open eyes"

He opened his eyes and looked at the devouring beast.

Just to see, in the space that devoured the body of the beast, a group of golden bones surrounded by flames was being burned by the flames of the real fairy who devoured the body of the beast.

The golden bones of the beast are being digested bit by bit under the fire of true fairy fire.


I was shocked.

Devouring Heavenly Beast has continuously broken through a big realm, nine small kingdoms, and now, still refining the horror of Jinxian, what exactly does he want to do?

Do you really want to get out of your way and break through the realm of immortals?

The thought of this brings joy to my face.

If the beast that devoured the beast world breaks through the realm of immortals, then the improvement of self-cultivation can play a big role.

Huo Ling said: "It is almost certain that swallowing the beast is to break through the realm of immortals."

Well I nodded, looking forward.

If the remains of the golden fairy are completely refined, can the devouring beast reach the nine times heaven of the fairy kingdom?

Even the Fire Spirit can't speculate on this.

After all, the alchemical remains of the devoured Celestial Beast are too high.

When the Devouring Heavenly Beast was refining the remains of the Golden Immortal in its body, three powerful monks suddenly flew into the distance and attacked the body of the Devouring Beast.

Someone did it.

There are some people watching in the dark.

Standing above a mountain, Sen I saw three monks besieging and devouring the beast, and he smiled.

These three people belonged to Yuan Xian for eight days.

They may also think that animals have just broken through, the realm is relatively low, and is it easy to do?

But it's clear that the three have the wrong idea when it comes to doing what they're trying to do.

Swallowed the beast in the sky, but now it has rushed towards Yuanxian Peak.

He then proceeded to refine the remains of the golden fairy.

The power of swallowing snakes has been increasing.

"It turned out to be a devouring beast with ancient blood flowing and it is very rare to hear and hear swallowing."

There is the blood of God in the body of the beast, to kill this man, to refine and melt the blood of God, our practice, will be the leap.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"This is an opportunity for the three of us."

The trio remained complacent.

Those ones. The three monks giggled and participated in the devouring of the heavenly beasts to eliminate the devouring of the heavenly beasts.

Lowly man, you are looking for death.

The gorging beast giggled.

in front of the three killed.

The swallowing beast opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of flame.

This is the true fairy fire that devours the beast.

Immortal fire directly surrounded the three monks.

The three monks screamed.

They wanted to put out the fire on them, but they were horrified to find that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't put out the real fairy fire.

Some monks hiding in the dark were shocked.

It's too strong to swallow this beast, can it?

Just broke through the door, can you kill the Eight Heavenly Master of Sanyuanxian?



The Eighth Master Sanyuanxian made a terrifying cry, and they were extremely reluctant.

But they could not put out the flames of the real fairies that devoured the beast.

In the end, all three great powers were wiped out by the burning ashes.


Many secret monks, full of shocked expressions, just broke through the real fairy, and then killed the Sanyuanxian Batian monk, this kind of achievement, too much is too shocking.

Suddenly, this time, a ground-like aura spread out.

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