I've heard it here and I'm on my way. "Ming Shewen said suddenly, making the air in the room suddenly cold.

"What, you people from the snake family, do you also want to pay attention to the dragon veins?"

Le Haining's voice suddenly froze, and our eyes fell next to the bright snake's warm body "I need an explanation."

"Please rest assured, my Fang Fang team is here to protect our young master. Do you think that our ancestors were so bold and dared to pay attention to the matter of dragon veins. The old people are in the alliance of gods and kings, but it is not easy. guilty."

"Behind the ancestors of the big poisonous snake, there is Wu Zun's true spirit king and the temple, without courage, but I believe the ancestors of the big poisonous snake will not suffer because of it. Now that the poisonous tooth team is here, let them cooperate with the strippers. This is family."


"You will use us" a hoarse voice began.

Suddenly, a very cold teenager appeared in the room, they all looked to be in their twenties, wearing a mask and a stiff suit, with both eyes exposed, but emitting a cold light.

On top of that, the masks of these people are controlled by a snake with two fangs.

The viper of the Viper family, and the sword of the bloodline of the musician, have the power to deal with the horrors of the strong in the realm of God.

Their gifts are not good, but they are able to acquire that power and endure pain that no one else has ever suffered.

Most of them are direct descendants of the clan. They are not very talented, but they are loyal to their families. This time, an inheritance will be accepted, thereby gaining that power.

In fact, for them, it is also a sadness.

But these people, for the sake of their families, are destined to choose these things.

At this time, they came to our side, smiled at us, and said, "Master, we are ordered to protect you."

"Then, the city of music has fallen into the eyes of many strong men. You must cooperate with the owner of Lehai Anta to be protected by the city and the dragon."

"Rest assured, we are all **** people, and we will not betray the alliance."

We raised our mouths slightly and said, "I replace all the people of the Holy World and the people of Music City, thank you all my brothers."

As we Jeremy judged, soon a disillusionmentist came forward to explore the path.

There are also magicians in the city of music. Now, the dragon pulse is restless, and it was established a long time ago.

Unless the kings of the gods specialize in the practice of trickery, when they enter the city of music, others will be found on the battlefield, according to .

And these exterminators were all found during the battle. They were just discovered. They were arrested by the strong in the city of music.

The two skinny exterminators didn't blow themselves up, they just said with a smile, "Don't be afraid of us, we won't blow up our own, we have to find the owner and owner of Leicheng, and we have something to tell them."

After listening to their words, Lenin's face changed a little, and then he said, "I didn't expect it, it's a dead person." According to the punishment, all insisting, locking, and moving to the tower, such as self-destruction and the use of mental shackles, will be prohibited. side, you will notify the master of the city. "

Our husband thinks these exterminators don't even want to see themselves. Look for yourself. Why?

After a long silence, we nodded and said, "Let's go, let's go and see."

Everyone around us nodded, and when we got to Le Haian, a member of the Fangs suddenly said "that's them." A black-handed man. "

"Black Hand Man" We turned around and looked at the bright snake text, its face changed slightly, and the dead man smiled and said, "Of course, the one who knows him best is his enemy." I I didn't expect it to be us. "

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