Dangerous time

Because the effect of Menghan powder is very strong, but the use time is not long, just seeing the backs of the two people disappear, Huang Kui **** the least and can move.

Just as Huang Kui started to move, the rest of the hunters also moved one by one, shook their heads, supported each other with their hands, and stood up one by one.

"I tell you, be careful! You don't listen. Now, can't you see all the gold coins in your hand flying?" Huang Kui stood up tremblingly, pointed at the hunters who stood up one after another, and growled.

"Grandma's, all the boiled ducks are flying! It's unforgettable! That boy is so cunning."

"Blame that elf doctor, colluded with an outsider, sang peace songs with that boy, paralyzed us, and let us all be fooled by that boy! Back in Daqingshan Town, we should take care of that stinky woman!"

"It's all an open enemy. Do you think that **** will go back to Daqingshan? Even back in Daqingshan, she'll invest in electricity. If we want to do anything against her, we'll have to put this soldier Taking horses as enemies will inevitably hurt both sides. Since these two are still being killed, don’t worry about the future! They have just left, and we still have time to catch up.” Huang Kui reprimanded angrily, and then ordered: "Chase!"

"My sweat powder is very strong, but it won't work for a long time. I'm afraid they will wake up soon, and I will come back to see you." In the cave, the lingering Doctor Xiaoxian was pulled by the boy and ran Hurry up, said the boy next to him.

"I already feel they're chasing me. Don't talk. Keep your energy! I've told you enough when we're safe!" Xiaoke said sternly.

"Yeah!" Lingerxian agreed, closed her mouth, and was pulled by the boy, desperately running after the boy.

"I finally saw the light outside the cave!" At the last corner, Dr. Xiaoxian, who was lingering, was pulled. Looking at the light from the entrance of the cave, I was just relieved, and the speed was much slower.

"Before we leave the cave, we can't be blindly optimistic. It's better to get out of here!" said the lingering little fairy doctor, took out a flute, and blew it towards the entrance of the cave. A strange and low voice came from the flute.

"Are you yelling 'PUBG'?" I realized when I thought about what happened before the hole.

"Apart from you, this is my friend! Once, I went to the mountain to get medicine, I kept it in Yiling Valley, and bandaged its wound, it was still very small, in order to take care of it, I stayed in Yiling Valley There, I built a few thatched cottages, became the master of Medicine Valley, and became my partner. There, we depended on each other and became best friends. "Run to the entrance of the cave, slow down, and miss the warm memories of Doctor Fairy. .

"I didn't expect you to be the master of Yao Linggu." The boy said in surprise, "Disrespectful!"

He glanced at his eyes and said, "This medicine valley is only me and it." When it is hurt, I will be it, and when it is in front of friends, it is also very human, very good. When it can fly, it carries me, looking for medicinal herbs and caves everywhere. Later, I returned to Daqingshan Town and lived in Yaoling Valley. Blow it every time I need it and it will come to me in no time. "

"It's great to have such a big PUBG!" Xiaoyaozi was envious, then frowned and said worriedly: "It's just that your voice is so low, how can you hear PUBG?" If we don't listen If we do, Huang Kui and the others will catch up again, and we will no longer be their captives. "

"Don't worry! It's not listening, of course it can't hear such a low voice. It has a feeling that as long as I blow, it can feel my needs and will be by my side soon." Linger Doctor Fairy said confidently.

When they were talking, they ran, and when they rushed out of the hole, they were already sweating.

"It came out of the cave!" I breathed a sigh of relief, leaned against the stone at the entrance of the cave, wiped my sweat, looked up at the sky,

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