Zhang Yi didn't have the time to chat with this group of people, because it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and there were only ten minutes left before the Skeleton King invaded Hope Town.

Before the BOSS was defeated, Zhang Yi had to upgrade back to level 18 and re-equip the Streamer Staff to have a chance to get the last blow from the BOSS in the crowd of over ten thousand people!

So, Zhang Yi first went to the town's police hall, found the NPC guard Mog standing at the door, triggered a dialogue, and submitted the task of [Hunting Skeletons]

"Young warrior, you did not disappoint me. You killed those skeletons and undead. In this way, the strength of the Golden Skeleton King will be greatly weakened. In this way, we will have a chance to resist its invasion and kill it!"

"Warrior, please accept the reward you deserve!"

As soon as Mog finished speaking, a pleasant system prompt sounded in Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the special task [Hunting Skeletons]. Rewards based on the task completion: 52800 experience points, 80 silver coins, 15 level 2 reinforcement stones, 84 human reputation. Since this task is unique in the entire area, you get a special reward skill book [Flash] 1! Intimacy with [Guard] 8!"

I didn't get the equipment reward, but I got a rarer skill book reward!

So Zhang Yi immediately opened his backpack and was surprised to find that the task reward [Flash] was actually a green quality one.——

【Flash] (Skill Book):

Quality: Green

Description: After using, you can learn the Mage skill Flash (select any position within 20 meters as the end point, start instant movement, and after flashing, the user's next attack damage increases by 15%, consumes 3 energy points, and the cooling time is 15 seconds)

Occupational restrictions: Magician, Beastmaster (When used by Beastmaster, the damage of the next attack after flashing is increased by 10%)

Consumption of skill slots: 2

Flash is an indispensable life-saving skill for the fragile profession of Mage, especially when being targeted by enemy assassins.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi, who is currently at level 17, has only 5 skill slots opened, and Green Fireball and Lightning Chain have occupied 4 of them. He can only wait until he reaches level 18 to open the sixth skill slot and learn this Flash. So

, putting the skill book in his bag, Zhang Yi opened the status bar and looked at the experience bar: 72%, and then went to the City of the Dead to brush it again, and it should be no problem to get back to level 18 before the BOSS is pushed down.

So before that, Zhang Yi went to the blacksmith shop and spent 1.9 gold coins to repair the [Flame Staff] damaged by the Necromancer! This was when his intimacy level with Il reached level 1 and he enjoyed a 5% discount.

As a 1-star quality equipment, the Flame Staff itself is not valuable, but its level 25 enhancement is valuable.

The higher the equipment enhancement level, the higher the cost of repair.

Because before upgrading to level 18 equipment, the Streamer Staff, Zhang Yi couldn't go to fight the skeletons in the City of the Dead with his bare hands.

Then, after replenishing some potions and spending 1 gold coin to buy another scroll to return to the city in the store, Zhang Yi left Hope Town and set off back to the City of the Dead.

The time froze at 5:10, and the system's regional announcement sounded again.——

"Ding~ Attention all players in the 886th safe zone, the God of Death, the Golden Skeleton King, will begin to invade Hope Town in 2 minutes. It is expected to depart from the City of the Dead and arrive at Hope Town at 5:30 at the latest. Please return to the safe zone immediately and be prepared to defend Hope Town and fight against the Golden Skeleton King together!"

It can be seen that countless players are rushing back from the wild one after another. Only Zhang Yi left the safe zone in the opposite direction.

Not long after Zhang Yi left the safe zone, he felt a tremor. From the direction of the City of the Dead, there was a faint roar like a giant beast.

At the same time, the system prompts that the transmission has fallen.——

"Ding~ God of Death·Golden Skeleton King has revived and is heading to Hope Town. Please be prepared, players!"

In the safe zone, countless players felt their blood boiling.

At this moment, some players who had not returned to the safe zone and were still brushing skeletons in the City of the Dead had witnessed the rise of the Golden Skeleton King with their own eyes. Several players even started live broadcasts!

Zhang Yi also opened the live broadcast interface, randomly found a live broadcast room opened by a player in the City of the Dead, and clicked in.


The perspective of the player who was broadcasting appeared on a light screen in front of Zhang Yi.

On the light screen, there was a super-large skeleton warrior with a head of at least 20 to 30 meters, an extremely huge body, a crown on his head, a cloak on his back, and a golden glow all over his body, crawling out from the underground of the City of the Dead!

On the head of the giant skeleton warrior shining with golden light, there was a clear red ID mark -

Level 20 God of Death·Golden Skeleton King (1-star physical BOSS)!

"Tiny humans, surrender to my golden giant sword!"

Accompanied by a roar, the golden skeleton king, who had completely broken out of the ground, suddenly raised a golden giant sword in his hand and chopped it down to the ground with a"boom".

Then, the screen shook violently, and a scream could be heard from inside. Countless white lights lit up from the screen. The next moment, the screen stopped, and a system prompt appeared on it- the anchor has been hung, and the video is disconnected...

In the safe zone, countless players who were watching the live broadcast were stunned.

Player A:"Fuck, this skeleton king is really big, just like Godzilla!"

Player B:"Did you see how many people were killed in that sword? This is too scary! Who can withstand this?"

Player C:"You have to withstand it even if you can't. It is said that if you can't resist it, everyone in the entire safe zone will die! It's coming, God, so scary!" Player D:"

Don't panic, everyone, we must unite as one, while the BOSS hasn't arrived here yet, let's quickly set up the formation! The knights and warriors go forward to hold on and don't let the BOSS enter the safe zone. The mages and archers stay behind to output damage!"


Just when everyone in the 886th safe zone was discussing how to fight the BOSS, Zhang Yi, who was on his way to the City of the Dead, encountered the Golden Skeleton King approaching Hope Town from the City of the Dead.



Every step the Golden Skeleton King took was like an earthquake. He was holding a golden giant sword, sparks and lightning all the way. All the players who tried to stop him were chopped into white light by the Golden Skeleton King's sword, or directly stepped to death!

Zhang Yi paused and sighed:"Fuck... still so fierce!"

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