Server-wide announcement:"Ding~ Attention all players in all servers: A new challenge is about to begin! In order to increase the fun of the game, the system will open the regional copy [Energy City] this weekend. Details can be viewed on the game homepage!


Server-wide announcement:"Ding~ The dual-area chat channel has been temporarily opened for every two adjacent safe zones, and will last until the end of the [Energy City] dungeon!"

Server-wide announcement:"Ding~"

Hearing the server-wide announcement that was repeated several times, Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh:"Is the final challenge of the novice zone finally about to begin?"

At the same time, in the dual-area chat channels that had just been opened in various regions, players started talking about the [Energy City] dungeon. Zhang Yi's 886 zone was no exception. The zone they were assigned to was also the competitor of the [Energy City] dungeon, which was 885. 885/886 dual-area chat channel——

【Unprecedented] (District 885, male, Level 21 Magician):"Energy City? What is that? Does anyone know about it? Can you explain it to me?"

【Little Red Riding Hood] (District 885, female, level 21 assassin):"Isn't there an introduction on the game homepage? You can check it out yourself and you'll know.

But I've seen this activity on the official website of Apocalypse before.

You can treat the Energy City as a battlefield between every two adjacent safe zones.

Killing dungeon monsters in the Energy City can gain energy points, and killing players in the enemy zone can also plunder energy from them.

At the end of the dungeon, the accumulated energy of all players in the two safe zones will be settled separately.

In the zone with the most energy, all players in the zone can get rewards.

In addition, the energy obtained by players can also be exchanged for various top-quality equipment and props in the Energy Mall after the dungeon ends.


【Tiantian] (District 886, female, Level 20 Magician):"It's so exciting, I hope the big brothers and sisters in District 885 will show mercy and be gentle with me!"

【Rogue] (District 886, male, level 21 priest):"What are you talking about? Can we in District 886 be bullied by those people in District 885? Don't panic, sweet girl. Follow Rogue closely in the dungeon. Rogue will protect you!"

【Iron Man (District 885, male, level 20 knight):"You losers in District 886, wait for your abuse!"

A player named Iron Man ignited two major districts with a message.……

【Storm Dragon King] (District 886, male, level 17 warrior):"Watch your words. Who is trash? When the Energy City dungeon opens, we will see who is trash."

【Spider-Man] (District 885, male, level 20 warrior):"What, you're not convinced by the words rubbish? What the hell, there's actually a level 17 guy in your district, hahaha! You still have the nerve to say you're not rubbish?"

【Honor of Kings】(District 886, male, level 15 archer):"Stop talking nonsense, you rubbish. Wait for me, the No. 1 team in District 886, to dominate the world. I will beat you in the dungeon!"

【iron Man】:"Oh my god, there is a level 15 player here. Your area 886 is really a hidden gem!"

【Feiying] (District 885, male, level 22 assassin):"Kingdom? What is that? Have you ever heard of our District 885 mythical team, the Ao Shi family? Do you believe that one Ao Shi family in our district can kill your entire District 886 in seconds?"

【Meteor Shower] (District 885, male, level 21 archer):"We, District 885's number one god, are the most powerful among all the heroes and can kill all of you in seconds!"

【Dancing Miracle] (District 886, female, Level 20 Magician):"Haha, is there only a great player in your district? There is a great player in our district, Yinuo Qingcheng, 1v1000!"

【Meteor Showers】:"(Spit) (Spit) (Spit)"


Seeing the players from the two regions quarreling in the chat channel, Zhang Yi closed the chat interface as if nothing had happened. In his opinion, verbal disputes are boring. Apocalypse is a world where people speak with their abilities.

However, the [Ao Shi Family] that appeared in the chat record just now is indeed a powerful team that should not be underestimated. Zhang Yi remembered that in his previous life, he was the king of the world in District 886, but was abused by the Ao Shi Family in District 885 in the Energy City dungeon.

Moreover, the Ao Shi Family later took down the hidden dungeon Dragon Emperor Tomb. It can be seen that their strength is indeed extraordinary and they are the backbone of District 885.

Of course, Zhang Yi, who was reborn in this life, did not take the Ao Shi Family seriously.

Open the main interface of the game, find the introduction of the [Energy City] dungeon, and open it to take a look.

The specific opening time of the dungeon is September 3, 2025, which is the day after tomorrow, Saturday, at 10 o'clock in the morning. The condition for entering the dungeon is to reach level 20. The dungeon lasts for three days and two nights until it ends at 10 o'clock next Monday night.

Killing monsters in the Energy City will give you energy. Killing players in the hostile zone will give you 10% of their energy. After the dungeon is over, players can use the energy to exchange for a large amount of experience points, money, reputation, or equipment and skill books in the Energy Mall.

In addition, in order to encourage players to participate in the dungeon, the system will set up a [System Shelter] mechanism in the dungeon. Just like when the Skeleton King BOSS invaded the safe zone before, all players who enter the Energy City dungeon will not lose the chance to revive when they die in the dungeon, and will not drop items. They will only be punished with a -10% experience point.

Today is only Thursday, and there are still two days before the dungeon opens the day after tomorrow morning.

Before that, do what you should do.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the progress of the second floor challenge of the City of the Dead has reached 80%, and Zhang Yi's level is approaching level 25.

Looking at the secondary attributes, after a night of hard work, Zhang Yi's fatigue has dropped to 10%, which is quite dangerous! There is no way to continue brushing.

It's time to go back and rest.

So Zhang Yi crushed a scroll back to the city and returned to Hope Town in an instant.

Without rushing to sleep, Zhang Yi went to the auction house as soon as possible and found that the blue skill book [Undead Stab] that was auctioned for 24 hours was also sold for 80 gold coins.

Excluding the 5% handling fee, Zhang Yi got 76 gold coins.

In this way, the total assets in Zhang Yi's bag have reached 830 gold coins!

Then, Zhang Yi put [Skeleton King Armor] and [Skeleton King War Ring] back on the shelves, and set the price to 200 gold coins, and put them on the shelves directly without auctioning.

Zhang Yi's meaning was very clear, he was waiting for King of Glory to buy these two pieces of equipment, and he also knew that King of Glory would definitely buy them! Sure enough

, Zhang Yi had just left the auction house not long ago, and was going to have a meal and go to the hotel to rest. As a result, he received a message from the system just after he finished his meal.——

"Ding~ The equipment [Skeleton King Armor] that you consigned to the auction house has been purchased by a player. The system charges a 5% handling fee, and you get 190 gold coins!"

"Ding~ The equipment [Skeleton King Battle Ring] you consigned to the auction house has been purchased by a player. The system charges a 5% handling fee, and you get 190 gold coins!"

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