Peng Youyou was surprised at first, then nodded. Indeed, this Peng Teng is a big old man. Plus, he's a body tool with dual repair, great power, and a two-handed wheel knife. It's definitely a meat grinder that exists at the level of a meat grinder. Even a strong person with a higher level cannot fully utilize his power in the face of his murderous spirit.

"If you don't tell me, you haven't repaired the city for a long time, and you haven't put down the things brought by the chief officer. Once the demons come, we have no way to deal with them." Peng Xian sighed and said.

"Really? Then I'll let them go now." Peng Teng took a while and then said.

The drums rang, and we were in a daze while cooking, then looked at Peng Bing and said, "Go to the meeting to see what it is, come back and tell me, this dish doesn't seem to be in such a hurry."

After all, it was a logistical issue, but to our Jeremy's surprise, the new leader came straight into power, and people started simply repairing the walls and gates and setting up bombers.

This sort of thing is a magic cannon that needs to be infused with magical powers, and since it doesn't need to be channeled and doesn't cause an antiphobia because the body can't handle it, it's much more powerful than a demon-repaired attack. This kind of stuff requires an infusion of magic.

So, most of the weapons are mercenary corps, with some useful weapons for small families.

Once the cannon is installed, it is placed in the palace in the city. There are two ways to do this. One is to put them on the wall, the other is to push and attack them at will.

Peng You did not install these cannons on the wall, because he felt that the wall was not safe, and the power of the pain demon was so strong that the wall could not necessarily be fixed. So, just turn these cannons straight into the type you can push and walk.

After listening to Peng Bing's report, we nodded and said, "The weapons and masks I made for you are all ready, maybe the battle is about to start, this Peng You is much better than your Captain Peng Teng." At least he knew how to deal with it. demon. "

Our voices just fell when Peng Liu came in, "Hey, the meal is ready, everyone is hungry, the captain said, eat more dishes by the captain's side and serve Captain Peng Yu."

We laughed and said "I'm ready, I'll heat it up, you'll get it."

Our husband skillfully started to heat the food, and Peng Bing and others also moved.

Fang is a powerful tooth demon, it can be said that their tooth demon is also inherited from the existence of ancient blood tooth.

Unfortunately, after the Bloodfang Demon King fell, it was sealed as a meteor stone, and the true Bloodfang descendants have disappeared, and only one is separated from the Fang Demon.

But Fang Fang is the best among the Fang demons, otherwise, he will not be selected for the charm and become a wolf demon in battle.

"This time, the wolf king and Meghee sent us here to teach the people on the island a little lesson." Although our strength is not very strong, but there are painful demons inside, they will definitely become like turkeys Existence, remember, we can only eat half of the blood and take the rest back to the Lord of Fear. do you know? "Fan Fang looked at the demons and battle demons behind him, first grunted grimly, and then said.

A sun-scorched evil ghost grinned and said "Don't worry, my lord, let those guys go and never come back." (Applause) -.

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