Master Zhou believed that the magic, strengthening, and levels that Lu Chen had heard before were all martial arts exercises in the world, but besides this popular science, the Falcon instructor also had Lu Chen's.

Coach Falcon mentioned that humans can practice this way, but the practice is not endless. The average human body can only withstand up to 500 full fortifications, each of which takes three hours. If each practice time is less than 3 hours, or if the magic transmission is interrupted for about 10 minutes, the effect of strengthening practice will be reduced by 50%. When the human body is strengthened 500 times, further training will have little effect, just as drugs take too much time to develop resistance. As a result, the non-commissioned officer can complete these 500 drills in two years, to the extent of his ability. As for where that limit is, it depends on how talented you are.

A non-commissioned officer with a magic level of 1 can infuse all magic into the body in three hours of training a senior guard. In other words, people with low magical talent can only practice once a day. A lucky man like Smith with a talent for sixth-level magic can dedicate an entire day to practice, reaching his limit faster than anyone else.

Continuous uninterrupted practice has better effect than one practice, so the higher the magic level, the farther the practitioner will go.

In addition to magical gifts, there are also skeletal and muscular talents that, in fact, refer to the potential of a person's physical abilities. Everyone has this kind of thing, the size of the potential is one, and it is difficult to judge. Potential people show athleticism at an early age, and in Kyushu, 80% of people will be admitted to sports schools that are active on the Olympic stage. In this world, a person with strong musculature and skeletal talent can gain far more from completing a sport than the average person can. It is said that the bones of the White Moon Knight are very good, and the following three hundred exercises were completed in the super-training magic of the White Moon Palace, which is the only powerful anode in the mainland.

The moon day of the smoky cloud stars should deal with these five levels of practice, 12, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, as long as you can practice any system to the monthly level, you can Forcibly cross the continent. A star-level strongman can be a thousand-person regiment, and the chief is fighting on the front line. Those who can train two or even three systems into stars are fully capable of using their own strength to search for civilian bases, form a legion, and become a mid-level leader of the military.

Even if the talent is not very good, as long as the lower limbs can be trained to the smoke level, flexibility can be achieved on the battlefield, significantly increasing the probability of survival. This kind of person usually becomes the squad leader of the front line, directing Lu Shen's team to attack the city and uproot the village.

After explaining, the Falcon coach asked 11 or more talents of level 3 or above to dedicate 9 hours a day to complete three sets of intensive training. The specific reinforcements of the "Falcon" coaches do not require students to be free to play. Here, Lu Chen still maintains Lu Shen's teaching style, trying to teach a Xing warrior to give Lu Chen the opportunity to become heroes on the battlefield. A sergeant who trains as instructed usually graduates to be nothing more than a handy killing machine.

Eleven people said a few words under the guidance of the instructor, then went to practice, and the practice field began to practice. Qi's Lu and Chen students have general talents, so as long as they practice in one group every day, after the practice is over, the practice room is given to Qi's Lu Chen class. These people were also slightly worse at practicing zipper than those who were gifted, and the Falcon trainer ordered Lu Chen to practice lower body smoking first to increase their chances of survival on the battlefield.

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