
This time, I have to pay.

"We still have ten gold stones, and I know you must have found their veins. If not ten dollars, a few less will do," said the poem suddenly.

The voice of the poem just fell, and the words of Wa Dongshan came from outside, "Yes, there are at least six." The little girl didn't say, I forgot this kind of mineral deposits, which can only be found in the veins, and generally For example, a vein is about ten to twenty pieces. Tell me how much money your son has, if it's foreign currency, I can do it. "

We laughed and said "Sir, may I know what you're going to do?"

"This is an ancient sacred artifact, the most precious thing in our veins. I have all the main materials, but I am missing ten pieces of gold and Pluto."

"We have such a treasure in our veins, why don't I inherit it from the father of the golden dragon?" We were taken aback and said.

Wa Dongshan said with a smile, "Don't look at Jinlong who inherited my father's surname, I didn't inherit the master's surname either, but I married the only daughter of the master's father." I am stronger than Jinlong. And that ancient treasure, the substance needed is the pulse we inherited from the spiritual pearl. So the only way is me. "

We nodded and said, "I'll give you another ten dollars, and if you're not good enough, ask me for it. No way."

"You have a lot of this ore," he said. "Stex is a first-class refined ore, and it has always been invaluable." Wa Dongshan looked at Sen and said.

We laughed and said, "Older generation, you may not know, I'm now a door to association, and they, the best is the vein of pregnancy and spiritual planting."

Wa Dongshan's eyes froze, and then he said "good boy, good." If you need ore in the future, I will find you. By the way, Liu Tian, ​​as I remember, I still have a lot of precious ores in my library, and he took a piece of each one with him so he could take it back for farming. "

"Thank you seniors, we, I want to go to Youliu this time, you still go to build the city and take me to see my wife Liu Xueru."

Wa Dongshan nodded and said, "Liu Tian, ​​you do this, you know."

"Understood, Grandpa." Liu Tian nodded, only those who were with him knew how strong the old man was.

We really want to put ore into his nightmare. But in order not to expose the nightmare space, we can only do so.

We stayed in Dongshan for two days. In these two days, he was almost immersed in the library of Dongshan City. There are all the books left by Wa Dongshan and Master Wa Dongshan, and many dead Wa Dongshan wrote by himself.

We find that Wa Dongshan seems to surpass his master's achievements in the past. The next night, the laughter of Wadongshan spread throughout the main palace. When we and the others came to his attic, Wa Dongshan's hands shone brilliantly with golden light.

She took a breath of cold air and said, "It's a sign of the sky." Announcement This website recommends a free novel, app, and bid farewell to all ads. Please download and install from WeChat official account (press and save the copy for seconds).

Viper's visit

At that time, the owner of Wadong Mountain was just injured, and there was only one daughter who could no longer reproduce. So he accepted three apprentices, one of which was Wadongshan. The other two didn't even know their last names. The old man's last name is Kim.

Unfortunately, Jin Wei, the most talented person in his youth, and Jin Long and Wa Dongshan, who are more like Wa Dongshan in old age, will marry their daughter, Wa Dongshan.

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