Our words made the wind burn, Xuanyou was cold, Xuanyou nodded, and then said, "That old lady will go with you."

After all, Xuan Yi and Hunting Wind are not in the house, Xuan You is the strongest, so to protect Sen, she must be her personal follower.

We didn't want to take people with us. After all, there must be a lot of people to protect with the princess Fengyao around.

A lot of trouble can be avoided by those two people who are burning in the wind pulling the fire lion. What's more, the power of the old woman beside the wind is definitely stronger than Xuan You, nor weaker than Xuan.

However, Xuanyou followed, and we could only nod.

"I'll be in your carriage, sister. There's nothing wrong with that," we said with a small smile on our lips.

The person who burned the wind nodded and said, "Of course it's fine." Come on, I'll take you to Pick Moon Tower. There is a lot of delicious food there. "

Although, this time, pocket money was given some more in the palace, but a trip to pick lunar buildings is also more luxurious.

We smiled and nodded, but it was getting dark and we sighed, "This is indeed the stylist's princess. As soon as I leave, I will go to fetch the moon tower."

A few people got into the carriage, and we sat by the window, but he was a little short and couldn't see either side. Then he opened the curtains.

A carriage with curtains does have many people seeing its side. However, the pull of the car is the Fire Lion, which also makes many people subconsciously avoid the road.

However, just as they were about to pick lunar buildings, a dozen people in black quickly ran to our house in the distance.

In front of these people, a little girl, who looked like she was six or seven years old, ran towards them at the foot of the wind.

The girl wore a long ponytail, but her face was dirty and her clothes were old. At first glance, he is a little beggar.

The little girl may have run too fast and hit the fire lion's pull directly.

Fire Lion growled and frowned, "What do you call it, don't call it."

Fire Lion bowed his head aggrievedly, and we came to the front of the carriage.

The groom stretched out his hand and pressed Sen and us on the carriage.

Seeing the child with the high legs of the fire lion suddenly appearing in front of him, Su Yue was an unpopular at first, and then subconsciously hid behind us.

We frowned and said, "Stop, the young master will take care of you."

"It really looks like a little rascal." The wind was burning and giggling, and the old woman standing beside her had a black face, but it wasn't very good-looking.

The man in the black robe saw the flame lion stop, and soon two carriages came to Sen we, not far from them.

Of the two carriages, one was pulled by a fire lion and the other by two iron-hoofed beasts, but the whiskers on the curtains represented the carriage's owner.

The curtains opened, and a young man in a golden robe stepped out of the carriage and was pulled out by the flame lion.

In the other carriage, there was a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey gills, and as soon as the two appeared, their eyes were fixed on the burning body.

Zefeng's burning eyes are also a kind of condensation, and then say "Old Jiu, how are you?"

Feng Ya's broken face is also a change. Compared with Feng Huo, his status in the family is still incomparable. Although Feng Yao is a princess, it is also because she will not inherit the throne. So she has a good relationship with a lot of energetic people.

What's more, fuyaki is so popular that one of their grandfathers and grandmothers also practiced the work that only fuyaki has inherited. This is why Feng Burn left the Blue Flame Fort and came to Blue Cloud Academy.

The grandmother obviously doesn't want to let the troubles get involved in the royal disputes in the family.

However, Storm's Cliff is different, he is the brother of his second brother, he was born next to his second brother.

Although, he is not very like his bossy second brother, but the mother of the two born, the same. Therefore, in the face of the third brother's twin sister, he still has a little mind.

"Fourth Sister"

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