The protagonist looks up and sees a huge portal in the sky, with a faint light scattered from it. Panda, a man of supernatural power, stood at the door with a huge curtain of light shrouded behind him.

"Boy, today's revenge, I will naturally find it the next day. The holy war has begun, the stability of the three major fields of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism is about to collapse, and we will meet again on the battlefield."

"Go!" Xiao Yao's son held a sword in his hand, the sky was beaten, revealing a thin slit, but the light on the screen was useless. "

After the panda left, the gate closed. Countless demons were left behind.

The boy stood in the air, motionless, as if thinking about Pan Chen's words.

It wasn't until half a voice later that he slowly looked at the ground and the demon.

The mouth opened, and a faint voice came down, "Killing".

Suddenly, the Demon King and Xiao Yaofeng fought again, and only Pan Chen escaped. The end of the war determined that the resistance of those magic disciples was in vain, and they could only become the test subjects of Xiao Yaofeng's disciples.

"Are you okay?" A colorful dragon descended from the sky. The protagonist was just taken aback by Yuan's infancy. It looked at it in the sky, but at the time it had to put it down, and it was outdated, but it was okay to have a son, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable. It is the covenant phantom of the protagonist, whose death cannot survive.

"It's okay, but I'm injured and I need to rest for a while." The protagonist didn't want to say.

"brother, is that what you said about your chromatic dragon" uninhibited son looked at the huge colorful tianlong screaming surprise, colorful tianlong thing, and i didn't hide the undetained son, the undetained son Naturally know.

"Okay," the protagonist nodded, but did not say much, but asked the person who was not detained, "Brother, what is the jihad the Panchen is talking about?"

After listening to Pan Chen's words, the protagonist always feels that something big is going to happen, but he doesn't know what it is.

"I don't know, I don't know. I'll go back and ask the master," said the unrestrained man, shaking his head.

"I know, you don't have to ask the master about it." Beside the two, the white oblivion suddenly appeared, the two said.

"You know" the protagonist looks at the white oblivion, although the white oblivion looks similar to their age, but in fact, the white oblivion is the elder brother of Xiao Yao's son, the brother of the two.

"Well. I once heard Master say that every 10,000 years there will be a catastrophe in the world of truth, and the three demons will unite and enter the three fields of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. A holy war, but for us, it's a huge disaster. It's a disaster that sweeps the world, but there's a huge opportunity in it. Countless powerful people will appear in the disaster, In the real world of cultivating Niu Er, even apprentices are born, leading Taoist disciples to resist foreign enemies."

Forgot to speak, the protagonist in his heart was inexplicably surprised, holy war, disaster, the truth war that swept the whole world, what kind of war was that.

"However, this war has been going on for a hundred years, and now it may be just the beginning. The real war has not yet begun, and you must do well. Only in this way can we better protect ourselves and revitalize our Xiaoyaofeng. By the way, give me your wisdom. The master already knows that martial arts have such disasters, and I will take him back to see the master." White forgot to take my hand and left.

One by one, the protagonist and the son who is not detained are silent, disaster is really far away for them, but they are shocked to think about the whole world war, the war of millions of people.

"It wasn't you I should have worried about disaster, but your power surprised me, if I remember correctly,

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