Currently, Zhang Yi was the only player who entered the second floor of the City of the Dead.

Without further ado, he picked up the Flowing Light Staff and started to attack.


He activated the multi-attack, and the staff split into two magic balls with a normal attack, which bombarded the two Skeleton Shield Guards in front of him.——

-696 critical hits!

-696 Critical Hit!

Two golden critical hits jumped from the heads of the two Skeleton Shield Guards. The critical hit rate brought by 132 points of agility attribute is quite impressive.

After all, at this stage, even if a level 20 assassin with full agility points is added, plus the equipment bonus, the agility points can probably only reach Zhang Yi's level, and Zhang Yi is a mage!

The basic 6-star agility growth of the first-level beastmaster, plus the 5-star bonus provided by the dragon bloodline, the 11-star agility growth is only 1 star lower than that of the assassin! Zhang Yi now is simply a combination of a violent assassin and a mage!

However, while causing damage to the two Skeleton Shield Guards, the [Reverse Injury] talent was triggered, and two 45-point damages jumped from Zhang Yi's head in succession!

【The [Damage Reduction] talent of Magician Pants gave Zhang Yi a single 25-point damage reduction.

Then, when the two Skeleton Shield Guards approached slowly with their swords and shields, Zhang Yi quickly launched an attack with his 132-point agility, delivering a critical hit every two times. With explosive output, he killed them more than ten meters away before they could get close.

"Ding~ You killed a level 25 [Skeleton Shield Guard], experience value 220! Sin value -1!"

"Ding~ You killed a level 25 [Skeleton Shield Guard], experience value 220! Sin value -1!"

Although it didn't take much effort to kill the two shield guards, and they didn't even touch him, but under the effect of the [Retaliation] talent, Zhang Yi himself lost more than 400 health!

With two-thirds of his health bar, he continued to lock on to the next target.

A lightning chain attracted two undead paladins and a skeleton shield guard at the same time. Multiple attacks combined with fireballs dealt a series of explosive damage to them.——



-1002 critical hits!

-1668 critical hit!


-744 critical hits!


With a wail, one of the Undead Paladins was killed instantly, and the remaining two were at low health. One of the Undead Paladins was lucky enough to hit Zhang Yi with a [Undead Arrow], and then both died along with its companion.

With the skill damage plus the bonus from the [Undead Shooting] talent, the Undead Paladin's arrow hit Zhang Yi's health by nearly 300 points, which was quite painful!

After getting rid of these shield guards and paladins, Zhang Yi's health was also at the bottom. He immediately took out a bottle of level 5 red potion from his bag and drank it, instantly recovering 1000 health points.

The damage of these skeleton shield guards and Undead Paladins themselves was not enough to pose a threat to Zhang Yi. The most troublesome thing was their talent.

Zhang Yi always killed three waves at a time, and after each wave, he almost consumed a bottle of level 5 red potion for recovery.

The unit price of level 5 red potion is as high as 40 copper coins, while the copper coins dropped by level 25 monsters are about 15. Basically, all the money earned from killing monsters is used for consumption.

At this time, it would be nice to have a nanny around.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi has enough potions in his bag, which can support him for most of the day.

So, he continued to kill.

The challenge of passing the second floor is to kill 1,000 Skeleton Shield Guards and Undead Paladins. According to Zhang Yi's speed, it should be done in about a day and a half or two days at the latest.

In the huge undead city, Zhang Yi is the only living person.

The time spent alone killing monsters is always dull and boring. While killing those Skeleton Shield Guards and Undead Paladins, Zhang Yi opened the chat interface to see if anyone contacted him to inform him of Han Yarou's whereabouts.

There was no private message, but Zhang Yi saw such a chat record in the regional chat channel, which was just a short while ago.——

【Return to the Roots] (Male, Level 17 Beast Tamer):"Three 3-star equipments are now available in the auction house! Has everyone seen it?"

【Shame] (Male, Level 19 Assassin):"I saw it, so what? The starting price is 50 gold coins, can you afford it?"

【[Male, Level 20 Archer]:"Fuck, I saw that too. There's also a top-quality archer weapon [Golden Bow of the Dead] on it! I want it so much!"

【Tiantian (female, level 18 magician):"Who do you think put those 3-star equipment up for sale? Even 2-star equipment is so rare now, and someone actually got 3-star equipment, and he didn't use it himself, so he put it up for auction!"

【shame】:"Who else could it be? It must be Yinuo Qingcheng! Those three pieces of equipment are all related to the undead. They were obviously dropped by Skeleton King. Yesterday, the first kill of Skeleton King and all the spoils were all taken by Yinuo Qingcheng. These pieces of equipment are definitely his, as well as the blue knight skill book!"

【A Promise as Good as Gold] (Male, Level 20 Assassin):"To be honest, lend me some money. I want to buy the Skeleton King's ring. When I make money, I will pay you back double!"

【[Rogue] (male, level 20 priest):"We'd better forget about it. I'm at the auction house now. The bidding price for those three pieces of equipment has risen to over 100. You can't afford it even if you borrow money! Because it's the Storm Family and the King's World who are bidding here!"

Looking at the chat records in the regional channel, Zhang Yi gradually became excited.

Now it's only been two or three hours since he put the three pieces of equipment on the shelf, and the price has already been bid up to 100 gold coins. What will the price be when the 24-hour auction ends!

Zhang Yi feels like he's going to get rich.

Don't worry, let them bid slowly. Zhang Yi continues to brush challenges and tasks in the City of the Undead.

This brushing took a whole morning plus a noon, until about two in the afternoon, countless���Zhang Yi, who had killed many Skeleton Guards and Undead Paladins, opened the task interface and found that the Level 5 [Undead Transmigration] task had been completed!

Zhang Yi had killed all 400 Skeleton Guards and Undead Paladins!

This efficiency of single-player was abnormal!

Seeing that the potions in his bag were almost used up, Zhang Yi first went to the Undead Capital and submitted the task to the Undead merchant Ailo.

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the level 5 task [Reincarnation of the Undead], and received 180,000 experience points, 2 gold coins, 15 level 2 reinforcement stones, 168 human reputation, 1 level 1 energy crystal, and the equipment [Necklace of the Undead] 1!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing this week's elite survival mission [Advanced Mission], and receiving a bonus resurrection opportunity 1. The survival mission has been upgraded to: [Extreme Enhancement] (Nightmare Level), you can view the details on the mission interface!"

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