back as he fled alone, Han Yarou was completely disappointed, because no matter what, she never expected that the person she tried so hard to protect would just abandon her and run away alone.

At this moment, the Supreme King hurriedly said:"Yinuo Qingcheng is about to run away, I will take people to chase him!"

"Don't worry." The King of Glory was calm and said,"He's running in the wrong direction, where can he go? If he runs further in, it will be a dead end."

"However, in case he has a scroll of returning to the city, you should take your men with you. Don't hesitate, catch up with him and kill him directly. At least let me see one of the equipment he drops!"

"Don't worry, captain, leave it to me!"

The Supreme King took the order and led a large group of players from the King's World to chase into the depths of the City of the Undead.

Liu Xing was still trying to brainwash Han Yarou:"Yaro, stay with me. No matter how powerful Zhang Yi is, he can't protect you, and he is not reliable at all. I have joined the King's World now, and I can protect you!" Han

Yarou, who had just lost her brother Han Feng and was abandoned by Zhang Yi, was so disheartened that she had no mood to pay attention to Liu Xing.

Liu Xing approached Han Yarou with a smile that gradually became presumptuous:"Don't worry, Yarou, I will treat you well in the future.……"

At this moment, a violent roar that resounded through the sky suddenly came from the front. The King's Return was frightened:"Fuck! What was that sound just now?"

The King's Glory seemed to realize something:"Go over there!"

After saying that, the King's Glory immediately led the army of the King's World and rushed to the depths of the City of the Dead.

Just after passing a crossroads, I was shocked to see that in the street on the right side of the intersection, a large area on the ground showed signs of being burned by a fire, and the bodies of countless King's World players who had just died and had not yet been refreshed by the system, mixed with the bodies of some necromancers and undead killers, lying on the ground in all directions, and equipment, money potions, and strengthening stones and other dropped items were scattered all over the ground.

In addition, there was a beastmaster man wearing a black robe and holding a magic wand shining with silver light in his hand, standing in the middle of these corpses, with a bright white ID on his head -

Level 18 Beastmaster Yinuo Qingcheng!

Around Zhang Yi, in the ruins burned by the Hell Dragon Flame, there were still many surviving Wangzhe Tianxia white-name players, who were spared because they were selected by Zhang Yi as protection targets.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yi can still maintain his white name after killing so many Wangzhe Tianxia players, because all the targets he locked on were gray names!

This scene in front of him stunned the King of Glory and the King of Glory players who followed him.


Countless white lights lit up at the same time on the field, and the bodies of all the dead players in Wangzhe Tianxia refreshed at the same time, indicating that they died at the same time!

What kind of power could kill so many of them, and those level 19-20 undead at the same time?

In the eyes of the King of Glory, there was nothing but shock. No one noticed that the level of Yinuo Qingcheng in front of them had risen from level 17 before he escaped to level 18, and the weapon in his hand was replaced by a magic wand instead of a big iron hammer.

Those white-name players who witnessed their companions being killed by a group of dragon flames were all shocked.

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