Seeing the group of players with the word"Storm" as the prefix of their IDs, all of them had a red mark of"District 886" in front of their IDs, Ao Shi Qun Xiong was somewhat curious:"Is Yarou so high in your District 886? You actually mobilized the forces of two teams to protect her?"

However, even Han Yarou herself did not expect that the people from the Storm Family and the King's World would come here to save her. Could it be because of the bounty message that Zhang Yi had been posting in the regional channel before?

Without saying a word, the Storm Family players who quietly approached from the surroundings and surrounded Ao Shi Qun Xiong, and at this moment, they started the siege and immediately launched a concentrated fire attack on Ao Shi Qun Xiong.

Relying on their large numbers, a group of archers and mages at levels 17 or 18, a round of concentrated fire also knocked out more than half of the health of the 24th-level archer Ao Shi Qun Xiong!

Ao Shi Qun Xiong was not panicked. He took out a bottle of red potion and drank it, restoring the health he had just lost to more than 80%, then pulled the bow and arrow and launched a counterattack.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh - with an ultra-fast attack speed that is at least five times faster than that of an ordinary person, countless sharp arrows scattered from the hands of the Proud of the Group, and randomly shot at the surrounding Storm Family players.

Suddenly, white lights lit up in all directions, and the Storm Family players were completely unable to withstand the damage of the Proud of the Group. Just like the people from the King's World before, they were shot and killed in the process of approaching the Proud of the Group!

The Storm Angel was stunned by the attack speed of the Proud of the Group, but unlike the King's World who still hadn't figured it out, the Storm Angel quickly realized:"He has an attack speed talent of at least legendary level. Don't get close to him. Brothers in the long-range, concentrate your firepower and suppress him! Create an opportunity for Han Yarou!"

With the Storm Angel's order, the Storm Family players around him no longer approached the Proud of the Group. Only the mage shooter increased his firepower and besieged the Proud of the Group.

Fortunately, there were enough people from the Storm Family. They thought that King's World was carrying out some secret operation, so they specially sent more than fifty people to follow. They found out that Yinuo Qingcheng's girlfriend Han Yarou was in trouble. The Storm Angels, who had tried to get closer to Yinuo Qingcheng before, would naturally not stand idly by.

Even if they were all cannon fodder that could be killed in a few seconds in front of Ao Shi Qun Xiong, with so many cannon fodders from the Storm Family, it would be enough for Ao Shi Qun Xiong to kill them for half a day.

Fortunately, Han Yarou, who was protected by Ao Shi Qun Xiong, saw the efforts made by the two teams of King's World and Storm Family to save herself. She took advantage of the opportunity of the Storm Family to contain Ao Shi Qun Xiong, and while Ao Shi Qun Xiong was not paying attention, she quickly ran away from Ao Shi Qun Xiong.

King of Glory quickly went over to meet Han Yarou, and then ignored everything else and ran towards the regional barrier with Han Yarou.

"Damn Honor of Kings! Trying to steal my credit!"

Seeing Honor of Kings running away with Han Yarou, the Storm Angel hurriedly gave an order:"Stop fighting, retreat! Chase Honor of Kings, don't let him abduct Han Yarou!"

As soon as the words fell, the players of the Storm Family retreated one after another.

Looking at the players of the Storm Family who were fleeing in panic, Ao Shi Qun Xiong, whose health bar was only half left after being consumed by the opponent's mage and shooter, did not chase them. Instead, he gritted his teeth and said,"Yaro, you wait, I will definitely get you!"

Here, Honor of Kings had just taken Han Yarou through the barrier and returned to the 886 area when a cold arrow came from behind and hit Honor of Kings right in the butt.

"Fuck you!" King of Glory touched his butt and turned around, looking at the Storm Angel who had passed through the barrier and attacked him:"Are you sick? Why are you still hitting me at this time?"

"No matter what time it is, it won’t stop me from hitting you!" Storm Angel quickly ran over, threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, and started fighting with King of Glory with his bare hands:"I saved Han Yarou, and the credit belongs to our Storm Family!"

"You're talking nonsense! Without my sacrifice, by the time your Storm Family arrived, she would have already been murdered by that arrogant hero!"

"Han Yarou is mine!"

"Get out! She's mine!"



"You bought my Golden Bow of the Dead in a split second, and I haven’t come to settle the score with you yet!"



While the two were fighting, Han Yarou squatted down and sobbed softly.

Zhang Yi's loss of love, Liu Xing's betrayal, Han Feng's death, and her cousin's sudden change made Han Yarou completely lose the only hope she had left in this world.

After a long time, Han Yarou stood up, said"thank you" to Storm Angel and King of Glory, and walked towards the direction of Hope Town in a daze.

Storm Angel and King of Glory also stopped fighting, but they did not dare to disturb Han Yarou in this state, so they quietly escorted Han Yarou to Hope Town safely.

Seeing Han Yarou enter the safe zone, the two were relieved.

Standing at the gate of Hope Town, King of Glory asked Storm Angel:"Why are you there?" Storm

Angel asked King of Glory:"You went to great lengths to find Han Yarou, isn't it to use her to threaten and retaliate against Yinuo Qingcheng? I didn't expect you to save her. What, have you changed your ways?"

"What the hell is it to you? If you follow me again next time, I will break all three of your legs!"After a pause, King of Glory continued,"But, let me be frank, just now, thank you for saving my life."

After that, King of Glory swaggered into the town.

The passers-by players around saw the scene of Storm Angel and King of Glory interacting just now, and they all felt incredible

"Didn't the Storm Family and the King of the World have a mortal enemy relationship before? How come they are suddenly on good terms?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's because the [Energy City] dungeon is about to be opened.���Now we are all one family in District 886. It will be meaningless to fight among ourselves."


King of Glory returned to the safe zone and reunited with the resurrected King Return.

King Supreme was a little confused:"Captain, why did we save Han Yarou? And now let her go like this?"

"Are you really stupid?"The King of Glory said:"Using Han Yarou to threaten Yinuo Qingcheng is only temporary. Even if we kill Yinuo Qingcheng again, what can we do? He still has a chance to revive. For long-term planning, the best way is to turn enemies into friends with him."

The Supreme King and the Returning King suddenly realized:"I just don't know if he will appreciate it. If he doesn't appreciate it, our efforts will be in vain.……"

"Whether he appreciates it or not is his business, and this is the best we can do. From now on, we will leave it to fate."

Wang Zhaojun sighed. He was full of regrets. He had been against Yinuo Qingcheng before. If he had made friends with him from the beginning, the world of kings would have taken off long ago.

As if he suddenly remembered something, Wang Zhaojun hurriedly asked the King's Return and the King's Supreme:"Where is the equipment? The equipment didn't explode, right?"

"No, the armor and the ring are still there."

"That's good!" King of Glory breathed a sigh of relief:"I'm counting on these two pieces of equipment to avenge that bastard in the Energy City!"

On the other side, Han Yarou, who returned to Hope Town, squatted on the ground in a secluded alley and cried bitterly. She didn't know how much time had passed. When she looked up, she found Zhang Yi standing next to her.

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