The materials needed to make Amis bows and arrows are the bamboo of life, the tendons of the dragon, and the soul of purple gold.

Now the material Ye Chun has is the sixth-order magic dragon tendon, and the bamboo of life and the soul of purple gold are both fourth-order.

Although there are no requirements for several grades of materials, only good materials can truly create top-quality purple-gold equipment.

Otherwise, even if it is a top-quality transformation blueprint, using some fourth-order materials, it can only create some inferior purple gold equipment.

It's like building a building with top-notch decoration drawings, but using some inferior materials, it's just a tofu **** project.

This is why in the hope world, the prices of materials are being driven up, and it is for this reason.

If you want to create truly superb equipment, you can only collect high-level materials.

Ye Chun didn't waste any time, and directly put the Bamboo of Life into the synthesis interface. Ye Chun knew very well that tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

"Ding dong! Synthesis failed."

"Ding dong! Synthesis failed."

"Ding dong! Synthesis failed."

Familiar melodies ring in my ears, and synthesis failures have become commonplace.

If other players synthesize materials like Ye Chun, they will definitely go bankrupt.

"Rewind time by ten seconds!" Fortunately, Ye Chun could use the time rewind ability six times in five minutes. Although it would take a lot of time, it was still better than wasting materials.

While waiting for the time reversal ability to recover, Ye Chun also strolled around the forum about Hope World.

With the addition of new players, Hope World has become a second world for human beings. Except for work time during the day, the rest of the time is basically spent in Hope World.

It is also because there is such a large population base that everything in the hope world has become particularly expensive.

If it weren't for the opening of this top ten event, the value of bronze equipment would be very large.

Although bronze equipment and silver equipment are not so rare nowadays, high-end equipment is still very precious.

For example, golden equipment, even the presidents of some small guilds, may not be able to possess them.

Ye Chun also benefited from this game to be able to maximize the ability of time reversal, otherwise, it would be just a salted fish now.

"Ding Dong! The synthesis is successful, and the fifth-order purple-gold material, the Bamboo of Life, is obtained."

After more than ten minutes, Ye Chun was invigorated as a prompt sounded.

The synthesis probability this time is quite high, and it only took ten minutes.

However, Ye Chun did not slack off, and continued to synthesize the fourth-order Bamboo of Life into the fifth-order one.

It took a full two hours for the nine fourth-order Bamboos of Life to be truly synthesized into the sixth-order Bamboo of Life.

Ye Chun suddenly envied those European emperors. Compared with the so-called European emperors, his retrogressive ability was nothing at all.

Others can succeed once or twice, but he has been fused hundreds of times, and only Ye Chun himself knows the central acid.

Just as Ye Chun was about to synthesize the Soul of Purple Gold, there was a hustle and bustle in the distance.

"Is this the president of the ninth guild Tianxia Pavilion on the Earth Ranking, what the hell, he actually has gold equipment on his body."

"I heard that the president of the Heaven Pavilion has collected a set of materials, and spent a lot of money to prepare a blueprint for the equipment of the superior. It seems that he wants to make golden equipment."

"God, it's great to have money. I don't even have all the materials needed for a set of bronze equipment."

"It is said that there is a big action in the world pavilion this time, so it is specially used to build equipment to take advantage of the situation, recruit troops and buy horses, and buy players."

I saw not far away, a plain-looking man standing not far from the material merchant, surrounded by players who joined in the fun.

Although Tianxia Pavilion is the ninth guild on the Earth Ranking, it is considered a big guild for scattered players.

At this time, the president of Tianxia Pavilion was showing his strength and posting his equipment information on the public page, which caused a sensation.

A suit of silverware and gold equipment, such a combination is completely unbelievable in the eyes of ordinary players.

"Dear friends, although our Underworld Pavilion is ranked ninth, we are not weaker than the first few. You will never regret joining Underworld Pavilion." The President of Underworld Pavilion said loudly.

This made some people join the world pavilion one after another.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chun's eyes were full of disdain.

The real big guild is that it is difficult for outsiders to squeeze their heads in. How can they recruit people like Tianxia Pavilion, maybe the ninth place on the list has moisture.

However, seeing something that the president of the Heaven Pavilion brought out made Ye Chun interested.

Create equipment blueprints!

"In order to welcome so many new forces to join the guild, create a piece of golden equipment to sacrifice to the sky!"

sacrificing heaven…

This made everyone speechless for a while, not just to brag about their own strength, but to be so literary.

However, it also attracted everyone's attention and looked over.

I saw the equipment blueprint emitting a fierce light, and then, a golden armor appeared in front of everyone.

Intermediate gold equipment.

"The big guy is mighty."

"666, really created golden equipment."

"I serve, I did a day's task, and I didn't even have all the materials for making bronze equipment."

"Big brother, I want to enter the world pavilion!"

Ye Chun saw this scene, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

This is what Ye Chun didn't expect to be able to make these ordinary players do this with intermediate gold equipment.

Moreover, as a big guild, it was reduced to recruiting troops with equipment. Ye Chun was full of doubts about the ninth ranking of the world pavilion.

But Ye Chun didn't care, this was just a small episode in his life, and now the most important thing was to create his own purple gold equipment.

And it must not be as wasteful as the president of the Underworld Pavilion. A high-level equipment drawing blueprint has only created an intermediate-level golden equipment, which can be said to be a violent attack.

Since it is to create equipment, it is necessary to create the best equipment.

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