"I hope that Master Yinuo Qingcheng will not be killed instantly by their concentrated fire like last time!"

"It's possible. After all, Yinuo Qingcheng is also a person, not a god!"

As Zhang Yi stepped out of the safe zone, the players who had just made way for him merged automatically and focused their attention on Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, was quietly staring at the three King's World players approaching in front of him.

He just waited for them to enter the effective attack range within 50 meters.


While Zhang Yi continued to approach the BOSS, he waved his staff and a lightning chain bombarded the three people approaching.



-1298 Critical Hit!

Three extremely high damages jumped from the heads of the three opponents. Among them, a level 16 warrior who was at the back and was hit by the critical hit was instantly killed and flew away in white light.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi used another fireball spell and normal attack to harvest the other two knights and warriors who were injured in the King's World.

Although the spectacular scene of Yinuo Qingcheng's 1v1000 in the City of the Dead had been seen on the live broadcast before, Zhang Yi's terrible lethality of killing three people in less than ten seconds after the start still shocked countless players watching behind.

Player A:"Oh my god, Yinuo Qingcheng's damage is too explosive. His group skills can kill warriors in one second. How high must his attack power be!" Player B:"Last time in the City of the Undead, he was killed in one second because he was protecting that girl. This time, without any restraints, Yinuo Qingcheng can kill everyone without any scruples. It looks like there will be something interesting to watch today!"

Amidst the discussions of the crowd, seeing Zhang Yi easily kill three of his men who tried to stop him, King of Glory was a little surprised:"Damn, this kid……"

But seeing that the Skeleton King's health was only 3%, King of Glory had to put Zhang Yi aside and ordered the surrounding players of King's World:"Hold Yinuo Qingcheng, don't let him come over, wait until I take down the BOSS, then I will deal with him!"

After that, dozens of players of King's World rushed towards Zhang Yi with swords drawn.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, and continued to approach the BOSS. The streamer staff in his hand was full of silver light.

Start multiple attacks.

Boom boom boom boom!

Every time the streamer staff was swung, it could release two magic balls at the same time. With the assassin-like attack speed brought by 41 points of agility, countless magic balls bombarded the players of King's World, as if they were attacked by a group of magicians, not just Zhang Yi alone!

Zhang Yi did not lock on to a specific target, allowing these magic balls that were split in two to bombard the crowd of King's World in a messy manner.

Countless dense injuries jumped up from their heads one after another.——



-868 critical hit!



After opening the multi-attack, the damage caused by each magic ball is only 60%, but under Zhang Yi's high magic attack bonus, even 60% damage can cause fatal damage to the group of players in the world of Kings between levels 16 and 17 in front!

Before they approached, several white lights lit up, and all the fragile assassins died halfway. When the remaining warriors and knights approached, they were already at low health.

So, Zhang Yi harvested them one by one without hesitation.

Even if there were warriors who successfully approached, they could only cause dozens of insignificant damage when they slashed Zhang Yi, who had 156 points of physical defense, with a sword. They couldn't even break the [Undead Shield] triggered by the [Undead Robe].

The result they faced was that they were directly killed by a magic ball from Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi, who was holding the enhanced 25-level 3-star streamer staff, was unstoppable!

At this time, the BOSS's health was only 1%, the Storm Family was annihilated, and Zhang Yi became the only opponent of King of Glory.

"Stop him, stop him, everyone stop, I'm going to kill the BOSS! Give me the last blow!"

Under the shout of King of Glory, the players of the surrounding King of Glory stopped attacking the BOSS one after another, and deliberately left the Skeleton King, who had only a trace of blood left, to King of Glory.

Seeing that Zhang Yi was at least sixty or seventy meters away from the Golden Skeleton King, which was far beyond his effective attack range, and he could not attack the Skeleton King at all at the current distance, and there was also a large group of King of Glory people blocking him in front, King of Glory laughed triumphantly and said,"You still want to snatch the BOSS from me, are you qualified?"

""Yinuo Qingcheng, wait until I get the first kill of Skeleton King and get all the rewards and spoils, I will abuse you from now on, just like a dog! Wait for me to trample you under my feet!"

As he said this, King of Glory excitedly drew his bow and arrow, aiming at the Golden Skeleton King whose health bar had already reached the bottom.

"Goodbye, baby. The first kill of the level 20 1-star BOSS in the whole server is mine!"

After saying that, at the moment when the arrow of fire in King of Glory's hand flew out, suddenly a hot fireball flew over King of Glory's head and landed on the Skeleton King first, leaving a blood-red damage number on his head.——


The remaining health bar on Skeleton King's head was completely emptied, and King of Glory's Fire Arrow was a step too slow to reach the already dead Skeleton King, and was judged as an invalid attack by the system.

"How could I... die at the hands of a bunch of ants like you!"

"This town will eventually become the territory of General Rocky……"


With a deafening roar, the Skeleton King's huge body fell to the ground. Even though it was a corpse, it crushed dozens of King of the World players in the area to death!

At the same time, countless golden lights fell from all directions. All players who encountered the BOSS in this BOSS battle received the experience of the 20th level 1 star BOSS Golden Skeleton King!

Upgrading one level is the minimum, and some players with higher damage contributions even upgraded two levels!

And above Zhang Yi's head, three consecutive golden lights fell.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on taking the final blow of the level 20 1-star BOSS God of Death·Golden Skeleton King, and obtaining the final blow reward experience value of 600,000 and reputation of 2,400!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on reaching level 19……"

"Ding~ Congratulations on reaching level 20……"

"Ding~ Congratulations on reaching level 21. The next level up requires 350,000 experience points.……"

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting the first kill of the Golden Skeleton King in the server. The system will make a full server announcement. Please choose to make your ID public/hide?"

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