"Nalan, violet, fire, no harm."

The snow in the east points to people in the street.

"Okay," the man in the east nodded.

They didn't notice them, and they obviously didn't catch them.

Zhou Cheng and Donglong continued to drink. Unexpectedly, a group of them came. Na Lanyan was waiting in the distance, and the fire was standing on the second floor. Donglong looked.

"Looks like they have something to do with it"! Dongfang Su Ji said.

Zhou Cheng and Dongfang Long also looked at the group of people, and Dongfang Long asked, "What are you doing here?"

"It's not for you, it's for the boy next to you," said Fire.

"Looking for me?" Zhou Cheng was surprised that he didn't know their purpose.

"Yes, I'm here to find you, come now, I have something to tell you," Huo said without injury, as if calling for a man named Sen Zhoucheng.

Zhou Cheng frowned slightly and said, "What did you come to say to me?" Let me go? That's ridiculous. Say something to her. "

"Huh? Child, do you dare to go against me?" This fireless face sank immediately, watching Sen Zhou Chengli full of cold.

"Go against your word? Don't put your money in your face. You really think you're a character," Zhou Cheng said.

"Oh, child, you have seeds, let me go now, or I will throw you down," Huo Bu's cold eyes looked at Zhou Cheng, his eyes full of sneer.

When Huo was not injured, he saw not many Zhou Cheng, and wanted to help clean up Sen Zhou Cheng.

But since Nalan seemed to stop him, he had to stop.

Later, it seemed that Zhou Cheng's identity seemed to be very unusual, at least this wealth was certain, the fire did not hurt people's hearts, and some did not taste. It turned out that his contempt for boys turned into a status that even he seemed to want. It upset him.

However, fire does not hurt people know that one place is applicable, that is, the younger generation fights, and the strong older generation can't handle it, that is to punish yourself severely and humiliate this boy, as long as he doesn't kill him, the forces behind it are generally Will not fight, let the younger generation fight freely, especially those super terrifying forces, obviously more than one successor will be cultivated. If the boy is cleaned up, it may not only be without the help of the forces behind him, it may even be abandoned.

Fire is a shrewd person, he is not reckless. It is because he understands what lies behind these things that he is so provocative.

Zhou Cheng narrowed his eyes, looked at the fire, and said with a smile, "Do you think you are the pair of what I said?"

"Son, you're an outsider in the Great Road City, and you don't have the ability to take pictures of yourself. Roll over to me now, and you can take less damage to your body and your skin. If you don't know how, then," he said, "if you don't know How to do it, then, I don't mind breaking your dog's leg."

"I won't leave here, why don't you give me a roll?" Zhou Chengkong stepped in the air, glanced coldly at the fire without injury, exuding a terrifying aura.

"If you stick out your face and let me fight, if I don't, will I disappoint you?" Huobuhuan kept laughing and strode out, his eyes were cold and his body was burning with gas opened.

boom. boom.

There was a terrifying look on both of them, and it was obvious that they had begun to fight for each other in a tit-for-tat manner.

Just when everyone thought they were going to fight together, Nalan walked over and said, "Why fight for language? Today I will do a very important thing, which is beneficial to all of us." Since everyone It would be great to have a party here, and Long and Xue would be able to participate. "

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