The players of the King's World barely even had a chance to get close to Zhang Yi, and were killed by him dozens of meters away. The time it took for the corpses to refresh could not keep up with the speed of accumulation. In a blink of an eye, the corpses in front of them had piled up into a mountain, and all kinds of drops were everywhere.

Gradually, facing the nearly invincible Zhang Yi, the players of the King's World changed from an offensive state to a defensive state, and retreated in panic.

No one knew why this Yinuo Qingcheng was so powerful.

Because it seemed that from the beginning, he was the leader of Zone 886, the first member to enter the safe zone, the first to complete the job transfer, and even many people suspected that the first nameless player to trigger the hidden task was also Yinuo Qingcheng!

Of course, that was because they could never have dreamed that Zhang Yi was a person who came from the end of the world eight years later, with the consciousness of the next eight years, with the super artifact dragon bloodline, and a god-level talent starter!

It was for this reason that Zhang Yi was created as a"plug-in".

When he reaches a higher level and enters the main city, he cannot guarantee that he will be able to go so smoothly. After all, there are always people who are better than you. Zhang Yi is not the only one in this world who has god-level talent and dragon blood.

But at least before that, Zhang Yi can rely on his early advantages to become the number one player in District 886. He doesn't need to take the mere King of the World seriously.

On the field, the battle is still going on, and Zhang Yi is still madly slaughtering the players of King of the World.

At this time, the chat channel of District 886 has been flooded with messages from passers-by who are witnessing the massacre.

【Stranger] (Male, Level 17 Assassin):"Oh my god, Yinuo Qingcheng is awesome, 1v1000, the entire Wangzhe Tianxia team is almost wiped out by him alone!"

【Shinnosuke] (Male, Level 16 Magician):"??? Are you kidding me? Really? How can one person defeat a whole team? How is that possible? Unless he's cheating! (Disdain) (Disdain)"

【Crayon Shin-chan (female, level 16 warrior):"This is true. I am at the scene right now. I saw with my own eyes that the people of King's World besieged Yinuo Qingcheng, but now they are being killed by Yinuo Qingcheng in a wave. The corpses are piled up like a mountain! (Surprised)"

【Liuyun (male, level 17 assassin):"Is this so exciting? If I had known, I would have gone to the City of the Dead to have a look. Is there any brother here who can start a live video broadcast?"

【Crayon Shin-chan】:"Can this game be broadcast live online? (Question) (Question)"

【Flowing Clouds】:"Yes, but the fee seems to be very high, it is charged by the second, and every second is burning money"

【[Urgent] (Male, Level 17 Magician):"Money is not a problem. Start the live broadcast quickly. We will give you gifts and guarantee that you will not lose money. Hurry up!"

The online live broadcast of Tianqi was originally an entertainment function launched by [Tianyun Group] to make money. Players are charged per second for live broadcasts. Other players in the live broadcast room give gifts. The host can get half of it and the game takes the other half.

Looking at a large group of players urging them in the chat channel, in the City of the Dead, a female warrior player with the ID"Crayon Shin-chan" who was watching the game on the field, after a series of unfamiliar operations, started the live broadcast at a huge consumption of 1 silver coin per second!

As soon as the live broadcast started,"Crayon Shin-chan" sent a message in the regional channel:"I only have a few dozen silver coins in my bag. The live broadcast consumes 1 silver coin per second. I have started the live broadcast, and it depends on you how long it can last!"

As the live broadcast started, many players who were not in the City of the Dead found [Crayon Shin-chan Live Broadcast Room] on the live broadcast interface and joined in.

So, in the live broadcast room, system messages were refreshed one after another.……

"Player [I am an idiot] enters the live broadcast room!"

"Player [Nuwa is also crazy] entered the live broadcast room!"

"Player [Wang Zha] enters the live broadcast room!"


In the live broadcast room, from the perspective of"Crayon Shin-chan", the scene she sees is being broadcast live.

In the screen, you can see that on an empty city street, a large group of players in King of Glory are fighting and retreating under the pressure of a beastmaster player. With a wave of his hand, the beastmaster will basically bring one or two white lights to the field.

And above the head of the beastmaster, the white ID Yinuo Qingcheng is also very eye-catching.

The spectacular scene made the audience in the live broadcast room shout 666.

Feng Qingyundan:"It's really 1v1000, damn, Yinuo Qingcheng is awesome!"

Miss Sunny Sky:"So many people in King of Glory can't beat one person, it's too scary, this little brother Yinuo Qingcheng is so awesome!"




Then, Crayon Shin-chan only saw the gifts on the bullet screen bursting - the player Feng Qingyundan sent a gift [Flowers] x1! (Unit price 1 silver coin, you get 50% of the profit: 50 copper coins, the system has automatically put it into your backpack)!

The player Feng Qingyundan sent a gift [Flowers] x66!

The player Sunny Miss sent a gift [Fireworks] x10! (Unit price 3 silver coins)

The player Storm Angel sent a gift [Yacht] x1! (Unit price 10 gold coins)


Luo Tianyi:"Oh my god, the Storm Angel boss is here, I can even afford a yacht worth 10 gold coins, I can do whatever I want if I have money!"


Here, watching the gifts in the live broadcast room bursting out, Crayon Shin-chan's backpack funds rose rapidly from dozens of silver coins to more than a dozen gold coins, and she was so excited that she almost cried. She had never seen so many gold coins before, and she did nothing but open the live broadcast!

Seeing that Crayon Shin-chan's live broadcast room was popular, many players who were watching the game on the spot also followed suit and opened new live broadcast rooms. In order to attract popularity, the titles of the live broadcast rooms were also varied.——

【Watch the great Yinuo Qingcheng 1v1000 and completely defeat the King of the World team of 1,000 people】!

【Yinuo Qingcheng is invincible and is the best in the 886th district.】!


On the field, Zhang Yi was indeed still killing people everywhere. The total number of players of King's World who were under the Flowing Light Staff had exceeded 50!

In fact, the reason why so many people in King's World could not beat Zhang Yi was because they were afraid and did not dare to launch an attack.

Zhang Yi was a human, not a god. Even if he had high defense and strong blood, a dozen archers and assassins from the other side could kill Zhang Yi instantly with a round of armor-piercing attacks!

Fear made them forget to resist and really regarded Zhang Yi as an invincible existence.

So, Zhang Yi single-handedly killed all the way to the place where Guan Hao and others died before.

Liu Xing, who didn't know what happened in front, was still sticking to Han Yarou and trying to please Han Yarou, until he saw the King's World army retreating continuously, Zhang Yi broke through the siege, holding the staff, and gradually approached him!

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