As long as you're on a law enforcement team, you'll know. But on the surface, there is no way for the two sides to fight. In fact, business transactions have never been interrupted. "

We nodded and said, "After all, in business, I'm a businessman, and I know these things."

"Why, didn't you say you don't come here often?" You suddenly appeared, do you have a mission? "Our voices just fell and there are a few people in the room.

These three are our Shuhao teammates, Ada, Wolfto and Wolf Fang.

Take it easy and say, "That's right, there's a mission." We found the trail of the worm. To be precise, it is the habitat of the recently discovered worm, but it has been destroyed. Therefore, our task is to investigate this place, and the whereabouts of objects in that place. "

"Bug." Our eyes were fixed, and then we took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then go take a look."

The place where the worms appeared was a small town controlled by a fish family, which was said to be controlled by a family of surnames, but which historians later wiped out by other members of the family.

However, some historians survived.

It is said that those historians, even have a relationship with worm demons, who can take on the appearance of half-worm and half-human, but the rest of the family has revenge.

Today, more than one family has been repeatedly attacked. They turned to the Jinliang tribe for help, the law enforcement team told them.

Liangyou said that her eyes fell on us, because she investigated historians, and she naturally knew that we Shuhao and historians also have some relationship.

"Historians?" We looked in the direction not far away, frowning and said, "Who became the historians?"

Specifically, we don't know very well, but it is said that those historians are strong and good at puppet attacks, usually in human appearance, only when it is in danger, will become half human and half insect, and from now on Since then, only one person has managed to survive.

"Survived, do you have any news about me?" We frowned and said, "As far as I know, this kind of person won't let the enemy go easily, but it's also a matter for historians and other families." Let's go first Look at the survivors. "

"Survivor?" The two friends frowned first, then said, "Okay, let's go see the survivors first. After all, of the five of us, you know this bug best."

We nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the rest of the house first."

"No, you can go to the rest of the family, but not right now. Let's go to the Jinping tribe first."

In the lake inhabited by the Jinping tribe, a souvenir was thrown into the water and his hand stretched out.

After a while, an armored murloc floated in the water and said, "This is law enforcement. I don't know what your mission is. I need the help of our Golden Horde."

"Hello, we're here to investigate the Zerg. Can a friend from the Jinlang tribe send a representative to take us to the rest of the house?"

"Oh, about the Yu family? I know, I will report this matter to the old man. You can rest assured that the law enforcement team will definitely cooperate."

The fisherman said, and immediately walked into the lake, we frowned, and said, "Is the golden scale really at the bottom of the lake?" It looks weird here. "

"In fact, this lake is nothing but a shelter. It is said that the golden scales fall on a position full of sea water, and the air force of the whole lake is not weaker than the upper surface where we are, but it is only compared with the one without the upper surface. "It's so simple, just water and a few islands. This surface is connected to the top outside, which is the small lake. "

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