"I know! Isn't this the bank of the Poison Fairy's Meat Pond?" Snake Venomous Dragon replied blankly, "So what?"

"Okay, what's the name of the black pool in front of us?" The boy didn't answer directly, but continued to ask the poisonous snake and poisonous dragon.

"'Poison Fairy Meat Pond'!" Venomous Dragon was even more confused by my question.

"What's in this pool?"

"Of course, this is the most poisonous 'black jade liquid' in the world!" Although Divine Snake Venomous Dragon answered the kid's question, he still didn't understand the kid's intention and stared blankly at the kid. The red light in his eyes was bright and dark. ,"So what?"

"Is this the 'Black Jade Liquid' treasure?"

"Needless to say, of course it is!" Divine Snake Venomous Dragon felt that the question of the kid was naive, and couldn't help but pouted.

The kid ignored Viper Dragon's expression, and then asked, "This is a baby, do you think it's worth it?"

"It's worth it! Of course it's worth it!" Snake Venomous Dragon felt the silky light in his heart. He knew it was an aura, and vaguely felt the boy's intention, "Don't you want to take out this 'black jade liquid' and buy it?"

Smith! I immediately gave a thumbs up and praised, "Dangdang thinks so!"

"Ah? You're not crazy, are you? What a harmful thing you can think of!" Venomous dragon was stunned by my thought.

"Do you know! Let me ask you, where was it when you left here?" the boy asked angrily.

"Of course, this is a 'pine bone erosion wind tunnel'!"

"What about the 'pine bone erosion wind tunnel'?"

"The Flow of the Broken Soul"

"And what about the broken soul stream?"

"It flows from the broken soul, from the broken soul stream, of course it is Tianyun Mountain." The spirit of the snake poisonous dragon thought of it. Although he was answering, he didn't understand what the kid meant, so he had to follow the kid's train of thought to answer.

"What is the name of the nearest big city to Tianyun Mountain?"

"Needless to say, this is of course too much." Venomous dragon replied that it was uncomfortable.

"What is Taicang?" Xiao Yao's progress forced him to ask Snake Dragon.

"What is Taicang?" Confused by my sentence, Snake Venomous Dragon thought for a moment, then curled his lips and said, "Of course, this is a big city!" What do you think it is? "

"Wrong! Taicang is a society!" Xiao Yao immediately denied Long's statement, and then asked, "What is the need to survive in society?"

"There is no life without society?" Venomous dragon was confused by the kid again.

"That's money!" The little old man pouted, shook his head, and answered helplessly.

"Oh! It's been a long time, near such a big curve, doesn't it mean that this 'black jade liquid' is a treasure that can be sold for money? You have to get some money to sell it!" Snake Venomous Dragon suddenly opened.

"What a wise man! I just want to get some 'black ink' and go out and buy some money." The boy praised the **** of the snake and venomous dragon, and then explained: "Prepare these, call it 'prepare', otherwise, how can I get it after I go out? Where's the money?" Don't you think so? ""Do not! I do not think so! The frog head of the snake and poisonous dragon kept shaking, "Dangdang is a person with great potential, and getting some 'black jade liquid' to sell is to humiliate the identity of 'Dangdang'! "

"What kind of identity is humiliated?" I stared at the red eyes of the viper in surprise for a blink of an eye. "Do you know anything?"

"In the future, when the time is right, the dragon will tell you." The Elf Venomous Dragon avoided my eyes and thought about it.

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